• ealvin


    I found the “phpBB Recent Posts” plugin but I have some questions about it’s use.

    I opened the php file. Inside I find this info …

    function show_posts($limit = 10)
    global $wpdb;
    //Put your phpBB and wordpress database info here:
    $WPDB = “wordpress”; //WP db name
    $PHPBBDB = “phpbb”; //phpBB db name
    $USERS_TABLE = “phpbb_users”; //phpbb user table
    $TOPICS_TABLE = “phpbb_topics”; //phpbb topics table
    $POSTS_TABLE = “phpbb_posts”; //phpbb posts table
    $SITEURL = “https://yoda.gatewayy.net/forum/”; //Forum URL with trailing /
    //Do not edit beyond this point

    I know the name of my WP database but I’m not sure about the name of my phpBB db name. I assume that’s my db user name, is that correct? And as far as site url I guess that’s my https://www.urlname.com/blog. Would I then save and upload this to the Plugins folder?

    If all of that is correct I have no idea how I activate it and place the posts where I want them in one of my side panels. Can someone help? And of course, if there is anything I’ve left out please let me know that as well. Thanks so much.

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