• Hey,

    So i’ve setup a 4 step form with the first step starting on https://tulsahairco.com/careers

    Everything works except for when I click the final step submit button. It never sends an email to any party. I setup the final form to mail my email address as well as an email to be sent to the person filling out the form but nothing gets sent to either.

    Below are my 4 forms. I added “form ” before each form tag in the 4th and final forms email to pull the information from the previous forms as well. Not sure why it isn’t working.

    Form 1

    <div id=”responsive-form” class=”clearfix”>
    <h3>Personal Information</h3>

    <div class=”form-row”>
    <div class=”column-third”>[text* FNAME placeholder “*First Name”]</div>

    <div class=”column-third”>[text* LNAME placeholder “*Last Name”]</div>

    <div class=”column-third”>[text* EMAIL placeholder “*Email Address”]</div>

    <div class=”column-full”>[text* ADDRESS placeholder “*Present Address”]</div>

    <div class=”column-third”>[text* CITY placeholder “*City”]</div>

    <div class=”column-third”>[text* STATE placeholder “*State”]</div>

    <div class=”column-third”>[text* ZIPCODE placeholder “*Zipcode”]</div>

    <div class=”column-third”>[tel* TELEPHONE placeholder “*Phone No.”]</div>

    <div class=”column-third”>[tel SECONDARYTELEPHONE placeholder “Secondary Telephone No.”]</div>

    <div class=”column-third”>[text REFERREDBY placeholder "Referred By"]</div>

    <h3>Employment Desired</h3>

    <div class=”column-third”>[text POSITION placeholder "*Position Desired"]</div>

    <div class=”column-third”>[text STARTDATE placeholder "*Date You Can Start"]</div>

    <div class=”column-third”>[text SALARYDESIRED placeholder "Salary Desired"]</div>

    <div class=”column-third”>Are You Employed Right Now?[checkbox EMPLOYEDNOW exclusive “YES” “NO”]</div>

    <div class=”column-third”>If so, may we inquire of your present employer?[checkbox INQUIREEMPLOYER exclusive “YES” “NO”]</div>

    <div class=”column-third”>Ever applied to this company before?[checkbox APPLIEDBEFORE exclusive “YES” “NO”]</div>

    <div class=”column-half”>[text APPLIEDWHERE placeholder "Where?"]</div>

    <div class=”column-half”>[text APPLIEDWHEN placeholder "When?"]</div>

    <div class=”column-full”>[submit “Next Step”]</div>

    [hidden step “1-4”]

    Additional Info: on_sent_ok: “location.replace(‘https://tulsahairco.com/application-form-2/&#8217;);”

    Form 2

    <div id=”responsive-form” class=”clearfix”>
    <h3>Education History</h3>

    <div class=”form-row”>

    <div class=”column-full”>

    <div class=”column-half”>[text HIGHSCHOOLLOCATION placeholder "Name & location of highschool?"]</div>

    <div class=”column-half”>[text SUBJECTSHIGHSCHOOL placeholder "Subjects Studied"]</div>

    <div class=”column-half”>[text YEARSHIGHSCHOOL placeholder "Years Attended"]</div>

    <div class=”column-half”>Did you graduate?[checkbox GRADUATEHIGHSCHOOL exclusive “YES” “NO”]</div>

    <div class=”column-full”>

    <div class=”column-half”>[text COLLEGELOCATION placeholder "Name & location of college?"]</div>

    <div class=”column-half”>[text SUBJECTSCOLLEGE placeholder "Subjects Studied"]</div>

    <div class=”column-half”>[text YEARSCOLLEGE placeholder "Years Attended"]</div>

    <div class=”column-half”>Did you graduate?[checkbox GRADUATECOLLEGE exclusive “YES” “NO”]</div>

    <div class=”column-full”>
    <h4>Trade, Business, or Correspondence School</h4>

    <div class=”column-half”>[text TRADELOCATION placeholder "Name & location of school?"]</div>

    <div class=”column-half”>[text SUBJECTSTRADE placeholder "Subjects Studied"]</div>

