• When I enable prepend product permalinks with base page (in my case, shop), my products all throw 404’s, even though they show the correct URLs.
    I have prepend product permalinks with category. Before I enable prepend with base page, the working urls look like:

    Once I enable it, the urls look like

    which is what it should be. But show’s 404’s whenever I try to access it.

    I though it might be a server conf, but the fact that all other permalinks work, suggests that it isn’t a server conf, but just in case.

    I use:
    Ubuntu 12.10
    Php-FPM via unix sock with APC


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  • This is exactly what I am trying to acheive! I want my product permalinks to read


    but I constantly get a 404. What to do? No caching-plugins in place, nothing tempered with.

    Hi Guys,

    I believe I have a similar issue to you two which I’ve posted detailed info about here: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/404-when-clicking-products-in-categories-permalinks

    I think the issue lies with having a “Product Permalink Base” and a “Product Category Base” which includes the name of the Shop Page.

    Hopefully we can find a solution to this: are either of you using the latest 2.0.5 version of Woocommerce?

    Yeah, I’m using the latest version – but this isn’t the point.

    I did some research and the problem lies within the page-logic of WordPress which is somewhat – well – “organized”.

    Long story short:

    – You can’t remove the product or category slug because otherwise WordPress won’t know what type of page/post it is serving > 404
    – You can’t have the same category slug as the product slug > 404

    Basic WooCommerce statement here:
    https://support.woothemes.com/entries/22720711-Basic-Permalink-Question (needs login)

    There are some attemps at working around these WordPress restrictions (see f.ex. https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/9419/remove-taxonomy-slug-from-a-custom-hierarchical-taxonomy-permalink) but I stepped away from this for this is some “dark” stuff essentially not worth the effort.

    All the best for your site/project!

    Just thought I would let everyone know that I have found a work around that suits my customers requirements. You can see on the dev site here: https://toyspace.onedigital.co.nz or once live here: https://toyspace.co.nz.

    Basically I have set a different Product category base to the main Shop Base page. i.e:

    Permalink Structure
    Product category base browse-toys
    Product permalink base /toy-hire/%product_cat%

    This would make my categories page show on the url toyspace.co.nz/browse-toys/ however for some reason I can actually still get to the individual category pages e.g. toyspace.co.nz/toy-hire/baby-toys/ by using the /toy-hire/ base (I’m guessing because I set the Product Permalink as that base).

    So what I’ve done is modified the Base Shop Page /toy-hire/ and just copied the HTML code from the /browse-toys/ page into it. Then on the WooCommerce Settings->Pages Tab I’ve just simply removed the Shop Base Page.

    It does mean that any modifications to the Categories has to be done manually however this shouldn’t be a big issue for most customers as the categories would generally be fairly static.

    If you would like any help with your setup you can find our details on our website https://www.onedigital.co.nz

    Thank God im not the only one. Cannot get this to work to save my life:

    My settings:
    Product category base – /shop
    Product permalink base -> Custom Structure – /shop/%product_cat%

    What is & what is not working:
    https://www.loleeshop.com/shop/phone-cases (working fine)
    https://www.loleeshop.com/shop/phone-cases/spring-collection (URL is formatting correctly, but returning 404)

    Very srange any help would be greatly aprreciated.

    Hey Portoa,

    I’m int he same boat. Just confirming it’s still an issues for some people.

    For some it’s a server issue to do with the mod_security.



    Really bad – I see the correct path in WordPress.
    I see the correct path in front-end in browser address bar.
    Yet: 404 error – no product is found!!
    Cookies load – tried all the recommended settings of this page – it persists since we updated to the new version of woo-commerce, site down for 2 days now.
    Except 404 errors in Apache log – nor errors all files are found and loaded.
    If anybody found a work around would be greatly appreciated – otherwise we will have to dump woo-commerce all together.



    I’m trying to accomplish the same structure as user Portoa and this still seems to be an issue.

    /shop/ as a base shop page = working
    /shop/category/ for a category = working
    /shop/category/product for a product = 404

    I’ve tried several suggested solutions found here and on developer sites, but so far I have not had any luck with them.

    Does anyone have a recent fix that works? Thanks in advance for taking the time to reply.

    WordPress 3.7.1–nl_NL
    CANVAS 5.5.3
    FRAMEWORK 5.5.5
    Using a custom child theme (which is just an empty stylesheet) because it’s recommended.



    I’m not sure if it is the same,
    but in my usage,

    For categories:
    and for Products:
    works fine.

    BTW, as default, the permalink for product was:

    There is a setting in the Permalinks section for the Products.
    I changed it as:


    Hope it helps!



    Yeah I think there’s still an issue when you want to use the same slug at the beginning of the url for both a category and a product in Woocommerce.

    /shop/shoes/ = fine
    /shop/shoes/converse-all-stars = 404 error for product page
    and even
    /shop/converse-all-stars = 404 error for product page

    This is basically the 4th provided Woocommerce Permalinks option:
    /shop/product-category/sample-product/ (my store page is Shop)

    So you’d expect it to be possible to do this as it’s a suggested option.

    If you use the default setting or different names for the first slug in the url path, it seems to work just fine.

    It took me a while to accept ‘shop’ as a virtually must have part of the url. I’m not quite yet willing to budge on not having my product urls be an extension of a category url.

    I need to throw cold water on the “conflicting category slug” theory because I’m not using categories and it’s still broken for me!

    WooCommerce > Settings > Pages > Shop Base Page

    This is set to “Store” and it’s a real “page” with the slug “store”. (It’s an empty placeholder page because I need to maintain the nav menu hierarchy) However, accessing the URL shows the product archives.


    Then in Settings > Permalinks > Product permalink base, I can ONLY choose default as the permalink option. This is the only option that allows all pages to work, however, the URL’s make no sense as all products are at root level and the bread-crumbs are screwy!

    So in Permalinks, if I set the “Product permalink base” to anything but the default, like /store, the products all come up like I want…


    … but then all other Store pages, cart, account, etc. will show a 404! What the heck?! Are we crazy to think this should have been all sorted out already?

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