• Hello everyone. I’m terrible with CSS (aka, don’t know how to use it)
    How do I edit the main background color of wp-login.php?
    I assume it’s through wp-admin/css/login.css … but I don’t know what to put, or where to put it.

    I tried using a plugin, but it ended up edited the wrong thing.
    All I want is a solid color change.

    Here is what I’m referring to, if I wasn’t clear enough (as I’m often not)


    Any help would be greatly, GREATLY appreciated.
    Thank you so much.

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  • /wp-admin/css/colors-fresh.css
    (first few lines)

    html {
    	background-color: #006633;

    that will effect all backgrounds in admin area ??

    a new made style would be more specific,

    body.login {
    	background-color: #CCCCCC;

    however is only about 400px high, and leaves the other background showing at the bottom. you can push it a bit with using min-height.

    min-height’s a good idea, thanks! I’ll remember that one! I had applied a padding-bottom, which worked just as well; well, because I have my blog in an iframe on my site.

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