    <div class=”column-half”>[text YEARSTRADE placeholder "Years Attended"]</div>

    <div class=”column-half”>Did you graduate?[checkbox GRADUATETRADE exclusive “YES” “NO”]</div>

    <div class=”column-full”>
    <h3>General Information</h3>

    <div class=”column-full”>[text SPECIALSTUDY placeholder "Subject of Special Study/Research Work"]</div>

    <div class=”column-half”>[textarea SPECIALTRAINING placeholder “What special training have you had?”]</div>

    <div class=”column-half”>[textarea SPECIALSKILLS placeholder “What special skills do you have?”]</div>

    <div class=”column-half”>[text USMILITARY placeholder "US Military or Naval Service? What Branch?"]</div>

    <div class=”column-half”>[text MILITARYRANK placeholder "Rank"]</div>

    <div class=”column-full”>[back “Previous Step”]-[submit “Next Step”]</div>

    [hidden step “2-4”]

    Additional Info: on_sent_ok: “location.replace(‘https://tulsahairco.com/application-form-3/&#8217;);”

    Form 3

    <div id=”responsive-form” class=”clearfix”>
    <h3>Employment History</h3>

    <div class=”form-row”>

    <div class=”column-full”>

    <div class=”column-third”>[text EMPLOYER1 placeholder "Employer Name & Your Position"]</div>

    <div class=”column-third”>[text EMPLOYEDDATE1 placeholder "Employed From-To?"]</div>

    <div class=”column-third”>[text EMPLOYERSALARY1 placeholder "Salary"]</div>

    <div class=”column-half”>[textarea EMPLOYERCONTACT1 placeholder “Contact phone number &/or Address of employer”]</div>

    <div class=”column-half”>[textarea REASONFORLEAVING1 placeholder “Reason for leaving?”]</div>

    <div class=”column-full”>

    <div class=”column-third”>[text EMPLOYER2 placeholder "Employer Name & Your Position"]</div>

    <div class=”column-third”>[text EMPLOYEDDATE2 placeholder "Employed From-To?"]</div>

    <div class=”column-third”>[text EMPLOYERSALARY2 placeholder "Salary"]</div>

    <div class=”column-half”>[textarea EMPLOYERCONTACT2 placeholder “Contact phone number &/or Address of employer”]</div>

    <div class=”column-half”>[textarea REASONFORLEAVING2 placeholder “Reason for leaving?”]</div>

    <div class=”column-full”>

    <div class=”column-third”>[text EMPLOYER3 placeholder "Employer Name & Your Position"]</div>

    <div class=”column-third”>[text EMPLOYEDDATE3 placeholder "Employed From-To?"]</div>

    <div class=”column-third”>[text EMPLOYERSALARY3 placeholder "Salary"]</div>

    <div class=”column-half”>[textarea EMPLOYERCONTACT3 placeholder “Contact phone number &/or Address of employer”]</div>

    <div class=”column-half”>[textarea REASONFORLEAVING3 placeholder “Reason for leaving?”]</div>

    <div class=”column-full”>[back “Previous Step”]-[submit “Next Step”]</div>

    [hidden step “3-4”]

    Additional Info: on_sent_ok: “location.replace(‘https://tulsahairco.com/application-form-4/&#8217;);”

    Form 4

    <div id=”responsive-form” class=”clearfix”>
    <h3>References & Authorization</h3>
    <h5>Below, give the names of three persons not related to you, whom you have known at least one year.</h5>
    <div class=”form-row”>

    <div class=”column-full”>

    <div class=”column-half”>[text* REFERENCE1 placeholder “*Name”]</div>

    <div class=”column-half”>[text* REFERENCECONTACT1 placeholder “*Contact Number”]</div>

    <div class=”column-half”>[text REFERENCEBUSINESS1 placeholder "Business"]</div>

    <div class=”column-half”>[text* REFERENCEYEARS1 placeholder “*Years Known”]</div>

    <div class=”column-full”>

    <div class=”column-half”>[text* REFERENCE2 placeholder “*Name”]</div>

    <div class=”column-half”>[text* REFERENCECONTACT2 placeholder “*Contact Number”]</div>

