• I ran auto-upgrade from 2.7.1 from admin panel and now when I login to admin, I receive the following error:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function is_site_admin() in /home/theledli/public_html/Simon/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-related-posts/related-posts.php on line 81

    A quick trip over to the specified line reads:

    if ( !function_exists('get_site_option') || is_site_admin() )

    How can I resolve this?
    Can I downgrade?

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  • Thread Starter simonwells


    OK, so i just renamed the related-posts.php to temp-related-posts.php, hit F5 and bam, Admin now loads with no apparent issues.

    Additional tests to continue.

    Thanks for posting – I did the same but it just went to the next plug-in. Did you reinstall related-posts?

    I use 1and1 and for some reason it always knocks out the line in .htaccess which makes it use php5:
    AddType x-mapp-php5 .php

    I put this back but it didn’t seem to help.
    Thanks for any follow-up you can offer.

    ok – I renamed the entire folder for my google analytics plugin and now I’m back in action. I guess we’ll just hold out for replacement plug-ins…

    I found a better solution for fixing wordpress fatal error here

    It is very simple and very effective incase your plugin is no more supported.

    Just edit your plugin files.. look for is_site_admin() string and replace it with is_admin()

    your plugins will work as they used to.

    I was able to fix my Google analytics using rmak78’s solution. (Thanks.)

    rmak78’s solution worked for me too! awesome, thank you



    ou Trouve t-on is_site_admin? je ne l’est dans pas FTP



    gwenm – “is_site_admin()” est dans le code de le plugin.

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