If you are using your original HTML, you only use what’s inside You have to take out everything from <html> to <body>
at the top and the </body>
and </html>
tags in the bottom, otherwise you end up with two different headers. The balance of your stuff goes in that section where alphaoide wrote “your content goes here”.
You need to delete:
<title>Pink Poppet Ver. 4 Nyanko Bus</title>
<LINK REL=stylesheet HREF="style.css" TYPE="text/css">
(because you don’t want to use style.css, you want to use the wordpress theme).
Also this is wrong:
<?php require ('/wordpress/wp-content/themes/sample/header.php'); ?>
should probably be
<?php require ('/wordpress/wp-blog-header.php'); ?>
as wp-blog-header.php is in your main wordpress directory. That may not get it though. In my own case, the full path would be /home/[username]/public_html/wordpress/ if I was using a directory named “wordpress”, so I suspect your full path is actually longer also. (Where username is my username on the server.)
I also noticed just now, trying this for myself, that if the rest of the site is not in the WordPress directory, you may need to add a <base>
to the header file in your theme or any links to the blog will go to the site directory instead. The downside to that is that any images in the main directory won’t show up.