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  • Probably you made a mistake when you modify your template file(s).

    I visited your site and found this;

    h2 class=”h2-simulate-h1-size”> a href=”” rel=”bookmark”>Wonders of the Salt Marsh /a> /h2>

    URLs in a href is doubled.
    Please check what is written in a href inside h2.

    Thread Starter eventors


    Thanks for looking,
    Can you be a little more specific as to where I find the code you mentioned above? I do not have the experience of looking for specific code. Thanks!

    Step 1. Go to wp-content/themes in your WordPress install.
    Step 2. Go to the folder of your theme.
    Step 3. Check index.php

    You will find h2 html tag somewhere. If you find h2, please show me your theme’s code.

    Thread Starter eventors


    This file is part of HeatMap Theme Pro v5
    Copyright: Stuart Wider

    <?php get_header(); ?>

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ –>

    Content of the page (inc comments and post details)
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ –>

    <div id=”page-body-wrapper”>

    $is_full_page = hmt4_get_option(‘hmt_featured_full’);
    $hide_recent_posts = hmt4_get_option(‘hmt_hide_recent_posts’);
    $hide_home_sidebar = hmt4_get_option(‘hmt_hide_home_sidebar’);

    if (!$is_full_page) {
    <div id=”content”>

    <?php hmt_show_slider(); ?>

    The Home Page ‘Page Block’
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ –>

    $thispage = new WP_Query( );
    $option = hmt4_get_option(‘hmt_featured’); // get the featured page option

    if (!is_numeric($option)){
    $thispage->query(‘pagename=’ . $option);
    $this_post_id = hmt_get_id_by_slug($option);
    else {
    $thispage->query(‘page_id=’ . $option);
    $this_post_id = $option;

    if (($option!=””) && (!is_paged())) { // if a featured home page option has been specified
    // and this is is the first page of posts, then show the featured page
    $thispage->the_post(); ?>

    The Home Page ‘Page Block’ content
    ~~~ –>
    <div id=”post-<?php the_ID(); ?>” <?php post_class(”,$this_post_id); ?>>

    <div class=”featured-page-content <?php if ($is_full_page) print ‘featured-page-full-width’;?>”>

    Widget Area: [All Content] Above
    ~~~ –>
    if (hmt_is_sidebar_active(‘sidebar-7’)):

    <div id=”all-content-above”>

    <span class=”all-content-above-widget-block”>
    <?php dynamic_sidebar(‘sidebar-7’); ?>

    </div> <!– id=”all-content-above” –>
    <div class=”clearFloat”></div>


    $ads_already_shown = TRUE; // this lets subsequent blog posts know that they are not the first thing on the page
    // and therefore no ads will be shown around them. Ads only show on the first item on the page.
    global $h1_setting;

    if (!hmt4_get_option(‘hmt_hide_featured_page_title’)) {
    if (($h1_setting == “FEATURED PAGE”) || ($h1_setting == “”)) {
    echo ‘<h1 class=”h1-underline”>’; the_title(); echo ‘</h1>’; // This is the most important thing on the page for indexing and therefore gets a H1
    } // unless there is something lurking in the SEO bar – in which case the theme gives this H2
    else { // and assumes that you are going to be smart enough to put something with a h1 up there!
    echo ‘<h2 class=”h2-simulate-h1-size-underline”>’; the_title(); echo ‘</h2>’;

    if (hmt_is_sidebar_active(‘sidebar-9’)):

    <div id=”content-item-above”>

    <span class=”content-item-above-widget-block”>
    <?php dynamic_sidebar(‘sidebar-9’); ?>

    </div> <!– id=”content-item-above” –>


    if (hmt_is_sidebar_active(‘sidebar-11’)):
    <div id=”content-item-left”>

      <?php dynamic_sidebar(‘sidebar-11’); ?>

    </div> <!– id=”content-item-left” –>

    if (hmt_is_sidebar_active(‘sidebar-12’)):
    <div id=”content-item-right”>

      <?php dynamic_sidebar(‘sidebar-12’); ?>

    </div> <!– id=”content-item-right” –>


    if (function_exists(‘has_post_thumbnail’) && has_post_thumbnail()) { // okay so if this post has a thumbnail (as per wp 2.9 thumnail features) then do something about it

