• Insure backups are completed before doing the upgrade
    1. See WordPress Backups

    Can’t login to deactivate all plugins
    1. Read How to deactivate all plugins when not able to access the administrative menus?

    Try these things to resolve problems with Visual Editor and editor tool bar
    1. Delete or refresh the browser cache

    2. If using Gears, disable it and re-enable it again

    3. Delete wp-admin and wp-includes directories and upload fresh copies from a new(important) install package or reinstall automatically

    4. Visit https://yoursite.com/wp-includes/js/tinymce/wp-tinymce.php and look for any PHP errors or warnings at the top. If there are any try contacting your hosting provider to resolve them or try the next step. Of course replace yoursite.com with your domain

    5. A number of plugins have been reported to present problems so deactivate all plugins and reactivate one-by-one to find culprit. Any plugin that uses its own javascripts might be a possible candidate.

    6. Add define( ‘CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS’, false ); near the top of wp-config.php. That would make WordPress admin run slower, so can try removing it in a few days and testing again (this would eliminate any stale network cache)

    7. Some people also reported success redoing the upgrade via Tools->Upgrade->Re-install automatically, then clearing the browser cache.

    8. Try another browser

    9. Confirm that Your Profile, “Disable the visual editor when writing”, is NOT checked.

    Try these things to resolve problems with Widgets such as not able to drag and drop
    1. A number of plugins have been reported to present problems so deactivate all plugins and reactivate one-by-one to find culprit

    2. In Appearance->Widgets under Screen options, try the Enable Accessibility Mode

    3. Delete or refresh the browser cache

    Fatal error: Allowed memory size of xxxxxxxx bytes exhausted
    If deactivating plugins doesn’t work try one of these methods for increasing the amount of memory a PHP script may consume

    1. If you have access to your PHP.ini file, change the line in PHP.ini
    If your line shows 32M try 64M:
    memory_limit = 64M ; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume (64MB)

    2. If you don’t have access to PHP.ini try adding this to an .htaccess file:
    php_value memory_limit 64M

    3. Try adding this line to your wp-config.php file:
    Increasing memory allocated to PHP
    define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '64M');

    4. Talk to your host.

    Upgraded, can’t login and getting error message
    In a few cases, the error message reports what plugin file is causing the problem so rename or delete the plugin folder, then try login again.

    A post is repeatedly displayed on the blog’s main page
    Likely a problem caused by a plugin so deactivate all plugins and reactivate one-by-one to determine the culprit.

    Getting Warning: gzinflate() [function.gzinflate]: data error when doing the upgrade
    1. Try redoing the upgrade via Tools->Upgrade->Re-install automatically
    2. If that fails, disable all plugins and perform a manual upgrade (see Upgrading WordPress.

    Upgrade causing error 500s
    1. Deactivate all plugins and redo upgrade.
    2. If necessary, perform a manual upgrade (see Upgrading WordPress.

    Blank admin pages after login
    1. Deactivate all plugins. See How to deactivate all plugins when not able to access the administrative menus?
    2. If necessary, rename theme folder in wp-content/themes to cause WordPress Default theme to be place into service

    Blank site after upgrade
    1. Deactivate all plugins. See How to deactivate all plugins when not able to access the administrative menus?
    2. If necessary, rename your theme folder in wp-content/themes to cause WordPress Default theme to be place into service, then see if there’s an upgrade for your theme

    Getting Fatal error: Cannot use object of type WP_Error as array
    1. Problem has been reported with the Options and Structure theme so look for upgrades
    2. Change to the WordPress Default theme if necessary

    Tags are not saved
    1. If you using hyperdb, make sure to update it.

Viewing 15 replies - 91 through 105 (of 111 total)
  • Thanks for the heads-up. I just went to the Themes page in admin and saw that there was an upgrade available for the theme. I upgraded and I can already see that the “Search Plugins” button is now working. Lightbox2 is still not working, but good idea to try switching themes to see if it makes a difference. I really didn’t think a theme could cause problems w/ the admin interface, but there you have it.

    What a total cock-up in trying to update! I would rather have all my teeth pulled without anaesthetic than attempt this exercise again! Thank God that other programmes do not have such a convoluted mess of updating – what is so difficult in just updating like everyone else? Firstly automatic update wouldn’t work……..couldn’t connect to the server no matter what! Tried to follow the manual update section but don’t have the necessary degree in stupidity. Tried to go back to the old version…..wound up with two of each wp directories…..ie wp-admin etc.,. Got rid of those that were not relevant and now not only cannot edit new posts….get the message viz., Warning: require(/home/rhmercer/public_html/blog/wp-includes/compat.php)[I have never even seen such a file!] [function.require]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/rhmercer/public_html/blog/wp-settings.php on line 246

    Fatal error: require() [function.require]: Failed opening required ‘/home/rhmercer/public_html/blog/wp-includes/compat.php’ (include_path=’.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php’) in /home/rhmercer/public_html/blog/wp-settings.php on line 246
    Try to access my blog from my home page and got another problem…..just a listing of files under the heading “index of blog”. Question: is there any way I can delete this rubbish I now have, install 2.8 clean and import my blogs? Else I will surely be looking for a new, simpler, programme!

