• i want to add a field on the mx4 themes comments form and when the user (guest or admin) hits the submit button that information will be visible with the rest of the comment….I know how to add the field itself, i pretty much need to know which files to alter so that it will appear with the rest of the comment….anyone know what php files to edit?? im using the mx4 theme, and wordpress 1.5

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  • Can I first ask whether you know PHP and MySQL well?

    Thread Starter ennis


    yes im am

    Alrighty. Were I to approach this, I’d add a new field to the wp_comments table in the database with the appropriate data type — text or varchar likely — with whatever name makes sense. For this example, let’s say it’s named comment_bungus.

    Next, edit wp-comment-post.php in the root of your WordPress installation and massage the variable from the $_POST array into the existing$commentdata variable .

    Now, edit wp-includes/functions-post.php and add the appropriate code to populate the database with this new field into the wp_new_comment() function.

    Finally, edit wp-includes/comment-functions.php and modify the comments_template() function to populate the $comment_bungus variable for later population in your web form.

    That should get you where you want to be.

    Thread Starter ennis


    after i create the alter statement for the table, im not sure how to run the file inorder to update the table. i know that in a phpbb forums if you want to alter the table in that, there is a online db generator that you just place your code, it generates the php file for you, and all you do is run the table.

    how would i update the table with the code? can i do it the same way?

    What host are you using for your blog? Most have phpMyAdmin-which, if yours doesn’t, I would recommed finding one that does. I use DreamHost-but besides this-You would do the same if you have phpMyAdmin. For example, and I’ll use my database as an example:
    Click on the wp_comments table, click on “insert”-in myphpadmin it’s a tab at the top of the screen for me, it may differ with another host, you should see somewhere on the screen the option to add a field-in whichever order you want to the table. Once you choose this you’ll be asked text or varchar-then the name you want to use for the field. You should also see instructions for default values etc. Once you have completed this, click go and the query will tell you whether or not the field was added successfully. Then all you do is insert the additional information as Cold stated and you should see your new field in the comments section. If I’m wrong someone tell me, but I was playing with a ‘play database’ I have set up and it works for me.

    Thread Starter ennis


    phpmyadmin & dreamhost, im assuming download and put the files in the root directory of where my wp files are?

    just wanted to make sure this alter statement should work right?
    ALTER TABLE wp_comments ADD signature VARCHAR(60);

    You don’t have to download anything-the WP files you will alter are already in the root and additional folders in WP. Alter the table-I tried it in my database-the query runs however it doesn’t show an extra field. To alter your WP files as Cold mentioned above-either do it through DreamHost-another FTP client-or in my opinion the safe way-and be sure to save a backup copy of the original-edit those files then upload viat FTP. Also set the alter to not_null.

    Thread Starter ennis


    ya, thats what i asked when i have the query how do i run it to add the column to the table. you replied earlier and said “What host are you using for your blog? Most have phpMyAdmin-which, if yours doesn’t, I would recommed finding one that does. I use DreamHost-but besides this-You would do the same if you have phpMyAdmin. For example, and I’ll use my database as an example” so i assumed i had to download it…..

    how do i access it if i don’t have to download anything.

    ok.. go to the database that holds your WP installation.(Go to https://www.dreamhost.com, log in to your account). Do this by going to your control panel on dream host’s site-click on goodies. click on mysql. Once there you will see the databases you have. Choose the database you installed WP in. Click the NAME of the database- it will prompt you to enter your user name and password for the database-Enter your admin name and password for the database. Once connected you will see a list of all the tables in the database. Click on “wp_comments”.. once you click this you will see a list of all the tables under wp_comments. You can do one of two things: after the list of all the tables you should see something that says “Add field(s) At End of Table At Beginning of Table After ” and it gives you text boxes and radio buttons. You can add the signature table this way-click go and follow the instructions of any error messages you may receive-OR at the bottom of the phpmyadmin screen-on this page and run the query as “ALTER TABLE wp_comments ADD signature VARCHAR(60);” either way works-I personally just click everything myself because it gives you a little more information than running the query.

    moshu, if you don’t like the instructions we’re giving Ennis then, by all means, attempt to assist instead of redirecting to an earlier post. The forums are here to HELP people, not leave subtle, rude remarks. I have seen other remarks you have made in other threads. I am trying to help Ennis. Let it go.

    Thread Starter ennis


    i appreciate your help bethchelle, very much. I may be going about this wrong, but i went to dreamhost, and signed in, however i was unable to click on the goodies section on the left hand side. it was greyed out.

    as for you moshu, if you ain’t gonna help, i’d appreciate it if you kept your mouth shut.



    Well I am not sure if Ennis was able to get the comments addition to work and I definitely second or third the fact thta Moshu should keep his/her mouth shut. He has been rude to me in the past acting quite arrogant and not being helpful. Heckler.

    Moving on though, I was able to take what ColdForged said and make the proper adjustments to my comments section adding a title to them that is displayed where I see fit.

    I wrote a nice little tutorial on my main site about how to do it and where on my sites I use it so you can see an example. Hope it helps and Moshu if you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say it at all.




    I was directed to this thread because of the template I am using. Here was my question from an earlier thread. I apologize for interrupting this one.

    < I need to ask anyone a question about my page at:
    I only have one catogory right now(update, it is actually 2 now). But, the home page, and the catagory page ‘children’s fitness articles’ always remain the same. How can I just change the ‘children’s fitness articles’ page to a different text, so it is not always the same as the home page? I hope I asked this the correct way. Thanks.>

    The original thread is at the link below. Ignore the first few posts. Anyone who can help, I would be very grateful.


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