Hi Sorry my mistake,the number I must have got from somewhere else, the number should of been wordpress version 3.5.1…I tend to swap between 2 browsers firefox16 I think, and IE 10 either one doesn’t work…No I do not have woo commerce installed or enabled..Sorry but I am new to WordPress so I don’t know very much about it, but I did download it and activate thumbnail editor, and when in wordpress I click media/library see my pictures I uploaded, then with my mouse I hover over one of the pictures and I can see the links ” Edit, Delete permanently, view, thumbnails.” when clicking “thumbnails” presumably this activates “thumbnail editor”? I see word press pane on the left side as normal, with all the tabs e.g “dashboard,media, pages, comments etc but to the right of that only white space, but I noticed that at the top of the browser tabs I still have the IE favicon!!!! Should I have the WordPress “W” favicon??? Maybe it’s a webpage loading problem???