• A group of anti-Semitic sites are linking to one of my posts & their comments both on their site & my own are deeply offensive.

    I see that my host, Bluehost has an ip deny mgr. But when I run the domain name through it doesn’t pick up an ip address to deny. When I run the domain through whois I get nothing as well. Anyone have any other ideas about how I can deny access to visitors fr. this url:

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  • You need to use .htaccess to redirect or ban based on that URL. Your host should have this information.
    That does very little though – you could install Spam Karma and blacklist all the comments.

    If a person places a comment you do not like though, your tools to combat that are very very limited.

    Moderator James Huff

    (@macmanx) is the IP for that domain name.

    To find an IP for a domain name, I usually just ping the domain:
    ping www.vanguardnewsnetwork.com
    ping works on — and is included with — GNU/Linux, Mac OSX, and Windows.

    Thread Starter richards1052


    Thanks everyone for yr. suggestions. I called Bluehost today & they gave me this handy tool: https://www.dnsreport.com which allows you to enter the domain name which is then converted into an ip address. Handy tool.

    Skippy, sorry for being thick but how do you ping the domain? That sounds like a good solution too.

    Unfortunately, I’ve had to set my comment moderation setting to review every single comment before publishing. The setting which allows only previous commenters to bypass moderation isn’t working (along w. many other users here fr. the looks of the posts I’ve been reading) & so everyone was getting through including those anti-Semitic trolls.

    BTW, I’ve added the 2 domain IPs to my IP Deny Mgr. in cPanel, but I’ve noticed that several hrs. later visitors coming fr. those sites are still coming to mine. Is that due to slowness on the part of my host’s server? Or some other reason? Do you think the visits will eventually stop?

    Moderator James Huff


    richards1052, have you considered any of the other anti-comment-spam solutions? For example, Bad Behavior will really cut down on both your comment/trackback spam and malicious visitor bots.



    “Do you think the visits will eventually stop?”

    When they get bored.

    Moderator James Huff


    Bots don’t get bored. My logs are still filling up with hundreds of 403 (Access Denied) entries each day because of these guys continually smacking into my .htaccess file.

    Thread Starter richards1052


    Macmanx: Yes, I have bad behavior & spam karma 2 installed. But this isn’t spam & involves real people visiting. They just use the link to my site displaying in the anti-Semitic sites & leave their smutty comments on my site.

    I sure wish there was a way to prevent anyone coming from a specific url to access your site. That would fix my problem.

    My setting allowing only previous commenters to publish comments isn’t working, so now I have to individually approve every comment. A drag, but at least no smut will get published.

    “I sure wish there was a way to prevent anyone coming from a specific url to access your site. That would fix my problem.”

    It would not – the workround is very basic.

    Thread Starter richards1052


    “It would not – the workround is very basic.”

    I didn’t follow you.

    Update: Now I understand. It’s late.

    Apache/Unix-flavored server:

    Create a plain textfile, named .htaccess . The command lines you need will look like the following. The # lines are comments, to remind me what I was doing months down the line.

    # turn on rewrite engine; this line can
    # only appears ONCE in this file
    RewriteEngine on
    # look for the S.O.B. referer or host or referer
    # vanguardnewsnetwork resolves to
    # NC = ignore case (capitals vs lowercase)
    # OR = satisfy any condition (host or referer or addy)
    RewriteCond %{REMOTE_HOST} \.vanguardnewsnetwork\.com [NC,OR]
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} \.vanguardnewsnetwork\.com [NC,OR]
    RewriteCond %{REMOTE_ADDR} ^66\.139\.76\.169
    # send 'em right back where they came from
    RewriteRule ^(.*) %{HTTP_REFERER} [R=301,L]

    — rewrite cond lines = 1 long line per ; this forum wraps ’em —

    To test that your syntax is correct (without temporarily killing your site), create /test/ directory. Create an index.html file with one line: OK!, and upload that index file to the /test/ directory. (You can take mine: law4pda.org/test/index.html ). Upload your newly created .htaccss file to /test/ . Most hosts are configured to see index.(extension) as a default. Use your browser to navigate to yourdomain.com/test/ . If you see OK, you’re good to go, and can now place the .htaccess file in your root www directory. If you get a 500 internal server error, recheck the htaccess lines carefully, revise as necessary and retest.

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