• Is there a hack, or could someone write one, for remembering info when people comment? MT has this feature built-in and it’s very convenient to the people who comment on your blog. It’s just a checkbox that people can check so that WP would remember their info so they do not have to input it, every time they comment.
    Just curious,

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  • it already happens by default!

    Thread Starter daisyhead


    Not on my site it doesn’t. You have to enter info every time you comment. Unless there’s some kind of setting I’m missing??

    Thread Starter daisyhead


    I just tried it on your site Sushubh and it worked, yet on my pop-up comments, it doesn’t. Is there some kind of setting I have to tweak, or could I have removed some code that would do this??

    prolly cookie settings in the browser…

    Thread Starter daisyhead


    No, because I tested it on Sushubh’s site and it worked fine, yet on my site, it doesn’t. So it’s not my browser. And everyone who comments on my site is having the same problem. It can’t be because EVERYONE has wrong cookie settings.

    i can confirm it did not remember my details.
    and i have no idea why, coz I have never used pop-up comments ??

    Thread Starter daisyhead


    So it must be a pop-up vs. non pop-up issue. Anyone else have any ideas?

    Thread Starter daisyhead


    I resolved this issue. I switched back from pop-up comments to inline. =)

    I have never had this problem using the pop-up comments ;[
    It’s always remembered user info for me, and everyone else who comments.

    I always get this on my blog. I think it’s because I’m using the clean permalinks structure so the URL for each post is different.
    My brower (FireFox) seems to remember the details for other blogs not using Mod_ReWrite

    Sorry to resurrect this thread, but has this been resolved? It seems like it would be easy to add a simple cookie mechanism to the page so that it would remember you.

    I’ve suddenly started having problems with this as well.
    My comments are inline, but my info is not saved.

    i have always had this problem, does anyone know how to resolve this?



    I could use help for this too – anyone? anyone? Bueller?

    It would actually be useful for commenters to have the option not to have their details saved when they comment. For example, if I am commenting on a public computer in the Apple Store, anyone who happens to read that blog on that computer that day could find my email address. Any way of building a remember button in?

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