• Something went crazy with my site (The Sports Bank.net) presentation today. the whole right sidebar now shows up at the bottom instead. In each single post everything is normal and ok. (If you click on the full article, you can see what normal looks like) but on the homepage it’s cut off. I had this problem a few weeks ago, but fixed it easily, as all it required was deleting a photo with a caption that somehow got extended too long and upset the template.

    This time, I didn’t have any photos (And yes, I have copyright issues settled on my pics) or captions like that, so I don’t know what’s up with it. (anyone see anything in my source code??)

    And I seeing what happens when I remove the right sidebar ads, but it didn’t work, than I tried reducing the size..didn’t help either. Neither did taking that picture out from former posts, or removing those posts altogether. This problem arose when I did my last post…but when I deleted it, to fix it, the sidebar problem remained! anybody??

    Then I added it back in, and this time made sure there’s nothing in it that’s too wide or large. Can anyone help, email me [email protected] or hit me up here PLEASE

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  • Next time, please try waiting for more than an hour before re-posting a query.

    Don’t paste content from Microsoft Word into WordPress as the pasted text will also contain Word’s own formatting. Sooner or later, this formatting will stop your pages from being displayed correctly (if at all) in Internet Explorer. If you cannot possibly manage without Word, paste your text into NotePad (or another text editor) first, then copy from NotePad into WordPress.


    Your site also contains a very large number of validation errors – some of which could well be causing your current problems.


    Thread Starter paulbanks05


    Hey Esmi,

    I wasn’t sure where to post this, so I just figured “can’t go wrong with both” but anyways thank you so much for the insight.

    Your info is very helpful as it looks like a solid lead towards fixing this problem. Ever since I started using WordPress, I have made notepad a valuable part of my routine, and enforced that policy on all my writers.

    but that tool looks really cool for posting directly from word. thanks

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