    I went through this terrible upgrade, and after hours of trying to get everything working properly again, I have everything except for one widget that I need to activate in my sidebar. However, I cannot drag the widget over. I’ve tried all the steps people discuss about de-activating all plugins…didn’t work. I tried clearing the browser cache and restarting the browser…nada. And Screen Options won’t open up for me to try changing the accessibility options. Can anyone tell me if there is a way to manually set the Screen Options accessibility, or if there is a way to manually add a widget into the sidebar (easily)? All help is greatly appreciated.

    The “Events Manager” plugin causes these problems too.

    With the plugin enabled, I can’t:
    – Add tags to pages/posts
    – Edit the page/post slug
    – Manage media options with Flash uploader
    – Use WordPress.com Stats plugin
    – See Incoming Links

    Disabling the plugin makes /wp-admin/ run perfectly, but the events & the plugin are CRUCIAL to my site, so I can’t disable it. I’ve had to disable the plugin temporarily while I make page/post edits, and then re-enable it when I’m done.

    I posted about this error at the Plugin site, but I haven’t gotten a response.

    Looks like everyone has had different experiences. I was having blank admin screen after login. The things that worked for me were fresh re-install of wp-includes and wp-admin folders. I had tried all the other tips, wp-config spaces, memory limit, disabling plugins, re-naming theme folder and so on.

    I try on local host and hostmonster, it look like okay that good experiences with me *-*.

    I went through this forum doing everything that everyone has said to do. I did finally figure out that it was my theme causing the problem. It is a custom theme, with the “whiteboard” theme as the base. This hasn’t been a problem until a few days ago, so I know the base theme isn’t the problem.

    Does anyone have any clue what part of my code would be interfering with the ajax in the admin panel?

    The menu of the WYSIWYG editor stops working at once. No reason why. The only things which work is add media and the HTML and WYSIWYG button.

    Also, the text form is not working properly. Text turns out to be white.

    Had this 2 times today on a fresh installation. Try removing admin and wp-include folders. also all the PHP files except config.php. Also keep the .htaccess.

    For me, it was the plugin WP-Amazon ver 2.1 — after deactivating that all is good.

    alexmglover, I had the same problem with my self-made theme and dashboard conflict.

    And I think I found the answer. For my case the problem was caused by jquery loading deactivation in my theme.

    Look at your functions.php and remove something like that:

    It seems jquery deactivation in the theme leads to its deactivation in dashboard also and it’s obviously crashes all the dashboard javascript based functionality.


    Thanks ! Your suggestion below allowed all my sections stating “loading” to reappear again, and I have not noticed any slow down.

    Running 2.8.4, Magaling theme, only plugins are what came with Magaling, only have ‘comments’ widget enacted. No Gears here.


    6. Add define( ‘CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS’, false ); near the top of wp-config.php. That would make WordPress admin run slower, so can try removing it in a few days and testing again (this would eliminate any stale network cache)



    We have been having trouble with the visual editor and losing posts and the programmer reported the following resolve/issue:

    When PHP is invoked by CGI/CLI method and/or FastCGI method, the TinyMCE editor on the add and edit page breaks, and does not appear. Php then dumps core in main directory. I can post that core if you would like.

    This can be fixed by setting PHP to be invoked directly by apache’s mod_php.so as is done in default install of php.

    As this bug has been identified and can be easily replicated, is there any way it can be fixed? I would very much like to go back to using CGI/CLI/FastCGI method for proper suexec operations.



    TAGS NOT WORKING! I tried..
    – deactivating plugins
    – changing plugin folder
    – changing theme




    I was able to get the Visual Editor working again on my WordPress 2.8 version and thought I would share what worked for me. I tried most of the tips here (pages 1 – 2) and none of them restored the Visual Editor.

    From the WordPress archives page, I re-downloaded a fresh copy of the zip/tar file and unpackaged it.

    My thought was, perhaps my FTP client is corrupting (by not transferring file types in the correct format (ASCII or BINARY) or something of that nature. I was using GFTP on Linux. So, I used a different FTP program – FileZilla – still on Linux. As a note, I use Firefox (Iceweasel) as a browser with no extensions.

    **Save a backup of your existing files before attempting any overwrites** To quickly save a backup, just rename the folder on your server to something like “wp-admin-backup” and then upload the wp-admin folder fresh.

    I connected to my FTP site and for ALL the WordPress folders and files I completely overwrote all the existing files using FileZilla.

    As a note, this next step may or may not be necessary – I also looked at the folder permissions and reset them – but exactly matching what they were. For example, if the file permission was 755, I used my FTP program to issue the “set to 755″ command again. I wanted to make sure that the folders were current with permission for the default domain FTP user I was logging in with.

    Voila! I have the Visual Editor back!

    For people who can’t add tags in WordPress 2.8, check if deactivating WP Events Calendar fixes it. See also this thread:

    WP Events Calendar 6.6-beta currently breaks the Dashboard JavaScript that handles tags.

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