404 not found
When someone registers to my site their default is a subscriber. A subscriber can’t post adverts. However if a subscriber goes to post an advert I want them to be led to the payment page or something but instead of that it is coming up ‘404 not found’ do you have any idea why this might be ?
Hi @ahamaton,
Thank you for using Paid Memberships Pro.
Would you mind telling me what page this is occurring on?
Sometimes this issue occurs when all posts are protected and the ‘Show Excerpts’ setting is set to ‘No’ for non-members.
To change this, you may login to your WordPress dashboard and navigate to ‘Memberships’ > ‘Advanced Settings’ and set ‘Show Excerpts to Non-Members’ to ‘Yes’.
If you would like to charge users access to a page regardless of their level, you may need to use the Addon Packages extension for PMPro – https://www.paidmembershipspro.com/add-ons/plus-add-ons/pmpro-purchase-access-to-a-single-page/
Please let me know about the 404 error.
Thanks Andy
I already have it set to show excerpts so unfortunately that’s not it.
Basically, a registered user has an admin panel. This is where they post items and this is integrated with PMP. So they cant post unless they have membership with PMP. I am 99% sure it was successfully redirecting non subscribed users to the subscription page but as I say it now goes to a 404 page not found. However, I think I changed the plans page url recently before I noticed this. So if there is somewhere I can change the url it redirects to I have a feeling that might fix it?
Thank you for the feedback @ahamaton,
This sounds like a customization to me. By default if a user does not have access to a page/post a message will show and give the option for the users to either login or register or register for the correct account if logged in.
Are you running any customizations within a PMPro Customizations plugin or your theme’s functions.php?
I’m not running any customisations to my knowledge. I’m certain this used to work correctly. I do have customisation in the member admin panel which they can only use with a membership but the PMP plugin itelf isnt customised
I hope you might have some ideas better that this but i thought I should let you know I am having another issue with the member admin panel and posting. I didnt even think about the two issues being related to each other as one is about memberships and one is about administering the admin panel. However, I don’t know if any customisation in the admin panel could conflict with the plugin ? I cant really see how because the customisation is ppurely to do with the users admin panel however, if you think that is possible would it be worth me turning the plugin off to see if that fixes the other issue because if it does that might confirm customisation done to the admin panel is conflicting with the plugin. If you think I should try that is it safe to do that as of course I do not want to delete any of my members ?
Thanks for the feedback @ahamaton. It’s a bit difficult to debug the issue since I do not know what customizations or other plugins you are currently running.
Regarding: However if a subscriber goes to post an advert I want them to be led to the payment page or something
You are able to use to charge users to post or you are able to use a contact form plugin that may be able to create a post on the frontend and just limit access to that or use a payment gateway to charge per post inside the contact form (I’ve seen this before), here is a link to purchasing access to a page via PMPro- https://www.paidmembershipspro.com/add-ons/plus-add-ons/pmpro-purchase-access-to-a-single-page/
I am 99% sure it was successfully redirecting non subscribed users to the subscription page but as I say it now goes to a 404 page not found.
What functionality have you added to cause users to redirect? Is this an automatic redirect or do the users click on a button that will redirect them?
I hope this makes sense.
Thank you for your patience.
Thanks again for the reply Andy
The customer was initially being redirected by PMP Pro to the payment page my PMP to my understanding. The reason it is redirecting to a 404 I dont know. As I said in my original ticket, I have changed the url of the payment page recently so if that could cause the 404 then I just need to know where I need to correct the url in order for it to redirect to the new payment page.
There hasnt been any customisation to the plugin. Only to the admin panel the customer uses to make posts. I dont know whether that could conflict with PMP but I appreciate that is something you cant troubleshoot. I just wondered whether you thought it would be worth me turning off the plugin to see if it fixed the other problem. Then we know the customisation of the admin panel is conflicting with PMP. The concern with turning off the plugin is whether I could lose any functionality or configuration within PMP as it is set right now.
Thanks a lot
AndrewHey Andrew,
Thanks for the feedback. If you temporarily change the payment page URL back to what it used to be does the issue resolve?
How are the users getting redirected? Is it by a click of a button or automatically?
I am asking because the default ‘register’ and ‘login’ buttons that are displayed when a user doesn’t have correct access to a post/page is hardcoded in PMPro’s Advanced Settings.
Do you have a link to where this issue occurs? Is it only for logged in users?
I deleted the previous page so I can’t change it back
OK they are being redirected to this page which is the old memberships page the new one is https://mallorcabylandandsea.com/membership-plans/ To do this they just click a button to post an item and then taken to that page
It happens to logged in users who havent signed up to one of the memberships plans in PMP
AndrewIs it possible to get a link to the site where I can simulate being a user that wants to post an item so I may take a look into exactly what is happening?
I would suggest in temporarily disabling all plugins except Paid Memberships Pro and see if the issue persists.
I hope this helps.
Go this page https://mallorcabylandandsea.com
In the top right go to login and then signup as a user. Then login and you will be in a subscribers admin panel. Then on the left hand side of the screen click on ‘Post an Advert’ and then you will be take to the plans page which is no longer active so you will see that 404 errorIs the ‘Post an Advert’ a custom plugin/post type?
If so, you are able to use the Custom Post Type Membership Access add-on – https://www.paidmembershipspro.com/add-ons/plus-add-ons/custom-post-type-membership-access/
This will allow you to redirect users away from the post type to a purchase screen.
Could you please give me a list of PMPro Plugins you are currently running?
Thanks Andrew
Post an advert is part of the theme.
But you can see that somewhere down the line I set it to redirect to the plans page. So surely there must be some way I can change the url it is redirecting to ? Are you saying that is not a PMP setting i.e. it must be a setting somewhere in the theme ? The two are clearly communicating with each other but is this communication coming from the theme rather than PMP ?
I’d rather not have to add another plugin if it is this simple ?Unfortunately the default functionality of PMPro isn’t to redirect users away from protected posts but display a default message which gives users the options to either register for an account or upgrade their current account.
I will need more information, list of plugins you are using, to see if I can suggest where this issue may be coming from.
I hope this helps.
Maybe thats the better way but I’ve tried to set that up and it doesnt seem to be working.
Would it be easier for me to give you access to my dashboard ?
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