[Plugin: The Events Calendar] Does not look great..
I just installed the events calender and when I click on an event and comes to the page it looks stange. The calender doesen’t fit in my design, the calender seems to be 100% width och the page and I can’t find where to change it.
When I look at the source it’s not within the “content”-div that is on all my other pages.
So, how do I get it within the content-div, or can I fix it some other way?You can se how it looks by visiting the page:
https://lisashundskola.equiart.se/2010/06/hundskola/Greatful for all help!
Anxiously awaiting a solution to this as well.
In the the-events-calendar/views/ directory, you’ll want to edit the list.php and single.php files.
Towards the top of the page, find this code
<div id=”tec-content”and add this above it (basically wrapping the tec-content div in your content div).
<div id=”content”>then find the closing </div> tag towards the bottom of the page, and add another closing </div> tag.
This should apply your css style for content.
Added note: Depending on the css of your theme, you may need to wrap the content div in the main div to get all the css styling that you expect to see on other pages.
Replace this
<div id=”tec-content” class=”upcoming”>With this
<div id=”main” class=”clear”>
<div id=”content”>
<div id=”tec-content” class=”upcoming”>And be sure to close the two additional divs at the bottom
So this worked somewhat great on the single.php. It looks a lot better, how ever, there is a white part below the event that shouldn’t be there..But, when I tried to do the exact same thing on the list.php-page, the results are extremely strange…
When I paste the same thing there, the entire page goes blank when I upload it. There not even andy code I can look at when i try. So I tried doing other changes to see where it went wrong, and it seems that the page is moody. Sometimes when I write someting, it shows it nicely, and sometimes, when I write the exact same thing, it goes blank again. I have no idea what to do!!For exampel, i tried styling the content “by hand” since i couldn’t add a div with a id without it going blank on me. And when i set the border-color to #dadada it no longer works, but #000 and “silver” workes fine.
Arghh! Can someone help me with this? I’m at a complete loss!
I am having the exact same problem on a custom Thesis theme.
The layout is completely screwed up and unfortunately the fix doesn’t work.
Does anyone have any ideas?
https://janisfroelich.com/press/If you can post a link to the page where the style is breaking, I might be able to come up with a fix for you.
This problem with Thesis has been cropping up on loads of posts.
I have done some work on a solution for Thesis that works on my site
but it is not 100% checked so please use with caution.The problem seems to be how Thesis uses functions to construct the page. These don’t work with The Events Calendar and you need to pick them apart to get it to look right.
First, as mentioned before and on The Events Calendar pages, make a new directory ‘events’ in wp-content/themes/thesis_17.
Copy over the following files from within the plugin folder (the-events-calendar/views/):
* gridview.php
* list.php
* single.php
* events-list-load-widget-display.phpNow replace the entire contents of gridview.php with
<?php global $spEvents; global $thesis_design; $spEvents->loadDomainStylesScripts(); echo apply_filters('thesis_doctype', '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "https://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">') . "\n"; ?> <html xmlns="https://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" <?php language_attributes(); ?>> <?php thesis_head::build(); echo "<body" . thesis_body_classes() . ">\n"; #filter thesis_hook_before_html(); #hook if ($thesis_design->layout['framework'] == 'page'){ echo "<div id=\"container\">\n"; echo "<div id=\"page\">\n"; } elseif ($thesis_design->layout['framework'] == 'full-width'){ echo "<div id=\"header_area\" class=\"full_width\">\n"; echo "<div class=\"page\">\n"; } thesis_header_area(); if ($thesis_design->layout['framework'] == 'full-width'){ echo "</div>\n"; echo "</div>\n"; thesis_hook_before_content_area(); #hook echo "<div id=\"content_area\" class=\"full_width\">\n"; echo "<div class=\"page\">\n"; } ?> <div id="tec-content" class="grid"> <div id='tec-events-calendar-header' class="clearfix"> <h2 class="tec-cal-title"><?php _e('Calendar of Events', $spEvents->pluginDomain) ?