• I understand how to exclude pages.
    <?php wp_list_pages('exclude=17,38' ); ?>

    The problem is, my static home page has no page ID. It’s just called ‘welcome’. So I tried this:
    <?php wp_list_pages('exclude=welcome' ); ?>
    and that gave me an error screen.

    Then I tried the opposite (include instead of exclude)
    <?php wp_list_pages('include=7,13,26,35&title_li=<h2>' . __('Pages') . '</h2>' ); ?>
    but that messed up the menu and took more pages off the menu than it should have.

    What code do I use???

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  • A link to your site might help…

    Try this:

    1. Go to Admin->Pages->Edit
    2. Locate your Home page in the list of pages
    3. Hover the mouse over the title and look in the status bar for the URL. You should see something like https://myblogurl/wp-admin/page.php/?action=edit&post=44
    4. The 44 is your page ID

    vtxyzzy, not true for me. when i hover over it in the page list it is my base url. it appears that a “front” or “welcome” page doesn’t have an ID when you select it as the front static page under Settings>>Reading.

    Does this mean those of us with static front pages are stuck with the page in the page menu?

    my site is idreamtfurniture.com. as you can see, i get duplication of the home page at top and at left. i don’t want it at left, but don’t see how to exclude it if it has no ID ?? ??


    ok, just figured it out.

    once you set a given page as static front page, you can’t see (at least not by hovering your mouse over in page list) the ID anymore! So write down the ID before you set it to be the static front page under Settings>> Reading.

    shwew. persistence pays off.


    Does it list the permalink in the browser status bar at the lower left of the screen?

    Yes I am having the same problem with the Home page, I am using the Atahualpa theme. If I create a static page called Home I get the original Home page and the new Home page the first Home page does not appear in the pages list when its set to normal or to a static page and therefore I can’t get the id for it to exclude it.

    I’ve worked out how to fix this problem, as Home is one of the first id’s created just try excluding low id numbers and check if home still appears in the menu. In my case it was id 2 and that got rid of the original home page I could then make a static home page which the site shows.

    If all else fails…

    One could always use the Exclude Pages plugin.


    @53peterp, for the Atahualpa theme, if you go to Admin->Appearance->Atahualpa Theme Options, then select Page Menu Bar in the Header Area,
    you can blank out ‘Home link in Page Menu Bar’. This will leave your static page as the only Home item.

    Also, Atahualpa has a built-in Exclude option. It is the second item on the Page Menu Bar page mentioned above.

    Finally, if you edit a page, in the browser address bar, it should show the URL ending in ‘action=edit&post=3’, where the 3 is the page ID.

    Thanks for that vtxyzzy it appears the problem was caused by having the word Home in the ‘Home link in Page Menu Bar’ just as you said. The default is home when it is blank but if you put the word home in this area you get 2 homes in the menu bar.

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