401 error, and p=xxxxx incorrect links posting to Tumblr
Firstly, I’ve enabled debugging to see if I can determine what’s happening in more detail for you. It may take a little time before those logs generate, however.
I’m having similar issues to:
https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/having-trouble-with-scheduled-posts-and-rss-feed-to-postsTwo issues:
1. 401 error in WordPress Admin
2. Incorrect link on the Tumblr post like p=xxxxx instead of the URL that uses my permalink settingsI followed your advice in one of your other threads, removing the “tumblr_post_id” from custom fields (while editing the post), then “update” the post (blue button)…it re-posts to Tumblr just fine, correctly this time with the right URL. That’s the fix for the 401 error you’re seeing.
However, the incorrect auto-post to Tumblr of scheduled posts is not solved yet. Tumblr Crosspostr is posting the articles too early (before their scheduled date/time). Often 1-2 days early. It’s picking from the scheduled posts in addition to the published ones, which is not correct.
Also, for the ones that are already past the “schedule” time, this are fine. They work as expected. It’s when TC tries to post scheduled posts before their time that I see the post on Tumblr, but even worse…the link/URL is bad (see #2 above).
In Settings > Permalinks I am using this:
I’ve never seen this issue until recently, and have been using this plugin for some time now. Then again, I haven’t been scheduling too many posts, either. In the past, it’s been writing an article…then immediately publishing (no schedule), so it’s possible this has been a bug for some time and I only just now noticed it.
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