• My site has never been able to process payments with 3D secure mode enabled with the original plugin. Which has not really been a problem, as I just processed payments with 3DS disabled. (5000+ transactions in 10 months, not a single error)

    However, Trust Payments have told me I must now start using 3DS. I have installed this new plugin where 3DSV2 cannot be disabled. And the exact same problems occur to the original plugin, and I cannot process any payments, at all!

    I can process payments in test mode, with no problems. As soon as I switch to ‘LIVE’ (and update the Site Reference) it all fails.

    No WP error logs are recorded and no server logs are recorde. So I can’t even see why this is failing.
    No error messages are returned on the checkout page.
    Just the processing circle of doom, that turns away and nothing happens.

    I originally contacted support on 24/06/2020 10:12 – but eventually gave up on securetrading’s support on 13/07/2020 as no fix was forthcoming. As I was told to just change the setting in the original plugin to point to their hosted payment page to use 3DS, but the plugin didn’t have that option. So I gave up.

    But, now I have to use 3DS and I simply cannot process a payment.


    • This topic was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by gyfters.
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  • Thread Starter gyfters


    In addition to the above…
    on mobile only (chrome), the payment fields for the card number, expiration date, and security code are loading intermittently.

    Done the usual of disabling everything but woo + this payment plugin and switching the theme to Twenty Twenty-One, no fix at all.

    (not that it matters anyway, as it does not process payments on desktop)

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by gyfters.
    Thread Starter gyfters


    and one more thing… in addition to the two problems listed above…

    on a completely naked, fresh install of WordPress, woo & this plugin
    In test mode: completed 3DSv2 orders return no order information (/checkout/order-received/14/?key=0) and orders are marked as “pending payment” in Woo

    It’s all way over my head, but this plugin, on a live active site, a clone of the live site, and a naked install – just does not work for me at all.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by gyfters.
    Plugin Contributor Illustrate Digital


    Hi @gyfters, we’ve just had this through from Trust Payments and I’d be interested to know if you are still having the issue following their confirmation of a fix their side?

    It looks like a setting on 3DS was changed on our side which caused this issue.

    It also seems a few merchants did a quick swap on Thursday/Friday, to use the new module. We don’t believe they did this on a staging site first, and just went straight to live without any testing. They most probably have conflicts with other plugins, or haven’t contacted our Support team to sort out their JWT user.

    We’ll look into these issues as they come into our Support queue.


    Thread Starter gyfters


    Hi @illustratedigital

    I’ve contacted Secure Trading/Trust Payments many times over 15 months as I have never been able to process a transaction via 3DS, even with your other/original plugin. They’ve never replied with a solution. So I’ve been happily processing payments without 3DS. Now I’m being forced to turn 3DS, and it just doesn’t work for me.

    I created a clone of the live site on the same domain and installed this new plugin and it’s almost exactly the same problem…

    Test mode = pass, works as expected.
    live mode = fail – processing circle of doom just keeps turning and turning

    There are no WP error messages generated and nothing server-side generated.

    But with this new plugin, I have the addional problem of the iFrame not loading the card number, date, and 3-dig fields on mobile browsers (97% of our sales are via mobile). Even when all plugins are disabled bar Woo and your payment plugin and the theme switched back to WPs default…. the iframe doesn’t load


    Thread Starter gyfters


    @illustratedigital just to confirm…

    I have received my 3rd set of plugin username/password credentials from Secure Trading… and payment processing still fails with 3DS Enabled on your original plugin and this new plugin.

    3DS Disabled in Live Mode = Works
    3DS Enabled in Test Mode = Works
    3DS Enabled in Live mode = Fails

    With the added headache of the iFrame not loading on mobile browsers, with your new plugin.

    Plugin Author Trust Payments


    @gyfters Sorry to hear about your issues. Please could you forward your email addressing this issue to our Support team again ([email protected]), and mention that you have come from the forum? I’ll ask our Support team to pass this to the correct team ASAP.

    Hi Gyfters, No it didnt get resolved. It hasnt been resolved for months. I have the EXACT same issue as you. Its insanity mate, I’m actually in the process of having my own custom plugin built by a programmer as this has gone beyond a joke.

    Thread Starter gyfters


    @tommyturbo agreed!

    I’m in the process of completing an application with Total Processing as they have offered slightly better trans fees and have in-house Woo devs (Apparently).

    Can’t see Trust Payments ever getting this resolved with illustratedigital tbh.

    @trustpayments I have been playing email ping-pong with support for since June 2020.

    @illustratedigital My problems are the same as spoke about here. They have been going on since 5 months ago. I have been communicating with Trust support who are clueless about what needs to be done and just pass the buck to you.

    Older posts about issues are here:




    If numerous people have the same issues its not going to be our problems is it. Your boards are rife with people with the same issue. Trust have repeatedly said they know about the issue, YOU know about the issue, but have no idea how long you are going to take to fix it. I was told by trust to keep 3DS off which has worked. Now its going to become a problem as stricter 3DS rules are enforced.

    @gyfters Ahhh brilliant, I did enquire with Cashflows but they havent got back to me, I will check out Total Processing now! Thank you!

    Moderator Steven Stern (sterndata)


    Volunteer Forum Moderator

    @illustratedigital I’ve deleted your offer to login to your user’s site. I’m am 100% sure you mean well but please never ask for credentials on these forums.


    Now for the why: The internet is a wonderful place full of very nice people and a few very bad ones. I’m sure everyone here is very nice however, by giving some ones keys to your house you are trusting they wont steal anything. Likewise the person who takes the keys is now responsible for the house FOREVER.

    If something was to go wrong, then you the author may well legally become liable for damages, which they would not normally have been as their software is provided without warranty.

    Please be aware that repeatedly asking for credentials will result in us escalating this to the plugins team.

    It’s never necessary to do that. Here’s why.

    There are many ways to get information you need and accessing the user’s site is not one of them. That’s going too far.

    You get the idea.

    Volunteer support is not easy. But these forums need to a safe place for all users, experienced or new. Accessing their system that way is a short cut that will get you into real trouble in these forums.

    Plugin Contributor Illustrate Digital


    @sterndata I think you’ve misinterpreted the message here, apologies. The offer was to login to a secure staging site as discussed previously with the poster, to be sent securely away from this forum. We would of course never ask for credentials on a public forum. If you’re able to reinstate my reply, please do so or let me know if we’re permitted to re-post this offer of help.


    Moderator Steven Stern (sterndata)


    Volunteer Forum Moderator

    There are no circumstances where you may ask for a login, whether to staging or production, on these forums, and regardless of whether they creds are communicated to you here or privately. None.

    If you wish to take issue with this, contact moderators via the #forums channel on slack (https://make.www.ads-software.com/slack)

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