    <div class=”column-half”>[text REFERENCEBUSINESS2 placeholder "Business"]</div>

    <div class=”column-half”>[text* REFERENCEYEARS2 placeholder “*Years Known”]</div>

    <div class=”column-full”>

    <div class=”column-half”>[text* REFERENCE3 placeholder “*Name”]</div>

    <div class=”column-half”>[text* REFERENCECONTACT3 placeholder “*Contact Number”]</div>

    <div class=”column-half”>[text REFERENCEBUSINESS3 placeholder "Business"]</div>

    <div class=”column-half”>[text* REFERENCEYEARS3 placeholder “*Years Known”]</div>

    <div class=”column-full”>

    <div class=”column-full”>
    <h5>”I certify that the facts contained in this application are true and complete to the best of my knowledge and understand that, if employed, falsified statements on this application shall be grounds for dismissal.</br>

    I authorize investigation of all statements contained herein and the references and employers listed above to give you any and all information concerning my pervious employment and any pertinent information they may have, personal or otherwise, and release the company from all liability for any damage that may result from utilization of such information.</br>

    I also understand and agree that no representation of the company has any authority to enter into any agreement for employment for any specified period of time, or to make any agreement contrary to the foregoing, unless it is in writing and signed by an authorized company representative.</br>

    This waiver does not permit the release or use of disability-related or medical information in a manner prohibited by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and other relevant federal and state laws.</br>

    I understand that a consumer credit report or criminal records check may be necessary prior to my employment. If such reports are required, I understand that, in compliance with federal law, the company will provide me with a written notice regarding the use of these reports and will also obtain a separate written authorization from me to consent to these reports. I also understand that a poor credit history or conviction will not automatically result in disqualification from employment.”</br>

    In compliance with federal law, all persons hired will be required to verify identity and eligibility to work in the United States and to complete the required employment eligibility verification document form upon hire.</br>

    <div class=”column-half”>[text* AUTHORIZESIGNATURE placeholder “Please sign with First & Last Name”]</div>

    <div class=”column-half”>[text* AUTHORIZEDATE placeholder “Please date mm/dd/yyyy”]</div>


    <div class=”column-full”><h5>This is the final submission, please ensure your information is correct and if you need to fix anything click “previous step”.</h5></div>

    <div class=”column-full”>[back “Previous Step”]-[submit “Submit Application”]</div>

    [hidden step “4-4”]

    on_sent_ok: “location.replace(‘https://tulsahairco.com/application-received/&#8217;);”


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  • Plugin Author webheadcoder



    Do you get mail sent on a single contact form without any multi-step tags or additional settings?

    Could you maybe try the last form without the on_sent_ok part. It probably doesn’t matter, but I’m not sure I tried having the on_sent_ok on the last step.

    Not sure if you deactivated the multi-step plugin, but when I visited the link you gave I see the [hidden step “1-4”] shortcode in plain text. This indicates the multi-step form isn’t active.

    Thread Starter Companzees



    Thanks for the help. Yes I did deactivate the plugin temporarily. I found out that part of my problem was that my servers settings with Digital ocean were not allowing any emails to be sent, not even from WordPress if I clicked “forgot my password” on the back end login. I have the problem fixed.

    However, everything seems to be working properly but when the email sends it arrives without including the fields from the remaining contact forms on the 3 previous pages. The ones from the 4th that has the submit button works.

    Here is the email I get, and I’m still using the code/form setup as above. I’m guessing I’m not entering it properly. Is there anything else additional I need to carry the information from the previous forms to the last form & email?

