• So, I figured out how to get the category form on the front-end in P2, and I think I edited the functions.php page correctly (declaring “post_category” in the right places). You can see more here: [https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/271855?replies=4].

    However, I am pretty sure that, in addition to functions.php, I need to edit p2.js, which is where I get stuck. What is the right code to enter here? Or at least any leads?

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  • Look at my version of P2: Rask Theme demo


    Can you post what edits you made to add category to the fast post on the P2 theme?

    hello to all!

    I successfully modified the P2 Theme (working off of the already modified P2 Theme over at https://www.omarvelous.com/)

    The problem with omarvelous’s theme was it was not posting the category you selected in the dropdown box…. well guess what? it is 3:14 AM and I just figured it out!!!!!!!!!

    Here is what you do:

    1. Goto https://www.omarvelous.com/ and download his theme.
    2. Open the p2.js file and go to line 188.
    3. Change [ $(‘#postcategory’).val(-1); ] to [ $(‘#postcategory’).val(”); ]

    4. Then open post-form.php, go to line 24 and change [ <?php wp_dropdown_categories(‘show_count=1&hierarchical=1&name=postcategory&tab_index=4&show_option_none=Categorize it’); ?> ] to [ <?php wp_dropdown_categories(‘hide_empty=0&name=postcategory&tab_index=4&show_option_none=Choose Category’); ?> ]
    5. Enjoy!!!

    I am absolutely exhausted now but I thought I would share because I know everyones been trying to fix this for a long time!!!!

    @joshgx Seems that omarvelous’s theme is working now without further modification.
    Can be downloaded from github:

    This is awesome and I have been using it for a couple of months.

    Is it possible to fix it to where you can post images from the front end as well?

    omarvelous version doesnt seem to load post on ajax, nor does it load the ability to reply posts. anybody else having these issues?

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