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  • Hey Denis,

    For me, the FeedWordPress option worked very well.

    The one you linked to at my blog has too many flaws. I don’t use it anymore.

    I really like the
    idea and am going to implement it now.

    Thanks for making the list.

    Good luck with your efforts.

    Hey there. I’m actually looking for the opposite. I need an RSS aggregator that won’t put the feeds in a post. Instead I want to add a little “Latest News” portion in the sidebar of the Coalblog (

    I’ll look through the descriptions of each tool listed above, but if anyone knows of something that can do what I need I’d appreciate being pointed in the right direction.


    Heather, my system does just that. Currently I have it set up on my site in pages. Previously it was in the sidebar.


    Yes, CG-FeedRead does exactly that.

    Grab my CG-PowerPack, and follow the feedreadReadme.htm file’s instructions… basically:
    1. upload the plugins folder contents to your plugins folder on your server, including the cg-plugins subdirectory
    2. make plugins/cg-plugins/cache_feedread at least 666 (world writeable) so your server can write cache files there.
    3. activate the plugin in the plugin panel.
    4. read the feedreadReadme file for examples of displaying a feed in your sidebar (one function call is all it takes).

    If you have questions, ping away here or at cgcode at chait dot net.




    hey david, thanks for a great plugin – it works well – just wondered if i can limit the body length? (dCount is for description, right?)



    Yes. You can limit the body length if you set noHTML to true (the param right after dLimit). I never got around to finding a nice way to chop text when it is html (maybe for the next version..).


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