Ya, that is Chaser324 who started this thread ??
I have a branch now with the first iteration of the fix. It should be good, and I have no reason to believe it doesn’t work, it just needs some settings updates and a bit more testing.
For those willing to try it out, you can download the plugin source directly from the branch found here.
Only ko_calendar.js and ko_calendar.php are changed. I don’t know of a good way to download a branch as a zip file, so you have to download the individual files for now.
I have not added a field in the settings for entering your Google API key, so you need to manually replace the string “YOUR API KEY HERE” in ko_calendar.js with your Google API key.
To create a Google API Key, go to https://console.developers.google.com.
- Create a project for your web site, if you don’t already have one.
- Select “APIs” under “APIs and Auth” (left menu)
- Enable “Calendar API”.
- Go to the “Credentials” page.
- Click on “Create New Key”.
- Select “Browser Key”.
- Add your URL to the referrer box or leave it blank to allow any referrer. I would leave it blank for testing and once you have it working change the rules later.
- After you create the key you will be shown the full key.
- Copy that key into ko_calendar.js by replacing “YOUR API KEY HERE”.
- Wait a few minutes. It seems that it can take a minute or two before the key is functional on their system.
The Calendar “URL”s are now IDs so you should edit your widget settings and change the URL to an ID. The IDs look like an email address.
Give it a go and let me know if you have any trouble.