></h2> <span class='tec-month-nav'> <span class='tec-prev-month'> <a href='<?php echo events_get_previous_month_link(); ?>'> ← <?php echo events_get_previous_month_text(); ?> </a> </span> <?php get_jump_to_date_calendar( "tec-" ); ?> <span class='tec-next-month'> <a href='<?php echo events_get_next_month_link(); ?>'> <?php echo events_get_next_month_text(); ?> → </a> </span> </span> <span class='tec-calendar-buttons'> <a class='tec-button-off' href='<?php echo events_get_listview_link(); ?>'><?php _e('Event List', $spEvents->pluginDomain)?></a> <a class='tec-button-on' href='<?php echo events_get_gridview_link(); ?>'><?php _e('Calendar', $spEvents->pluginDomain)?></a> </span> </div><!-- tec-events-calendar-header --> <a class="ical" href="<?php bloginfo('home'); ?>/?ical"><?php _e('iCal Import', $spEvents->pluginDomain) ?></a> <?php event_grid_view( ); // See the plugins/the-events-calendar/views/table.php template for customization ?> </div> <?php if ($thesis_design->layout['framework'] == 'full-width'){ echo "</div>\n"; echo "</div>\n"; thesis_hook_after_content_area(); #hook echo "<div id=\"footer_area\" class=\"full_width\">\n"; echo "<div class=\"page\">\n"; } thesis_footer_area(); echo "</div>\n"; echo "</div>\n"; thesis_ie_clear(); thesis_javascript::output_scripts(); thesis_hook_after_html(); #hook echo "</body>\n</html>";
Replace the contents of single.php with
<?php global $spEvents; global $thesis_design; $spEvents->loadDomainStylesScripts(); echo apply_filters('thesis_doctype', '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "https://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">') . "\n"; ?> <html xmlns="https://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" <?php language_attributes(); ?>> <?php thesis_head::build(); echo "<body" . thesis_body_classes() . ">\n"; #filter thesis_hook_before_html(); #hook if ($thesis_design->layout['framework'] == 'page'){ echo "<div id=\"container\">\n"; echo "<div id=\"page\">\n"; } elseif ($thesis_design->layout['framework'] == 'full-width'){ echo "<div id=\"header_area\" class=\"full_width\">\n"; echo "<div class=\"page\">\n"; } thesis_header_area(); if ($thesis_design->layout['framework'] == 'full-width'){ echo "</div>\n"; echo "</div>\n"; thesis_hook_before_content_area(); #hook echo "<div id=\"content_area\" class=\"full_width\">\n"; echo "<div class=\"page\">\n"; } ?> <div id="tec-content" class="tec-event widecolumn"> <?php the_post(); global $post; ?> <div id="post-<?php the_ID() ?>" <?php post_class() ?>> <span class="back"><a href="<?php echo events_get_events_link(); ?>"><?php _e('« Back to Events', $spEvents->pluginDomain); ?></a></span> <h2 class="entry-title"><?php the_title() ?></h2> <?php if (the_event_end_date() > time() ) { ?><small><?php _e('This event has passed.', $spEvents->pluginDomain) ?></small> <?php } ?> <div id="tec-event-meta"> <dl class="column"> <dt><?php _e('Start:', $spEvents->pluginDomain) ?></dt> <dd><?php echo the_event_start_date(); ?></dd> <?php if (the_event_start_date() !== the_event_end_date() ) { ?> <dt><?php _e('End:', $spEvents->pluginDomain) ?></dt> <dd><?php echo the_event_end_date(); ?></dd> <?php } ?> <?php if ( the_event_cost() ) : ?> <dt><?php _e('Cost:', $spEvents->pluginDomain) ?></dt> <dd><?php echo the_event_cost(); ?></dd> <?php endif; ?> </dl> <dl class="column"> <?php if(the_event_venue()) : ?> <dt><?php _e('Venue:', $spEvents->pluginDomain) ?></dt> <dd><?php echo the_event_venue(); ?></dd> <?php endif; ?> <?php if(the_event_phone()) : ?> <dt><?php _e('Phone:', $spEvents->pluginDomain) ?></dt> <dd><?php echo the_event_phone(); ?></dd> <?php endif; ?> <?php if( tec_address_exists( $post->ID ) ) : ?> <dt> <?php _e('Address:', $spEvents->pluginDomain) ?><br /> <?php if( get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_EventShowMapLink', true ) == 'true' ) : ?> <a class="gmap" href="<?php event_google_map_link() ?>" title="<?php _e('Click to view a Google Map', $spEvents->pluginDomain); ?>" target="_blank"><?php _e('Google Map', $spEvents->pluginDomain ); ?></a> <?php endif; ?> </dt> <dd> <?php tec_event_address( $post->ID ); ?> </dd> <?php endif; ?> </dl> </div> <?php if( get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_EventShowMap', true ) == 'true' ) : ?> <?php if( tec_address_exists( $post->ID ) ) event_google_map_embed(); ?> <?php endif; ?> <div class="entry"> <?php the_content() ?> <?php if (function_exists('the_event_ticket_form')) { the_event_ticket_form(); } ?> </div> <?php edit_post_link('Edit', '<span class="edit-link">', '</span>'); ?> </div><!-- post --> <?php if(eventsGetOptionValue('showComments','no') == 'yes'){ comments_template();} ?> </div><!-- tec-content --> <?php if ($thesis_design->layout['framework'] == 'full-width'){ echo "</div>\n"; echo "</div>\n"; thesis_hook_after_content_area(); #hook echo "<div id=\"footer_area\" class=\"full_width\">\n"; echo "<div class=\"page\">\n"; } thesis_footer_area(); echo "</div>\n"; echo "</div>\n"; thesis_ie_clear(); thesis_javascript::output_scripts(); thesis_hook_after_html(); #hook echo "</body>\n</html>";
