• Insure backups are completed before doing the upgrade
    1. See WordPress Backups

    Can’t login to deactivate all plugins
    1. Read How to deactivate all plugins when not able to access the administrative menus?

    Try these things to resolve problems with Visual Editor and editor tool bar
    1. Delete or refresh the browser cache

    2. If using Gears, disable it and re-enable it again

    3. Delete wp-admin and wp-includes directories and upload fresh copies from a new(important) install package or reinstall automatically

    4. Visit https://yoursite.com/wp-includes/js/tinymce/wp-tinymce.php and look for any PHP errors or warnings at the top. If there are any try contacting your hosting provider to resolve them or try the next step. Of course replace yoursite.com with your domain

    5. A number of plugins have been reported to present problems so deactivate all plugins and reactivate one-by-one to find culprit. Any plugin that uses its own javascripts might be a possible candidate.

    6. Add define( ‘CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS’, false ); near the top of wp-config.php. That would make WordPress admin run slower, so can try removing it in a few days and testing again (this would eliminate any stale network cache)

    7. Some people also reported success redoing the upgrade via Tools->Upgrade->Re-install automatically, then clearing the browser cache.

    8. Try another browser

    9. Confirm that Your Profile, “Disable the visual editor when writing”, is NOT checked.

    Try these things to resolve problems with Widgets such as not able to drag and drop
    1. A number of plugins have been reported to present problems so deactivate all plugins and reactivate one-by-one to find culprit

    2. In Appearance->Widgets under Screen options, try the Enable Accessibility Mode

    3. Delete or refresh the browser cache

    Fatal error: Allowed memory size of xxxxxxxx bytes exhausted
    If deactivating plugins doesn’t work try one of these methods for increasing the amount of memory a PHP script may consume

    1. If you have access to your PHP.ini file, change the line in PHP.ini
    If your line shows 32M try 64M:
    memory_limit = 64M ; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume (64MB)

    2. If you don’t have access to PHP.ini try adding this to an .htaccess file:
    php_value memory_limit 64M

    3. Try adding this line to your wp-config.php file:
    Increasing memory allocated to PHP
    define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '64M');

    4. Talk to your host.

    Upgraded, can’t login and getting error message
    In a few cases, the error message reports what plugin file is causing the problem so rename or delete the plugin folder, then try login again.

    A post is repeatedly displayed on the blog’s main page
    Likely a problem caused by a plugin so deactivate all plugins and reactivate one-by-one to determine the culprit.

    Getting Warning: gzinflate() [function.gzinflate]: data error when doing the upgrade
    1. Try redoing the upgrade via Tools->Upgrade->Re-install automatically
    2. If that fails, disable all plugins and perform a manual upgrade (see Upgrading WordPress.

    Upgrade causing error 500s
    1. Deactivate all plugins and redo upgrade.
    2. If necessary, perform a manual upgrade (see Upgrading WordPress.

    Blank admin pages after login
    1. Deactivate all plugins. See How to deactivate all plugins when not able to access the administrative menus?
    2. If necessary, rename theme folder in wp-content/themes to cause WordPress Default theme to be place into service

    Blank site after upgrade
    1. Deactivate all plugins. See How to deactivate all plugins when not able to access the administrative menus?
    2. If necessary, rename your theme folder in wp-content/themes to cause WordPress Default theme to be place into service, then see if there’s an upgrade for your theme

    Getting Fatal error: Cannot use object of type WP_Error as array
    1. Problem has been reported with the Options and Structure theme so look for upgrades
    2. Change to the WordPress Default theme if necessary

    Tags are not saved
    1. If you using hyperdb, make sure to update it.

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  • Okay, actually I went and deactivated all my plugins and so far… so far… the problems has ceased. I can add tags and edit older posts with out the white screen and database error.

    As much as I hated to do it I will be happy if I can solve the problem. I hope the plugin is not one I really need but even if it is I can hang loose until the updated version comes out.

    I may sound bitter but I have had a string of nightmares since this upgrade and to be honest I had my hopes high. Still issues with Lighbox2.

    But I can manage this if the site simply works.

    Will report back with results.



    After deactivating all plugins and reactivating them one by one I may have found the problem for this particular issue of tags being rejected or causing a database error message.

    DB Cache Version 0.6 | By Dmitry Svarytsevych

    I felt it was either going to be this, Hyper Cache or Bad behavior and so saved them for last. I am still having some annoying glitches but this was a really major issue that I hope is settled for me. Not 100% confident yet but so far I ave done the same test over and over with and without the plugin and it seems okay. That may change ?? If anyone is having tag related issues deactivate this plugin (if you have it) and good luck. If you have tag issues and do not have this plugin I recommend you still deactivate all plugins and go back one and a time and test a post. I am irked but agree with greenshady that the beta teams cannot possibly test all plugin/theme combinations.

