• I am relativley new to WordPress, just since the beginning of the year and have been pleasently surprised at is eas of use, update, etc.

    The thing that is bugging me at the moment related to the auto update to 2.8. Following my upgrade, Admin stopped working, but luckily was able to rename a file to get it back working, I did make a post in the Installation Forum.

    What surprises me, is the really low response from Admin/Moderators etc.
    Kudos to those regular members attempting to help each other than have the ability, but what about the non tech savy users that are having troubles?

    I can appreciate that not all permutation of WP version and plugins etc can be tested with a new release, however, why can’t an auto downgrade also be available, just in case.
    There will of course be users that can carry out manual upgrades, backups etc, but what about those that can’t?

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  • My 2.8 just went crazy. I lost all of my widgets, even the text ones. I cannot move my dashboard, nor the widgets on the widget page

    My 2.8 went completely crazy too, noting wants to work, and severalplugina have stop working.

    yeah something seems off on 2.8, in one of my blogs the update went fine, on another it just doesn’t update (it hangs and doesn’t do anything besides copying the 2.8 files to the upgrade folder) and in another it broke the admin… kinda disappointing… still i don’t know if this is a 2.7.1 problem with auto-update or if its a 2.8 problem…

    Ironically with the theme trouble I’ve had I did a fresh install of 2.7.1 which also didn’t do what I expected and so I did an in place update to 2.8 which went fine.

    Mine was f&*(ed up too, hopefull I got it fixed in less than 3 minutes, however I’m very dissapointed with the new version, layout more complicated, things were fine in previous version.

    I am not impressed with 2.8 right now I just updated our members only wp site for Durham House of Prayer and when I click on add new category or edit the posting date or anything other then post, save draft etc.. it does not work. I have 3 other sites using wp right now and I am not that happy with the change. Until this version becomes stable.. I am going to wait on the other sites.

    When I updated to 2.8 it crashed and I had to do an ftp update of the wp. Is this just me or is anyone else having this problem?

    Maybe it’s just that same feeling that you get right after you wash and wax your car (you know what I mean? It seems to run quieter, accelerate faster and just plain ride smoother for a few miles afterwords). But right now, as juvenile as the phrase may seem, I’m really diggin’ on 2.8.

    I just did the “clean and jerk” method (ie…didn’t even bother to deactivate any plugins first… yikes!) of upgrading my personal site to 2.8. I had to refresh my permalinks, but other than that, it runs like a just-branded mule. The widget area is just excellent. I always seemed to be tripping over the sidebar arrangements in 2.7. What a pleasant change. I’ll go ahead and do the rest of my sites tomorrow I guess.

    All I can say, is thank goodness for regular file and database backups. Judging by the comments, it looks like I might possibly find an issue somewhere along the way. You can never have too many backups.


    p.s. Boo…Hiss.. on auto updates/upgrade. I love my ftp.

    “..That ain’t workin’, that’s the way you do it… I want my, I want my, I want my ftp”

    ..uhh, or something like that. Oh, nevermind. Been a long day. Good luck everyone!

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    p.s. Boo…Hiss.. on auto updates/upgrade. I love my ftp.

    Boo… Hiss…<*wheez*> SVN is the way to go ?? I did the same thing, I just jumped right in and had no problems with 3 blogs.

    ‘Course, I do know where my nightly automated backups are…

    ohhh for sure, i have weekly updates of all my sites (besides the hosts backups), and before any upgrade, i make a fresh backup… better be safe than sorry ^_^ but 2.8 is kinda disappointing, i did re-install manually my only site that has 2.8 and it seems to be working fine… so i guess the automatic update on 2.7.1 or the 2.8 has some problem there, hummm for sure, i’m waiting before making any new update…

    fanvid wrote:

    so i guess the automatic update on 2.7.1 or the 2.8 has some problem there

    Actually I don’t know that any problem with the updater has been confirmed. In almost all cases the problem is plugins, themes, or lack of memory allocated to PHP.

    Just finished upgrading several blogs to 2.8 using automatic upgrade…all seem to be working well.

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