404 Not Found
On my site when I click on sitemap tab, then click on any post (the pages work fine). I get a “404 Not Found” message.
Does anyone have any idea why this happens?
Probably you made a mistake when you modify your template file(s).
I visited your site and found this;
h2 class=”h2-simulate-h1-size”> a href=”https://withlacoocheegulfpreserve.com/http:/withlacoocheegulfpreserve.com” rel=”bookmark”>Wonders of the Salt Marsh /a> /h2>
URLs in
a href
is doubled.
Please check what is written ina href
.Thanks for looking,
Can you be a little more specific as to where I find the code you mentioned above? I do not have the experience of looking for specific code. Thanks!Step 1. Go to wp-content/themes in your WordPress install.
Step 2. Go to the folder of your theme.
Step 3. Check index.phpYou will find
html tag somewhere. If you findh2
, please show me your theme’s code.?php
This file is part of HeatMap Theme Pro v5
Copyright: Stuart Wider
Website: HeatMapTheme.com
?><?php get_header(); ?>
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ –><!–
Content of the page (inc comments and post details)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ –><div id=”page-body-wrapper”>
$is_full_page = hmt4_get_option(‘hmt_featured_full’);
$hide_recent_posts = hmt4_get_option(‘hmt_hide_recent_posts’);
$hide_home_sidebar = hmt4_get_option(‘hmt_hide_home_sidebar’);if (!$is_full_page) {
<div id=”content”>
?><?php hmt_show_slider(); ?>
The Home Page ‘Page Block’
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ –>
<?php$thispage = new WP_Query( );
$option = hmt4_get_option(‘hmt_featured’); // get the featured page optionif (!is_numeric($option)){
$thispage->query(‘pagename=’ . $option);
$this_post_id = hmt_get_id_by_slug($option);
else {
$thispage->query(‘page_id=’ . $option);
$this_post_id = $option;
}if (($option!=””) && (!is_paged())) { // if a featured home page option has been specified
// and this is is the first page of posts, then show the featured page
$thispage->the_post(); ?><!–
The Home Page ‘Page Block’ content
~~~ –>
<div id=”post-<?php the_ID(); ?>” <?php post_class(”,$this_post_id); ?>><div class=”featured-page-content <?php if ($is_full_page) print ‘featured-page-full-width’;?>”>
Widget Area: [All Content] Above
~~~ –>
if (hmt_is_sidebar_active(‘sidebar-7’)):
?><div id=”all-content-above”>
<span class=”all-content-above-widget-block”>
<?php dynamic_sidebar(‘sidebar-7’); ?>
</span></div> <!– id=”all-content-above” –>
<div class=”clearFloat”></div><?php
endif;$ads_already_shown = TRUE; // this lets subsequent blog posts know that they are not the first thing on the page
// and therefore no ads will be shown around them. Ads only show on the first item on the page.
global $h1_setting;if (!hmt4_get_option(‘hmt_hide_featured_page_title’)) {
if (($h1_setting == “FEATURED PAGE”) || ($h1_setting == “”)) {
echo ‘<h1 class=”h1-underline”>’; the_title(); echo ‘</h1>’; // This is the most important thing on the page for indexing and therefore gets a H1
} // unless there is something lurking in the SEO bar – in which case the theme gives this H2
else { // and assumes that you are going to be smart enough to put something with a h1 up there!