    if (hmt4_get_option(‘hmt_common_thumbnail_left_or_right’)==’RIGHT’) print ‘<div class=”common-page-thumbnail-right”>’;
    else print ‘<div class=”common-page-thumbnail-left”>’;

    if( get_post_meta($post->ID, “aff-link”, true)){
    echo ‘ ID, “aff-link”, true).'” ‘;
    if( get_post_meta($post->ID, “aff-link-nofollow”, true)){ echo ‘ rel=”nofollow” ‘; }
    echo ‘ title=”‘ . the_title_attribute(‘echo=0’) . ‘” >’;

    if( get_post_meta($post->ID, “aff-link”, true)){
    echo ““;



    if (hmt_is_sidebar_active(‘sidebar-10’)):
    <div id=”content-item-below”>
    <span class=”content-item-below-widget-block”>
    <?php dynamic_sidebar(‘sidebar-10’); ?>
    </div> <!– id=”content-item-below” –>

    <div class=”clearFloat”></div>

    echo “\n”;

    <?php edit_post_link(__(‘(Edit)’,’hmth’), ‘<p>’, ‘</p>’); ?>

    </div> <!– class=”featured-page-content” –>

    if ((!$hide_recent_posts==true) &&
    (hmt4_get_option(‘hmt_hide_details_for_home’) && is_home() && (!$is_full_page)))
    <div class=”post-divider”> <?php /* divide posts if post details are not showing */ ?>
    </div> <!– class=”post-divider” –>

    <div class=”clearFloat”></div>

    The Home Page ‘Page Block’ post details
    ~~~ –>

    <?php /* remove post details as set in the heatmap options */
    if (!hmt4_get_option(‘hmt_hide_details_for_home’) && is_home() && (!$is_full_page) && (!hmt4_get_option(‘hmt_hide_featured_page_detail’)))

    <div class=”featured-page-details”>

    <?php get_template_part(‘like-buttons’); ?>

    <p><?php _e(‘Posted by’,’hmth’); ?>

    <?php echo get_the_author(); ?>
    <?php /* the_author_posts_link(); */ /*uncomment this if you actually want a link to the authors posts – it reveals the authors username though – or am I being too security concious? */ ?>

    <?php echo get_the_date();?> <?php _e(‘at’,’hmth’); ?> <?php the_time(); /* changed date and time format so that default system date and time is used instead of preset date and time */ ?>

    </div> <!– class=”featured-page-details” –>


    </div> <!– post_class –>


    if ($is_full_page) {
    <div id=”content”>

    if (!$hide_recent_posts==true) {

    if(isset($include_cat) && trim($include_cat)!=”” )
    global $query_string, $wp_query;


    Widget Area: [All Content] Below
    ~~~ –>
    if (hmt_is_sidebar_active(‘sidebar-8’)):

    <div id=”all-content-below”>

    <span class=”all-content-below-widget-block”>
    <?php dynamic_sidebar(‘sidebar-8’); ?>

    </div> <!– id=”all-content-below” –>


    Previous and Next Page navigation
    ~~~ –>

    if (!$hide_recent_posts==true) {
    <div class=”post-nav”><p><?php posts_nav_link(); ?></p></div>

    </div> <!– id=”content” –>


    if (!hmt4_get_option(‘hmt_no_sidebars_mode’)) {
    if (!$hide_home_sidebar==true) {

    [Footer Above]
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ –>

    if (hmt_is_sidebar_active(‘footer_above’)):

    <div id=”footer-above”>

    <ul class=”footer-above-widget-block”>
    <?php dynamic_sidebar(‘footer_above’); ?>

    </div> <!– id=”footer-above” –>

    <div class=”clearFloat”></div>


    </div> <!– id=”page-body-wrapper” –>

    <?php get_footer(); ?>

    End of index.php
    ~~~ –>

    I need help. on my site, i edited the url without wp in General Settings. I can’t get back on settings page. It says, 404 not found. What can i do with this?

    echo ‘<h2 class=”h2-simulate-h1-size-underline”>’; the_title(); echo ‘</h2>’;

    Probably, a problem is here.

    Usually, the_title() outputs the title of the post.

    Now, it seems that the_title() outputs the hyperlink also.
    I guess you are using a plugin which modifies the output of the_title(). Please check your plugins and, if you find one, please deactivate it.

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