after using it for a few days, it’s still slower than the earlier versions.
Ran WP Tuner over it, but I don’t know what the results mean,.
Can anyone shed some light?
Analysed in 0.098 seconds.
Render Time: 4.034 sec (2.3% for queries). DB queries: 40, none defective, none > 0.500 sec.
Performance Analysis
Queries triggered by plugins calling Core functions are charged to: The Plugin
Yellow-highlighted rows indicate slow elements (more than 0.500 seconds)
Page Generation Performance (Order: Chronological)
(Tech note: If output buffering (OB) is not enabled at init, WP Tuner enables it so output size can be tracked.)
Index Marker %Time %DB Time %DB Count Time DB Time DB Count Memory Output
(msec) (msec) (kb) lev(bytes)
0 Start 20 36 33 806.4 33.5 13 ?
1 plugins_loaded 1 3 5 23.5 3.2 2 ? 0()
2 widgets_init 0 3 5 19.2 2.5 2 ? 0()
3 init 6 2 3 258.3 1.8 1 ? 0()
4 admin_init 2 1 3 72.4 1.3 1 ? 1(0)
5 admin_head 3 0 0 114.4 0.0 0 ? 1(5272)
6 admin_notices 0 0 0 3.8 0.0 0 ? 1(16803)
7 posts_selection 1 8 10 43.3 7.2 4 ? 1(19728)
8 load_feed_engine 65 18 20 2,607.9 17.2 8 ? 1(20400)
9 activity_box_end 2 28 23 84.8 26.5 9 ? 1(24047)
10 admin_footer 0 0 0 0.1 0.0 0 ? 1(27480)
11 Stop ? 1(27480)
Total 100 100 100 4,034.0 93.2 40
Plugin / Theme SQL Query Performance (Order: DB Time)
Code Name %DB Time %DB Count DB Time DB Count
Category (msec)
-Core- wp-admin 57 55 52.7 22
-Core- (Other) 36 33 33.5 13
-Core- wp-settings.php 3 5 3.2 2
plugin advanced-permalinks 3 5 2.5 2
-Core- (DB Constructor/Startup) 1 3 1.3 1
Total 100 100 93.2 40
SQL Table Performance (Order: DB Time)
(Tech note: The first table in a query is recorded here; complex queries may reference many tables.)
Table %DB Time %DB Count DB Time DB Count
wp_options 78 68 72.8 27
wp_posts 6 8 5.3 3
wp_comments 4 5 3.6 2
(N/A – Non-Table Query) 3 5 2.8 2
wp_term_taxonomy 3 5 2.5 2
wp_users 2 3 1.9 1
wp_terms 2 3 1.6 1
wp_postmeta 2 3 1.4 1
wp_usermeta 1 3 1.3 1
Total 100 100 93.2 40
SQL Query Analysis
40 Valid queries. None slow, none invalid. Display of normal queries is disabled.