• The tag generator of plug-ins like “kimili-flash-embed” and “stream-video-player” are having issues with the latest update of “contact-form-7”.

    When you open the pop-up tag generator it give an error telling that the function “wpcf7_add_tag_generator” is undeclared.

    I don’t know why this plug-ins request a file that depends of other files that require this function so it is better to check what is happening.


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  • I don’t see any troubles like this on my sites, but actually I’ve received similar reports from some users. I’m searching for clues about this issue. If other ones are seeing similar issues like this, please write about them in detail on this topic.

    Same issue here. Using Contact Form 2.1, WordPress 2.9.1.

    Shows with WordPress Download Monitor (3.2.3):
    – opening the file browser when adding new existing file
    – when editing a post/page, click the Download arrow from the upload/insert section.

    rodrigopolo & wivaku, I’ve committed a patch for fixing this issue. You can download the development version from below link and test.


    Please feedback about the result.

    I am also having compatibility problem with the WPG2 plugin.

    When Contact Form 7 is enabled, I receive the following error message, when clicking WPG2 icon in editor:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function wpcf7_add_tag_generator() in /home/account/public_html/wp-content/plugins/contact-form-7/modules/text.php on line 129

    When using Contact Form 7 version from the link provided above, I no longer receive error message. But WPG2 plugin with this version is not functioning properly either. All I get is visually blank page when clicking WPG2 icon in editor.

    estr, seems like WPG2 is not tested to the latest versions of WordPress. Are you sure it is compatible with your WordPress version?

    Though WPG2 has not been updated for quite some time, it works just fine with latest WordPress and Contact Form 7 disabled.

    The envelopment version fixed the issue for me with the Download Monitor Plugin (latest version) and WP 2.9


    I have looked to the alternative as well – ZenphotoPress, which has been updated just few days ago. And I received exactly the same error as with WPG2 plugin. Both these plugins integrate themselves into TinyMCE, and when I click their icons in the editor I get the error at URL:


    Fatal error: Call to undefined function wpcf7_add_tag_generator() in /home/account/public_html/wp-content/plugins/contact-form-7/modules/text.php on line 129

    @estr – did you try to deactivate the CF7 Plugin and then try again? Try this first (this was the issue on my site) and then upload the patch in this reply and activate the CF7 Plugin again and see if it’s working (if it worked before when CF7 was deactivated).

    Oh yes, I forgot to test dev version of CF7 with ZenphotoPress.

    Now I did that, and unlike with WPG2, ZenphotoPress plugin in TinyMCE editor was not visually blank and appears to function correctly.

    Well, guess I will be migrating my picture base now to Zenphoto, away from Gallery 2.

    Thank you takayukister and aquadonis !

    @estr – glad it worked for you as well. Why don’t you think about having your picture gallery in WP. The NextGen Gallery Plugin does an excellent job for all photo related WP tasks.

    Check it out in action on this site:

    Thank you takayukista,

    I had :

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function wpcf7_add_tag_generator() in /……/wp-content/plugins/contact-form-7/modules/text.php on line 129

    When trying to add a download from Download Monitor,
    your fix worked,

    Thanks you for such a fast fix!

    Did anyone else here have problems with the custom permalink for the Download Monitor Plugin? Come and check out this thread:


    I was having the same issue with WP version 2.9.1 with Kimili Flash Embed and Contact Form 7 installed.

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function wpcf7_add_tag_generator() in /……/wp-content/plugins/contact-form-7/modules/text.php on line 129

    takayukista’s fix worked! Thanks takayukista!

    I am unable to attach a document to my sidebar form. https://www.spectrummetalfinishing.com

    Any suggestions?

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