Hello Dallas,
Yes, all the roles are showing, The plugin works perfectly. But wht I am trying to do is :
I have 12 Authors, each of them can manage his own posts, read and edit (basic Author capabilities).
I would like the posts to be visible (read) only to its Author, not to the 11 others.
Using a role editor plugin I noticed that the new roles I was creating did appear in simplerestrict box (and stay there even after I disabled the plugin).
So I thought I would create a different role for each of my 12 authors, based on Author role. In the Simplerestrictbox, then I would have the usual roles + 12 new roles which correspond to my 12 Authors.
This way, thanks to your plugin, a post can be read by its Author (and by all editors and the admin), but NOT by the 11 other Authors,( nor by contributors, users, or not-logged-in people as I did not check them)
Hope I am making myself clear !
Hence my suggestion that you make it possible in Simplerestrict box to easily create and name new roles based on the author capacities..
Thanks for your attention Dallasread.