    Of course I am frustrated but we have to be reasonable as well.

    Good Luck
    Bill Courtney

    I tracked my ‘taxonomy’ problem mentioned above to the “Now Reading” plugin calling WP->parse_request(). In case anyone else sees this, I posted a workaround.

    After the upgrade, my blog has become blank. I can access the dashboard and other pages of my site but not my blog. I tried the recommended way of deactivating all the plugins and force the theme to set as the default version but it is of no use. What can I do? By the way, where can I download the wordpress 2.7.1 version? I think I will want to downgrade my wordpress blog until the bugs for wordpress 2.8 are fixed.

    For anyone using the statpress plugin, did yours stop working after upgrading to WordPress 2.8? Because unfortunately, mine did.

    While I understand this particular plugin is no longer supported by the author, I’m curious if anyone knows a fix to reactivate it? Upon successfully upgrading to WordPress 2.8, I noticed a warning that stated something about the plugin missing a header value. After that, the plugin no longer appears in either active / inactivate plugins.

    I mainly just want to access my total hits number again, so I can at least transfer basic stat info to a more current, supported stat plugin. Ideally, I would like to avoid downgrading in order to do so, because this is literally the only problem I am experiencing w/ WordPress 2.8 thus far.

    Any ideas?

    How in the world can you do any of these things if the screens don’t work!? Can’t edit anything, can’t go to any of the screen options, widget page doesn’t work, nothing? How do you reinstall 2.8 if it’s already in there? What a mess this is! Andrea

    I also had the blank white page problems described above and followed the advice of deactivating and reactivating plugins one by one. The culprit in my case was the Nofollow Reciprocity plugin. Deactivated it, sent a heads up to the plugin author and all is good again. The reason I added my two cents is because of the popularity of this plugin via the download metrics and ratings, which means there are a LOT of folks using it.

    Hope this helps ??

    For anyone using the statpress plugin, did yours stop working after upgrading to WordPress 2.8? Because unfortunately, mine did.

    Mine still works after upgrade…didn’t realize it was no longer supported…thanks for the info.

    Mine still works after upgrade…didn’t realize it was no longer supported…thanks for the info.

    No problem. And turns out I found a quick fix to my issue by doing a fresh reinstall of the plugin and replacing some of the files (taken from my original statpress folder). This seemed to do the trick as I was able to reactivate it, as well as retrieve the info I needed.

    I’m getting categories problems and there seems to be a problem with Headspace…

    I post the link here because I have yet to have a useful hint of advice

    Lesson to all – don’t update for at least 2 months after release – unless you’re not trying to do anything very serious with your site…

    particularly as most of the wonderful changes are just decoration

    I’m getting ‘website cannot be found’ when trying to click on any post or archive pages. I’m not using plugins.

    If you’re one of the people having JavaScript issues (unmovable dashboard widgets, comment moderation doesn’t work, etc) and you’re running IntenseDebate, make sure you upgrade to the latest version. It fixed it for me.

    Drag-n-drop (drag-and-drop) on WP 2.8 didn’t work for me at first.

    Once I disabled the “Google Positioner/Position Yourself” plugin WP 2.8 worked fine.

    Still some kinks to work out with my theme though (Woo Theme).

    @milehighfan, I agree with @greenshady that WP is only responsible for the platform, not 3rd party plugins.

    On the other hand, it would be great if over time WP could include more of the plugin type of functionality from popular plugins as a standard part of the platform, but built-in and tested by WP, not 3rd party. (I don’t know, this may be their goal, but they have to be careful not to cut off 3rd party developers, which is what makes WP so rich).

    Until such a time we are at the mercy of 3rd parties and take a chance when we use their plugin (which are usually free, so there you have it). We can always help speed up 3rd party plugin upgrades towards compatibility along by contributing to them.

    [signature moderated Please read the Forum Rules]

    I can’t even get the automatic upgrade to download – I’m getting the following error:

    Downloading update from https://www.ads-software.com/wordpress-2.8.zip

    Download failed.: name lookup timed out

    Installation Failed

    Any ideas on where to start with this?

    EDIT: Nevermind, I had to deactivate all my plugins FIRST, then the upgrade went fine (so far).

    Suggestion: the Automatic Upgrade instructions should indicate to deactivate plugins first, THEN do the upgrade. IMHO.

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