403 Error
When activated, this plugin causes 403 errors from Google Webmaster Tools and validator.w3.org and some other sites, but not for real people accessing the site. Any clue how to fix this? TIA
Hello delapuravida,
I’ve tested my site in validator.w3.org with w3 total cache but there was no 403 errors. Can you give me link to your site so I could see that?
Also could you export your configuration (Performance -> General at the bottom of the page) so I could check it?kind regards,
KasiaHi Kasia, thank you for the response! The site is https://www.evergreendesignstudio.com/
After much digging, I managed to get rid of the error by switching from Disk Enhanced mode to Disk Basic in Page Cache. The weird thing now is that Google PageSpeed Insights tells me to minify css to increase speed, but I have that enabled in the plugin so not sure why it isn’t minifying the css. The configuration is below. Thank you!
<?php return array( 'version' => '', 'cluster.messagebus.debug' => false, 'cluster.messagebus.enabled' => false, 'cluster.messagebus.sns.region' => '', 'cluster.messagebus.sns.api_key' => '', 'cluster.messagebus.sns.api_secret' => '', 'cluster.messagebus.sns.topic_arn' => '', 'dbcache.debug' => false, 'dbcache.enabled' => true, 'dbcache.engine' => 'file', 'dbcache.file.gc' => 3600, 'dbcache.file.locking' => false, 'dbcache.lifetime' => 180, 'dbcache.memcached.persistant' => true, 'dbcache.memcached.servers' => array( 0 => '', ), 'dbcache.reject.cookie' => array( ), 'dbcache.reject.logged' => true, 'dbcache.reject.sql' => array( 0 => 'gdsr_', 1 => 'wp_rg_', 2 => '_wp_session_', ), 'dbcache.reject.uri' => array( ), 'dbcache.reject.words' => array( 0 => '^\\s*insert\\b', 1 => '^\\s*delete\\b', 2 => '^\\s*update\\b', 3 => '^\\s*replace\\b', 4 => '^\\s*create\\b', 5 => '^\\s*alter\\b', 6 => '^\\s*show\\b', 7 => '^\\s*set\\b', 8 => '\\bautoload\\s+=\\s+\'yes\'', 9 => 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true, 'notes.theme_changed' => false, 'notes.wp_upgraded' => false, 'notes.plugins_updated' => false, 'notes.cdn_upload' => false, 'notes.cdn_reupload' => false, 'notes.need_empty_pgcache' => false, 'notes.need_empty_minify' => false, 'notes.need_empty_objectcache' => false, 'notes.root_rules' => true, 'notes.rules' => true, 'notes.pgcache_rules_wpsc' => true, 'notes.support_us' => false, 'notes.no_curl' => true, 'notes.no_zlib' => true, 'notes.zlib_output_compression' => true, 'notes.no_permalink_rules' => true, 'notes.browsercache_rules_no404wp' => true, 'timelimit.email_send' => 180, 'timelimit.varnish_purge' => 300, 'timelimit.cache_flush' => 600, 'timelimit.cache_gc' => 600, 'timelimit.cdn_upload' => 600, 'timelimit.cdn_delete' => 300, 'timelimit.cdn_purge' => 300, 'timelimit.cdn_import' => 600, 'timelimit.cdn_test' => 300, 'timelimit.cdn_container_create' => 300, 'timelimit.domain_rename' => 120, 'timelimit.minify_recommendations' => 600, 'minify.auto.filename_length' => 150, 'minify.auto.disable_filename_length_test' => false, 'common.instance_id' => 1377404066, 'common.force_master' => true, 'newrelic.enabled' => false, 'newrelic.api_key' => '', 'newrelic.account_id' => '', 'newrelic.application_id' => 0, 'newrelic.appname' => '', 'newrelic.accept.logged_roles' => true, 'newrelic.accept.roles' => array( 0 => 'contributor', ), 'newrelic.use_php_function' => true, 'notes.new_relic_page_load_notification' => true, 'newrelic.appname_prefix' => 'Child Site - ', 'newrelic.merge_with_network' => true, 'newrelic.cache_time' => 5, 'newrelic.enable_xmit' => false, 'newrelic.use_network_wide_id' => false, 'pgcache.late_init' => false, 'newrelic.include_rum' => true, 'extensions.settings' => array( 'genesis.theme' => array( 'wp_head' => '0', 'genesis_header' => '1', 'genesis_do_nav' => '0', 'genesis_do_subnav' => '0', 'loop_front_page' => '1', 'loop_terms' => '1', 'flush_terms' => '1', 'loop_single' => '1', 'loop_single_excluded' => '', 'loop_single_genesis_comments' 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Hi delapuravida,
Did you exclude any files from minification?
Not sure if this is directly related to Divi theme as only those files are showing as the ones that are not minified.Cheers,
PredragHi Predrag,
I did not exclude any files from minification. I’ve since switched to manual mode and included the files, but Page Speed Insights from Google is telling me the files are not minified. I’m wondering if maybe this plugin is incompatible with the Divi and Extra themes?
(having same issue on https://www.delapuravida.com which uses Extra)
ErinHi Erin,
After you have manually added the files did you try flushing your cache before running google speed test again?
Divi is quite complex theme so it’s possible some the files don’t handle the minification well so perhaps you should try leaving some of them unminified and see if that makes any difference.
PredragHi Predrag,
I did flush (if you mean clicking clear cache button).
I’m getting an error message now that the plugin is trying to minify a file from another plugin, but it is missing. Well, it is missing because I deleted the plugin. But now that I am on manual mode, I have not asked the plugin to minify that file it claims is missing. SO I’m confused. Should I try uninstalling the plugin and starting over?
Thank you!
ErinHello delapuravida
Would you please click on Top Admin Bar > Performance > Modules > Empty Minify Cache and check it works?
https://monosnap.com/image/J8ZYIAoxeAE0wafACPPbpBDdOrnYOEHave a good day!
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