The Forums: Please read before posting.
- Every single answer provided here is written by a volunteer. No one is paid to answer you. So, please, do not demand an answer, ask for one. Also, good manners – words like “please” and “thank you” go further than you might think.
- Please don’t bump your question! Bumping is actually counter-productive as volunteers look for threads that only have one (1) post, but if you bump your thread, you immediately increase the post count to two (2) and that makes it harder to find an unanswered thread. Bumping is also rude! If you bump your post, the bump might be removed without further explanation.
- Make sure you are posting an effective question in the forums. Please read
- Please use plain language and be descriptive. Talking ‘geek’ or using jargon reduces the number of people who will answer.
- Many times questions have already been asked and answered on the Forum. Use the search tools, such as the Forum search or Google, to confirm that your question hasn’t already been asked. Even if you don’t find the exact problem you are experiencing, finding a similar problem may highlight the solution for you. The same question asked over and over is tiresome for volunteers to repeatedly answer. So please, do your homework before asking a question.
- Make extensive use of the WordPress Codex. There hundreds of articles and frequently asked questions (FAQ) are presented for you use. There are some very helpful articles in Codex on:
- Feel free to add questions to the Codex FAQ pages and, if you have an answer, add that also.
- If you have received a reply and you do not understand the reply, or you are confused, just post back and explain carefully where you got lost.
- Patience is a virtue. The possibilities of WordPress are almost unlimited, and with that, there may be an increased complexity to the questions asked and answered on the Forum. So, at times, it may take longer for your question to be resolved. Exercise patience and continue to research your problem–volunteers will eventually get to your question.
- If you are having a problem with a Plugin, please provide a link to where you got the Plugin. Also, make sure you’ve read the information provided by the Plugin author. Many times Plugin authors answer questions on their own blogs.
- When asking for assistance (and this is more important than you can imagine really!), please post what Theme you are using!
- Always go back to the original thread and post the solution, even if you found the answer elsewhere. It’s a great way to give back to the community and it may help some other lost soul in the same predicament. It’s disappointing when people post a problem and then reply back with, “never mind, got it working now!” instead of posting what they did to fix the problem! Please, follow-up and post the proper information on how you solved a problem so that everyone can learn.
If you wish to add further constructive advice to forum users, please do so below.
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