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  • doesn’t work doesn’t say much
    what is happening? errors?

    We’ll take a look ??

    As having same problem I searched a bit around but was not able to find a solution. The product feed (/index.php?rss=true&action=product_list) cannot seen in case there are special characters like german umlaute as well as stuff like ’. Products etc are shown nice in the web, only the feed doesn’t work. I guess the prob starts in file wp-shopping-cart.old.php from line 1111 onwards but have no idea how to solve it ?? Any idea highly welcome ??

    I was attempting to add my site’s WP e-commerce product list feed to Google base and couldn’t find it..

    I tried to use:


    But it didn’t work, any ideas?

    Thanks for your help.

    I found the fix to make the Product List Feed work, here are the steps needed to fix the issue.

    1. Go to and login

    2. Go to Plugins > Editor

    3. In the list box labeled Select plugin to edit select WP Shopping Cart and press the select button

    4. The WP Shopping cart files will appear, now click the second file in the list wp-e-commerce/wp-shopping-cart.old.php

    5. On your web browser select the Edit Menu > Find

    6. Enter header(‘Content-Disposition: inline; filename=”E-Commerce_Product_List.rss”‘); and press Enter (Return)

    7. Right after this line enter in the follow code.

    8. /*RSS Fix from*/
    $out = ob_get_contents();
    $out = str_replace(array(“\n”, “\r”, “\t”, ” “), “”, $input);

    9. Done! Now you’ll need to clear your web browsers cache so it will work. In Firefox go to Tools > Clear Recent History and only select Everything and Cache. In Internet Explorer go to Tools > Internet Option and select Temporary Internet File and press the Delete button.

    Let me know if you have any issues!



    mufasa, 5 months ago you said: “We’ll take a look :)” but the RSS of WP e-commerce are still not working properly. So you guys at Instinct dont like RSS?

    I am using Version and still the RSS is not working for me. I am getting a blank screen when I try to access my feed>:

    And feedburner is giving this:

    “The URL does not appear to reference a valid XML file. We encountered the following problem: Error on line 17: The entity “agrave” was referenced, but not declared.”

    Any idea?

    lygiafoster, link to your Topic on the Get Shopped Support Forum so I, or another member of the community can follow it up over there.

    If it’s who I think it is, then they posted on the getshopped forum and their issue is now resolved. Would love to hear if not ??

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