• Hello,

    I’ve been going through the documentation but cannot find a fix for this problem.
    I have tried installing the plugin on a brand new install of WP. All goes smooth but when I try to create a collection or add and image of any kind I get this error:

    Error 403!
    It seems that you are not allowed to access this content. Your user might have a role with insufficient capabilities. If that is not the case, check if you are correctly logged in on the WordPress Admin panel.

    Request details: /collections/590?context=edit

    There are no errors in the log.

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  • Hi @scordisian,

    Which is your user role? Are you the administrator of your installation? The error description kinda says it all, the rest we would have to investigate more…

    Thread Starter Scordisian


    Yes, the owner and only user on a basic clean install. Checked the database and the user role is set correctly to administrator.

    Yeah that is weird. Can you experiment creating a new user and set it with the role “Tainacan Administrator” to see if this one can perform the operations?

    Thread Starter Scordisian


    With just the role of Tainacan Administrator I can’t access the admin section or add anything. I get a normal notification that I don’t have permissions. If I add the admin role to the new user the same problem as before occurs.No PHP errors in the log and all files have the proper chmod settings as well.

    All right, can you try installing this plugin and attributing both roles to your user? It allows multiple roles and capabilities management. It might also show if you have basic capabilities related to tainacan: https://br.www.ads-software.com/plugins/user-role-editor/

    Thread Starter Scordisian


    Yea,just tried that and verified as well to see if all is selected. However, the 403 error remains. ??
    There is no content created in the post page. However, the post is is registered in the database. As if it only completes half of a query.

    Thread Starter Scordisian


    Did some more digging. The post_meta table has entries everytime I try to create a collection. 17 field entries per submission.
    The posts table shows the post status in auto-draft. When I change it to publish it appears in the dashboard of the plugin. It shows me as the author but I can no make no changes in the edit function, the 403 error persists.

    Plugin Author leogermani



    This is not something we ever experienced before and looks like it’s something specific to your installation/environment.

    Here are some ideas:

    * Any other plugin that messes with capabilities, permissions or cookies?
    * Any browser extension or settings clearing or blocking cookies?

    Is Creating / Editing posts with the block editor working fine?

    Thread Starter Scordisian



    Well, I tried the following. Created another blank install of WordPress. No other plugins, standard theme, no plugins on browser, etc.

    The whole installation works smooth, except for this piece, I cannot create any collections in the Tainacan admin section, nor upload pictures etc. It gives a 403 error. It is the only error in the WordPress install.

    Some tech info:
    WordPress version 5.6
    PHP version 7.4.13
    Database version 10.3.27-MariaDB
    PHP time limit 240
    PHP memory limit 256M

    But after some checking in the WP Health tools I do get this:

    A PHP session was created by a session_start() function call. This interferes with REST API and loopback requests. The session should be closed by session_write_close() before making any HTTP requests.

    The REST API request failed due to an error.
    Error: cURL error 28: Operation timed out after 10001 milliseconds with 0 bytes received (http_request_failed)

    When I disable the plugin this error disappears.

    Thread Starter Scordisian


    Any thoughts on what could be the cause?

    Plugin Author vnmedeiros


    Hi @scordisian this problem still persists even with the most current version of Tainacan? if the error is still happening, could you test it with a different browser?

    Thread Starter Scordisian


    @vnmedeiros , yes the problem persists. I did a lot of debugging trying to find what causes it. Different browsers, server settings on clean WP installs. After getting no response here 2 months ago after my latest point our organization decided to move on to look for other alternatives. We are considering developing our own custom plugin for this.

    Plugin Author vnmedeiros


    Ok @scordisian, we are sorry for the delay. If you decide to give it another shot and we can provide some help, don’t hesitate to ask.

    Best regards.

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