2.9.0 feedback
Hi George,
Just installed 2.9.0, and tried JSON for schema.org. What i see is:
– It generates the script tags in the head section, but there seems to be nothing between them.
– The review mode still says “The following metadata has been embedded in the body”, when it shouldn’t, right?You can see an example here: https://taijiquan.pro.br/distrai-me/pequim/
As a sidenote: i have to save the Metadata options twice for them to stick, in the plugin settings page. This has been so in all the previous versions i have used.
Thank you!
FYI, check this document for wordpress debugging options.
The proccess i used to created the gallery was:
i clicked on “Add Media” in the post editing page. Then, i clicked on “Create Gallery” on the window that openned. Then i uploaded the files using WP’s in terface, in the same window. Then i chose the options (alignment, size), and it was there!
Actually this was the first time i ever created a gallery using WP’s interface. It was WP that inserted the shortcode for me, i didn’t type it by myself.Thanks for letting me know. I think I’ve tried creating a gallery this way, but the image were still not attached to the file and the plugin didn’t pick them up. I’ll do further testing with this.
I’ll wait for the next update to the Metadata plugin.
Regarding the problem with the JSON+LD generator, I’m out of ideas.. Would it be possible to check your database’s character set and collation?
The relevant queries would be:
SELECT default_character_set_name FROM information_schema.SCHEMATA S WHERE schema_name = "DATABASE_NAME"; SELECT default_collation_name FROM information_schema.SCHEMATA S WHERE schema_name = "DATABASE_NAME";
Please replace
with proper names.These queries will return the currently used character set and collation in the mysql database. They change nothing. Please do not make any changes to the charcter set and collation, unless you know exactly what you are doing.
Best Regards,
GeorgeHi George,
The answers were:
1) latin1
2) latin1_swedish_ciI am running WP since version 0.72. I remember that somewhere, early on, there was a database encoding change. That was the only time when i touched this, and i followed some instructions that were kind of standard at the time, for converting the encoding and collation. Then i never touched these again.
Thank you!
Hi Eduardo,
Please also check this out: Why would json_encode returns an empty string
This comment contains a wrapper function that ensures that the array (also containing nested arrays) passed to
contains only utf8 formatted strings.https://php.net/manual/en/function.json-encode.php#99837
Could be used like this (but haven’t really tested it.):
function utf8json($inArray) { ... ... } function amt_schemaorg_jsonld_utf8( $metatags ) { array_walk_recursive($metatags, 'utf8json'); return $metatags; } add_filter( 'amt_jsonld_schemaorg_metadata_head', 'amt_schemaorg_jsonld_utf8' );
Hope this helps.
I am running WP since version 0.72.
Whoa! A real veteran. I got onboard at the time of WP 1.5.2.
The answers were:
1) latin1
2) latin1_swedish_ciI know this is how things were back then. I also had to switch my databases/tables/columns manually at some point. The problem with this configuration is that WP already stores UTF8 encoded data to
tables/columns.I’m not saying that you have to make any changes to the database encoding in order to make json_encode work as expected, because I’m not sure if it’s going to work.
But, if you have some time to experiment, here is some info about how to convert the db to utf8.
1. First make sure the database is backed up. I’d suggest 2 backups, one as usual and another one with forced latin1 character set:
mysqldump --opt -u USER_NAME -p --add-drop-database --add-drop-table --databases DATABASE_NAME -r DATABASE_NAME.sql mysqldump --opt -u USER_NAME -p --add-drop-database --add-drop-table --default-character-set=latin1 --databases DATABASE_NAME -r DATABASE_NAME.forced_latin1.sql
2. Create copies of the above SQL files and work on the copies (hereafter referred to as
).3. Then use a text editor to replace the following in the SQL files:
latin1 --> utf8 latin1_swedish_ci --> utf8_unicode_ci
You can also use the ‘utf8_general_ci’ collation, but check this out before doing so.
4. If you have access to a unix shell (for windows check this), maybe it would be a nice idea to pass the SQL file through
.iconv -f latin1 -t utf8 DATABASE_NAME.edited.sql > DATABASE_NAME.edited.iconv.sql
5. Now import the edited SQL data.
mysql -u USER_NAME -p --default-character-set=utf8 < DATABASE_NAME.edited.iconv.sql
6. Recommended: set the default character set for mysql clients at
:[client] default-character-set=utf8
7. Also recommended: add the character set to
:define('DB_CHARSET', 'utf8'); define('DB_COLLATE', 'utf8_unicode_ci');
Please replace DATABASE_NAME and USER_NAME with proper names.
Also, here are some interesting reads:
* https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Converting_Database_Character_Sets
* https://alexking.org/blog/2008/03/06/mysql-latin1-utf8-conversion
* https://joemaller.com/1328/fixing-mixed-encoding-mysql-dumpfiles-with-wordpress/
* https://climbtothestars.org/archives/2004/07/18/converting-mysql-database-contents-to-utf-8/
* https://naveensnayak.wordpress.com/2013/07/31/mysql-convert-to-utf8/I’m sure you could figure it out without all these details, but I’ve gone through writing it in a way so that I can also point other users encountering similar issues to this post.
Again, I’m not say that you should try this, but, if you decide to, this is possibly the way to do it.
Kind Regards,
GeorgeHi George,
Thank you, i’m sure it was a lot of work writting this detailed guide. There’s no chance i would try it without such a guide, let alone succeed. This will, however, require some time – i will set a saturday or sunday aside for this, so in case something goes wrong, i have the time to fix it.
Also, looks like it is worth the try, even if it doesn’t solve the JSON problem. At least i will have the database enconding sorted out right.
I will post back when i try it.Sure, Eduardo, try it whenever you think the time is right. There are no guarantees
will work as expected after this. Please, always keep a backup of the database in a safe place, so that you can revert back to the original state of it at any time.George
Hi George,
I finally made time for the DB character set changeover. It was actually much simpler than i first thought: i created a new DB in the server, then i changed the char set and collation to utf8 and utf8_unicode_ci.
I opened the SQL dump with BBEdit, using utf8 as the editor encoding. I could see all characters well, so i didn’t pass the file through iconv… I had to change only two instances of latin1, which belonged to a plugin (WPML).
I imported the file to the new DB using Sequel Pro. Then i changed the settings for char set and collation in wp-config.php, and also the DB name, so it would start showing the new DB.The website looks fine, all text is readable, including the first posts from 2004.
However, the JSON output is not ok yet. On the front page https://taijiquan.pro.br, i get some content inside those script tags. But if you check other pages, for example https://taijiquan.pro.br/estilo-chen/segredo-taijiquan/, there’s nothing inside them.
If you take a look at the JSON in the front page, it translates a dot character as \u00b7, b the way. That is the expected behavior, right?
For this test, I have commented out this in functions.php:
function amt_utf8_enc_dec(&$item, $key) { // Madatory to pass the $item as reference '&$item' in order the value to be changed $item = utf8_decode($item); $item = utf8_encode($item); } function amt_schemaorg_jsonld_utf8( $metatags ) { array_walk_recursive($metatags, 'amt_utf8_enc_dec'); return $metatags; } add_filter( 'amt_jsonld_schemaorg_metadata_head', 'amt_schemaorg_jsonld_utf8' );
Also, i never tried this, because i don’t know how to fill in the function:
function utf8json($inArray) { ... ... } function amt_schemaorg_jsonld_utf8( $metatags ) { array_walk_recursive($metatags, 'utf8json'); return $metatags; } add_filter( 'amt_jsonld_schemaorg_metadata_head', 'amt_schemaorg_jsonld_utf8' );
Thank you!
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