3 Column sidebar wierdness
I am using the mandingo 1.28 theme in 3 column, 1024 mode.
I have 2 pages that i’m using both of which have custom content but pipe into the mandingo header/footer php.
My problem is one page shows up with out the right column
But i didn’t do anything specific to get the right column to not show up.
https://www.nwbroweather.com/snowAnother page does have the right column show up but it spills over the edge of the middle column.
https://www.nwbroweather.com/surfI’d like for the second page to not have display the right column same as https://www.nwbroweather.com/snow.
Problem is i have no idea why https://www.nwbroweather.com/snow isn’t showing the right column to begin with.
Below is my code.
<?php /* Template Name: Snow */ ?> <?php get_header(); if (!get_option('mandigo_nosidebars') && get_option('mandigo_sidebar1_left')) include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/sidebar.php'); if (!get_option('mandigo_nosidebars') && get_option('mandigo_1024') && get_option('mandigo_3columns') && get_option('mandigo_sidebar2_left')) { include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/sidebar2.php'); } ?> <td id="content" class="narrowcolumn"> <script language="Javascript1.1" type="text/javascript"> <!-- function drex_pop_win(url,name,options){ var WebcamWindow = window.open(url,name,options); WebcamWindow.focus(); return false; } //--> MY CUSTOM CONTENT <?php if (!get_option('mandigo_nosidebars') && !get_option('mandigo_sidebar1_left')) include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/sidebar.php'); if (!get_option('mandigo_nosidebars') && get_option('mandigo_1024') && get_option('mandigo_3columns') && !get_option('mandigo_sidebar2_left')) { include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/sidebar2.php'); } get_footer(); ?>
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