echo ‘<h2 class=”h2-simulate-h1-size-underline”>’; the_title(); echo ‘</h2>’;
if (hmt_is_sidebar_active(‘sidebar-9’)):
?><div id=”content-item-above”>
<span class=”content-item-above-widget-block”>
<?php dynamic_sidebar(‘sidebar-9’); ?>
</span></div> <!– id=”content-item-above” –>
if (hmt_is_sidebar_active(‘sidebar-11’)):
<div id=”content-item-left”>-
<?php dynamic_sidebar(‘sidebar-11’); ?>
</div> <!– id=”content-item-left” –>
if (hmt_is_sidebar_active(‘sidebar-12’)):
<div id=”content-item-right”>-
<?php dynamic_sidebar(‘sidebar-12’); ?>
</div> <!– id=”content-item-right” –>
if (function_exists(‘has_post_thumbnail’) && has_post_thumbnail()) { // okay so if this post has a thumbnail (as per wp 2.9 thumnail features) then do something about it
if (hmt4_get_option(‘hmt_common_thumbnail_left_or_right’)==’RIGHT’) print ‘<div class=”common-page-thumbnail-right”>’;
else print ‘<div class=”common-page-thumbnail-left”>’;if( get_post_meta($post->ID, “aff-link”, true)){
echo ‘ ID, “aff-link”, true).'” ‘;
if( get_post_meta($post->ID, “aff-link-nofollow”, true)){ echo ‘ rel=”nofollow” ‘; }
echo ‘ title=”‘ . the_title_attribute(‘echo=0’) . ‘” >’;
if( get_post_meta($post->ID, “aff-link”, true)){
echo ““;
the_content();if (hmt_is_sidebar_active(‘sidebar-10’)):
<div id=”content-item-below”>
<span class=”content-item-below-widget-block”>
<?php dynamic_sidebar(‘sidebar-10’); ?>
</div> <!– id=”content-item-below” –><div class=”clearFloat”></div>
endif;echo “\n”;
?><?php edit_post_link(__(‘(Edit)’,’hmth’), ‘<p>’, ‘</p>’); ?>
</div> <!– class=”featured-page-content” –>
if ((!$hide_recent_posts==true) &&
(hmt4_get_option(‘hmt_hide_details_for_home’) && is_home() && (!$is_full_page)))
<div class=”post-divider”> <?php /* divide posts if post details are not showing */ ?>
</div> <!– class=”post-divider” –>
?><div class=”clearFloat”></div>
The Home Page ‘Page Block’ post details
~~~ –><?php /* remove post details as set in the heatmap options */
if (!hmt4_get_option(‘hmt_hide_details_for_home’) && is_home() && (!$is_full_page) && (!hmt4_get_option(‘hmt_hide_featured_page_detail’)))
?><div class=”featured-page-details”>
<?php get_template_part(‘like-buttons’); ?>
<p><?php _e(‘Posted by’,’hmth’); ?>
<?php echo get_the_author(); ?>
<?php /* the_author_posts_link(); */ /*uncomment this if you actually want a link to the authors posts – it reveals the authors username though – or am I being too security concious? */ ?>
<?php echo get_the_date();?> <?php _e(‘at’,’hmth’); ?> <?php the_time(); /* changed date and time format so that default system date and time is used instead of preset date and time */ ?>
</p></div> <!– class=”featured-page-details” –>
?></div> <!– post_class –>
if ($is_full_page) {
<div id=”content”>
if (!$hide_recent_posts==true) {$include_cat=hmt4_get_option(‘hmt_include_cat_home_post’);
if(isset($include_cat) && trim($include_cat)!=”” )
global $query_string, $wp_query;
Widget Area: [All Content] Below
~~~ –>
if (hmt_is_sidebar_active(‘sidebar-8’)):
?><div id=”all-content-below”>
<span class=”all-content-below-widget-block”>
<?php dynamic_sidebar(‘sidebar-8’); ?>
</span></div> <!– id=”all-content-below” –>
Previous and Next Page navigation
~~~ –><?php
if (!$hide_recent_posts==true) {
<div class=”post-nav”><p><?php posts_nav_link(); ?></p></div>
?></div> <!– id=”content” –>
if (!hmt4_get_option(‘hmt_no_sidebars_mode’)) {
if (!$hide_home_sidebar==true) {
[Footer Above]
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ –><?php
if (hmt_is_sidebar_active(‘footer_above’)):
?><div id=”footer-above”>
<ul class=”footer-above-widget-block”>
<?php dynamic_sidebar(‘footer_above’); ?></div> <!– id=”footer-above” –>
<div class=”clearFloat”></div>
?></div> <!– id=”page-body-wrapper” –>
<?php get_footer(); ?>
End of index.php
~~~ –>I need help. on my site, i edited the url without wp in General Settings. I can’t get back on settings page. It says, 404 not found. What can i do with this?
echo ‘<h2 class=”h2-simulate-h1-size-underline”>’; the_title(); echo ‘</h2>’;
Probably, a problem is here.
outputs the title of the post.Now, it seems that
outputs the hyperlink also.
I guess you are using a plugin which modifies the output ofthe_title()
. Please check your plugins and, if you find one, please deactivate it.
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