    From: [form FNAME][form LNAME] <[form EMAIL]>
    Subject: Application Submission

    <h5>General Information</h5>

    Applicant Name: [form FNAME][form LNAME]
    Email Adddress: [form EMAIL]
    Applicant Address:
    [form ADDRESS]
    [form CITY][form STATE][form ZIPCODE]
    Applicant Phone: [form TELEPHONE]
    Applicant Secondary Phone: [form SECONDARYTELEPHONE]
    Referred By: [form REFERREDBY]

    <h5>Employment Desired</h5>

    Position: [form POSITION]
    Start Date: [form STARTDATE]
    Salary Desired: [form SALARYDESIRED]
    Employed Currently: [form EMPLOYEDNOW]
    May We Inquire Employer: [form INQUIREEMPLOYER]
    Applied Before/Where/When: [form APPLIEDBEFORE][form APPLIEDWHERE][form APPLIEDWHEN]

    <h5>Education History</h5>

    Highschool Name & Location: [form HIGHSCHOOLLOCATION]
    Subjects Studied: [form SUBJECTSHIGHSCHOOL]
    Years Attended: [form YEARSHIGHSCHOOL]
    Graduate?: [form GRADUATEHIGHSCHOOL]

    College Name & Location: [form COLLEGELOCATION]
    Subjects Studied: [form SUBJECTSCOLLEGE]
    Years Attended: [form YEARSCOLLEGE]
    Graduate?: [form GRADUATECOLLEGE]

    Trade Business Name & Location: [form TRADELOCATION]
    Subjects Studied: [form SUBJECTSTRADE]
    Years Attended: [form YEARSTRADE]
    Graduate?: [form GRADUATETRADE]

    Subject of Special Study: [form SPECIALSTUDY]
    What special training have you had?: [form SPECIALTRAINING]
    Special Skills: [form SPECIALSKILLS]
    Branch of Military: [form USMILITARY]
    Military Rank: [form MILITARYRANK]

    <h5>Employment History</h5>

    Employer 1: [form EMPLOYER1]
    Employed From-To: [form EMPLOYEDDATE1]
    Salary: [form EMPLOYERSALARY1]
    Employer Contact Info: [form EMPLOYERCONTACT1]
    Reason for leaving: [form REASONFORLEAVING1]

    Employer 2: [form EMPLOYER2]
    Employed From-To: [form EMPLOYEDDATE2]
    Salary: test 2
    Employer Contact Info: [form EMPLOYERCONTACT2]
    Reason for leaving: [form REASONFORLEAVING2]

    Employer 3: [form EMPLOYER3]
    Employed From-To: [form EMPLOYEDDATE3]
    Salary: test 3
    Employer Contact Info: [form EMPLOYERCONTACT3]
    Reason for leaving: [form REASONFORLEAVING3]

    <h5>References & Authorization</h5>

    Reference 1: Shahin J
    Contact Info: 8172961139a
    Business: Model
    Years Known: 29

    Reference 2: Ashley Kyle
    Contact Info: 8172961139b
    Business: Mid-Con Energy
    Years Known: 3

    Reference 3: Austin Donoho
    Contact Info: 8172961139c
    Years Known: 5


    “I certify that the facts contained in this application are true and complete to the best of my knowledge and understand that, if employed, falsified statements on this application shall be grounds for dismissal.</br>

    I authorize investigation of all statements contained herein and the references and employers listed above to give you any and all information concerning my pervious employment and any pertinent information they may have, personal or otherwise, and release the company from all liability for any damage that may result from utilization of such information.</br>

    I also understand and agree that no representation of the company has any authority to enter into any agreement for employment for any specified period of time, or to make any agreement contrary to the foregoing, unless it is in writing and signed by an authorized company representative.</br>

    This waiver does not permit the release or use of disability-related or medical information in a manner prohibited by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and other relevant federal and state laws.</br>

    I understand that a consumer credit report or criminal records check may be necessary prior to my employment. If such reports are required, I understand that, in compliance with federal law, the company will provide me with a written notice regarding the use of these reports and will also obtain a separate written authorization from me to consent to these reports. I also understand that a poor credit history or conviction will not automatically result in disqualification from employment.”</br>

    In compliance with federal law, all persons hired will be required to verify identity and eligibility to work in the United States and to complete the required employment eligibility verification document form upon hire.</br>

    Signed: Ashkan karimi
    Date: 01/19/2016

    Plugin Author webheadcoder


    Don’t include the word “form” when you want the field to show in the email. For example, instead of using
    [form FNAME]

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