• I ran into issues when creating/editing posts after upgrading to v4.8.

    When I would create/edit a post I would receive an error beginning with “Failed to load content css”. After disabling FontMeister the error went away.

    After searching I found the following thread: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/read-this-first-wordpress-4-8-master-list/#post-9221234

    Looking through Preview.php and FontMeister.php I found several references to each font provider was prefaced with “//” instead of either “https://” or “https://”. I did a quick find/replace changing them all the use “https:” instead except for FontSquirrel. FontSquirrel doesn’t deliver fonts using HTTPS. This failed to resolve the issue however.

    Finally found that it had to do with the way that FontMeister adds, at least, the Google Fonts CSS URL to the TinyMCE. So to fix it in file FontMeister.php on lines 1118 and 1119 I added a comma before the ‘http’ string. So for completeness here are the modified lines:

    wp_enqueue_style('fm-google-font-'.$google_font_counter, ',https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family='.urlencode($font['family']), array(), null);
    $content_css[] = ',https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family='.urlencode($font['family']);

    Not sure how many people are still using this plugin, but thought I would share my experiences.

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  • Plugin Author Sayontan Sinha


    Thanks for this input. I did some checking, and while the change for line 1119 certainly fixes the issue, the other change is not required. Basically, using ‘//’ lets the server automatically detect whether to send an http or https request, depending on the current protocol. Some targets don’t support SSL at all (e.g. Font Squirrel), so for those the declaration is explicit.

    It is generally recommended to use ‘//’ for external sources, to avoid nuances with server configurations.

    Thanks again – I will patch the next version and provide an update soon.

    Thread Starter eprowe


    Wow Sayontan I’m surprised you actually responded. Figured you’d given up on this plugin LONG ago.

    While you’re looking at authoring an update, and if you have the time/desire, you may want to remove FontDeck support as the site is no longer live.

    Otherwise want to say love the plugin love how simple and easy to use it is. Also amazingly unobtrusive. Thanks a ton.

    Plugin Author Sayontan Sinha


    Thanks. Yes, removal of FontDeck has been on my list ever since FontDeck announced its shutdown, but I wasn’t sure how many users of the plugin were out there.

    Regarding giving up on the plugin, WP is just a hobby for me, so while I am diligent about support, I also have a full-time day job that more often than not becomes way more than full-time. At that time I have to start prioritizing. I earlier had one theme (Suffusion) and a bunch of associated plugins, plus two standalone plugins Photonic and FontMeister. Since Suffusion got pulled from the WP repository all of a sudden a year back rendering all its related plugins redundant, I have rationed almost all my WP time to Photonic (which is quite actively used). This is the first FontMeister query I have received in a long time, so I guess it is time to look at it again.

    Thread Starter eprowe


    Didn’t realize you were also the author of Suffusion! I used Suffusion for years before moving to a new theme on two of domains, but still use it on a third. It’s great work! I didn’t realize that it had been pulled. I read your post and I’m sorry to hear it.

    I completely understand the desire to keep a hobby a hobby and not have it take over your entire life.

    Thanks again for following up and keep up the great work.

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