and replace all of list.php with
<?php global $spEvents; global $thesis_design; $spEvents->loadDomainStylesScripts(); echo apply_filters('thesis_doctype', '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "https://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">') . "\n"; ?> <html xmlns="https://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" <?php language_attributes(); ?>> <?php thesis_head::build(); echo "<body" . thesis_body_classes() . ">\n"; #filter thesis_hook_before_html(); #hook if ($thesis_design->layout['framework'] == 'page'){ echo "<div id=\"container\">\n"; echo "<div id=\"page\">\n"; } elseif ($thesis_design->layout['framework'] == 'full-width'){ echo "<div id=\"header_area\" class=\"full_width\">\n"; echo "<div class=\"page\">\n"; } thesis_header_area(); if ($thesis_design->layout['framework'] == 'full-width'){ echo "</div>\n"; echo "</div>\n"; thesis_hook_before_content_area(); #hook echo "<div id=\"content_area\" class=\"full_width\">\n"; echo "<div class=\"page\">\n"; } ?> <div id="tec-content" class="upcoming"> <div id='tec-events-calendar-header' class="clearfix"> <h2 class="tec-cal-title"><?php _e('Calendar of Events', $spEvents->pluginDomain) ?></h2> <span class='tec-calendar-buttons'> <a class='tec-button-on' href='<?php echo events_get_listview_link(); ?>'><?php _e('Event List', $spEvents->pluginDomain)?></a> <a class='tec-button-off' href='<?php echo events_get_gridview_link(); ?>'><?php _e('Calendar', $spEvents->pluginDomain)?></a> </span> </div><!--#tec-events-calendar-header--> <a class="ical" href="<?php bloginfo('home'); ?>/?ical"><?php _e('iCal Import', $spEvents->pluginDomain) ?></a> <div id="tec-events-loop" class="tec-events post-list clearfix"> <?php while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?> <div id="post-<?php the_ID() ?>" class="tec-event post clearfix<?php echo $alt ?>"> <div style="clear:both;"></div> <?php if ( is_new_event_day() ) : ?> <h4 class="event-day"><?php echo the_event_start_date( null, false ); ?></h4> <?php endif; ?> <?php the_title('<h2 class="entry-title"><a href="' . get_permalink() . '" title="' . the_title_attribute('echo=0') . '" rel="bookmark">', '</a></h2>'); ?> <div class="entry-content tec-event-entry"> <?php the_excerpt() ?> </div> <!-- End tec-event-entry --> <div class="tec-event-list-meta"> <table cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td class="tec-event-meta-desc"><?php _e('Start:', $spEvents->pluginDomain) ?></td> <td class="tec-event-meta-value"><?php echo the_event_start_date(); ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="tec-event-meta-desc"><?php _e('End:', $spEvents->pluginDomain) ?></td> <td class="tec-event-meta-value"><?php echo the_event_end_date(); ?></td> </tr> <?php $venue = the_event_venue(); if ( !empty( $venue ) ) : ?> <tr> <td class="tec-event-meta-desc"><?php _e('Venue:', $spEvents->pluginDomain) ?></td> <td class="tec-event-meta-value"><?php echo $venue; ?></td> </tr> <?php endif; ?> <?php $phone = the_event_phone(); if ( !empty( $phone ) ) : ?> <tr> <td class="tec-event-meta-desc"><?php _e('Phone:', $spEvents->pluginDomain) ?></td> <td class="tec-event-meta-value"><?php echo $phone; ?></td> </tr> <?php endif; ?> <?php if (tec_address_exists( $post->ID ) ) : ?> <tr> <td class="tec-event-meta-desc"><?php _e('Address:', $spEvents->pluginDomain); ?><br /> <?php if( get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_EventShowMapLink', true ) == 'true' ) : ?> <a class="gmap" href="<?php event_google_map_link(); ?>" title="Click to view a Google Map" target="_blank"><?php _e('Google Map', $spEvents->pluginDomain ); ?></a> <?php endif; ?></td> <td class="tec-event-meta-value"><?php tec_event_address( $post->ID ); ?></td> </tr> <?php endif; ?> <?php $cost = the_event_cost(); if ( !empty( $cost ) ) : ?