• Totally new to WordPress. Know nothing about PHP. However, got WP installed, everything works fine. Changed things here and there. OK.
    Now, I want to start with a straight 3 columns (with header) type of layout. Someone could show me the way? Even in the most general terms?

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  • tcervo


    Are you saying you want to be able to switch column positions on the fly, perhaps using a style switcher?



    No, I don’t care about that. I just want the div containing the main column text to appear first in the html file, even though it is the second column reading left to right.


    you could do this by using absolute positioned divs or relative positioned divs inside an absolute container.



    Nope. Tried that already.
    If you use absolutely positioned divs, and you have varying column lengths, the footer won’t go to the bottom.


    https://alistapart.com/articles/fauxcolumns/ This might help with absolutely positioned divs.



    It is a helpful article, but it’s about two columns, not three.



    For some reason, this thread keeps disappearing from the list of topics for this forum. Why? I don’t know.



    the list u see on the main page are the hot topics under discussions.
    the original location is under the category links!


    Negative margins?



    Category links? I thought that was what I was looking at.



    Look at the forum links instead of the topic links. The topics will always be the most recent topics in any forum. On a day like today when there’s a ton of activity, particular topics will fall off the list if they’re not updated.
    This topic (3 columns layout) is in the Design forum…

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