• In order to connect my YouTube channel to my blog I need an API URL. In their example it looks something like this: API URL (https://your blog’s URL/xmlrpc.php).

    I have my API number.

    My blog URL is: https://make-money-online-marketing.com

    How do I configure my blog’s API URL number?

    Here is the page that requires it on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/account#sharing/blogs

    Click the “Add A Blog” button and then I selected the “WordPress Self-Hosted” under the “Blog Service:” drop down arrow.

    I have everything figured out except exactly what to type in for the “API URL:” field.

    Please help.

    Casey Peacock

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  • I am also having the same issue. I’ve tried all possible practical options and I can’t figure out what’s up?

    Me too. I’m surprised they don’t have a link to the answer as they do for the API key.

    I finally got it! With a self-hosted WordPress blog you can retrieve the same API key you used for Akismet plugin under Akismet configuration, or in your wordpress.com account. As for the API URL, I used my self-hosted blogs url: https://beachfrontjobs.com/blog and just added /xmlrpc.php at the end of my blog url. Make sure you use your self-hosted credentials for user and password.

    Hello all — I’ve been trying to figure this out for hours today. I think everything is entered correctly but every time I hit “Add Selected Blog” I get this warning:

    “I call shenanigans.
    Must select at least one blog to add.”

    ?? No idea.

    kbilly21, are you trying to link a self-hosted site?

    I cannot get this to work… but I am wondering if since I have two blogs I need two API keys? Both blogs are self-hosted & on the same domain.


    me too even de activating akismet doesnt work
    looks like you tube cant log in due to wordpress security script measures
    oh well.. its just as easy to open another tab and just edit and post as usual and anyway i need to align and change width on my viedo posts anyway so posting through you tube isnt the best option.. just a little convenient for me when i use my 60 blogger blogs to post to so i dont have to change dashboards all the time
    can live without this for my wordpress self hosted.

    So I just did it. And Well I was stuck just like you.

    So this is for a self hosted website. In my case https://www.julesmoretti.com

    so I went to Youtube.com and the blog sharing section
    1. clicked add a blog
    2. made sure it was on wordpress self-hosted
    3. then in onther tab logged in to my actual blog (www.julesmoretti.com with a admin user of course) and then went to
    3.A: Plugins => Akismet Configuration
    3.B: I copied the valid API Key
    4. Pasted the API key from my blog to youtube config page
    5. Finally for the API url used “pea.enter” first comment at the top of this current forum config and did https://www.julesmoretti.com/xmlrpc.php

    And believe it or not but when I clicked ok it accepted it!!! Woop woop.

    I hope this will help. Sorry if it does not. See ya. And drop me a line on my website.


    This particular forum seems to have all the right answers and yet I’m still stuck.

    WordPress self-hosted, check!
    Username: admin
    Password: check!
    API URL: my blog’s url with /xmlrpc.php check!
    API Key: check!

    I’m sure everything I entered is correct and tried different variations to try to get it to accept yet, nothing will work. Oh well.

    The most annoying thing of all is the error message that comes up telling me what I need to fix, which is…

    “An error has occurred. Message: Unknown”

    Doesn’t exactly help very much.

    Oh, I just went through this whole annoying process and was about to give up. I followed everything you all said above and nothing worked – I kept getting the “Shenanigans’ message. Finally, when that came up I thought I’d just click on over to my blog through the highlighted blue blog url that was shown in the message. It took me to my blog of course, then I hit the green back arrow at the top of my screen – et voila – my blog is setup!

    Weird – just totally weird….

    Jules, you should be writing instructions for WordPress users – you were very precise and exact – and you made sense when you laid it all out for us!!! Sometimes the techies who write the directions forget us newbies don’t KNOW how to find the info we need.

    Thanks for your help! See you on YouTube ??

    For all those following julesmoretti’s excellent instructions and your still getting failure. I think I know your issue. Try this:

    Log in to your self hosted wordpress account.
    Click “Settings” then
    Click “Writing”
    Under the “Remote Publishing” heading look for – XML-RPC
    and check the box next to the text that reads “Enable the WordPress, Movable Type, MetaWeblog and Blogger XML-RPC publishing protocols.”

    Save your settings, and viola…it will work, I was banging my head against the wall until this dawned on me.

    This worked for me ?? Thanks to all who helped in this thread!

    I was getting the whole “Shenanigans” error too and did exactly what heatherinbeautifulbc did and it worked perfectly. Weird, but it works! Thanks

    Thank you to julesmoretti and RXmdmarketingpro – it finally worked.

    I am glad I was helpful and so was RXmdmarketingpro. The pleasure is mine.

    Have fun…

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