> <tr> <td class="tec-event-meta-desc"><?php _e('Cost:', $spEvents->pluginDomain) ?></td> <td class="tec-event-meta-value"><?php echo $cost; ?></td> </tr> <?php endif; ?> </table> </div> <div style="clear:both;"></div> </div> <!-- End post --> <div class="tec-events-list content_footer"></div> <?php $alt = ( empty( $alt ) ) ? ' alt' : '';?> <?php endwhile; // posts ?> </div><!-- #tec-events-loop --> <div class="tec-nav" id="tec-nav-below"> <div class="tec-nav-previous"><?php // Display Previous Page Navigation if( events_displaying_upcoming() && get_previous_posts_link( ) ) : ?> <?php previous_posts_link( '<span>« Previous Events</span>' ); ?> <?php elseif( events_displaying_upcoming() && !get_previous_posts_link( ) ) : ?> <a href='<?php echo events_get_past_link(); ?>'><span><?php _e('« Previous Events', $spEvents->pluginDomain ); ?></span></a> <?php elseif( events_displaying_past() && get_next_posts_link( ) ) : ?> <?php next_posts_link( '<span>« Previous Events</span>' ); ?> <?php endif; ?> </div> <div class="tec-nav-next"><?php // Display Next Page Navigation if( events_displaying_upcoming() && get_next_posts_link( ) ) : ?> <?php next_posts_link( '<span>Next Events »</span>' ); ?> <?php elseif( events_displaying_past() && get_previous_posts_link( ) ) : ?> <?php previous_posts_link( '<span>Next Events »</span>' ); // a little confusing but in 'past view' to see newer events you want the previous page ?> <?php elseif( events_displaying_past() && !get_previous_posts_link( ) ) : ?> <a href='<?php echo events_get_upcoming_link(); ?>'><span><?php _e('Next Events »', $spEvents->pluginDomain); ?></span></a> <?php endif; ?> </div> </div> </div> <?php if ($thesis_design->layout['framework'] == 'full-width'){ echo "</div>\n"; echo "</div>\n"; thesis_hook_after_content_area(); #hook echo "<div id=\"footer_area\" class=\"full_width\">\n"; echo "<div class=\"page\">\n"; } thesis_footer_area(); echo "</div>\n"; echo "</div>\n"; thesis_ie_clear(); thesis_javascript::output_scripts(); thesis_hook_after_html(); #hook echo "</body>\n</html>";
Hope that helps. You may want to do lots more tidying up, but this should at least get it working.
If anyone else can work out why the drop down date picker in gridview gives a 404 I’d be very grateful!
Thanks for this Dan, I have been trying – and failing – for days to get this work.
Your fix works – mostly. It certainly allows me to use my theme.
BUT switching between list view and calendar view doesn’t work.
Both try to link to “/events/month” – which goes nowhere. I can see from your site that the List View link goes to “/category/events?eventDisplay=upcoming”.
I turned off nice URLs but the list view link wants to go to “/?post_type=sp_events&eventDisplay=month.
See here: https://gibc.biz/events/
Also the CSS is off on a particular event page – the type is tiny.
Example: https://gibc.biz/event/internet-politics-policy-2010/
I’m wondering if you made any subsequent code changes and/or if you an what may be going wrong in my case.
Any help appreciated.
The problem appears to be that it’s not calling this function:
<a class='tec-button-off' href='<?php echo events_get_listview_link(); ?>'><?php _e('Event List', $spEvents->pluginDomain)?></a>
Okay, I have figured out what the problem was. I think it’s in the name of the functions.
So in the above example, you have “echo events_get_previous_month_link()” but in the original file, you have “echo sp_get_previous_month_link()”.
Basically if you take the code from the original files and feed it into the start and end code that Dan has provided, it appears to work.
My grid-view.php file now looks like below:
<?php global $spEvents; global $thesis_design; $spEvents->loadDomainStylesScripts(); echo apply_filters('thesis_doctype', '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "https://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">') . "\n"; ?> <html xmlns="https://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" <?php language_attributes(); ?>> <?php thesis_head::build(); echo "<body" . thesis_body_classes() . ">\n"; #filter thesis_hook_before_html(); #hook if ($thesis_design->layout['framework'] == 'page'){ echo "<div id=\"container\">\n"; echo "<div id=\"page\">\n"; } elseif ($thesis_design->layout['framework'] == 'full-width'){ echo "<div id=\"header_area\" class=\"full_width\">\n"; echo "<div class=\"page\">\n"; } thesis_header_area(); if ($thesis_design->layout['framework'] == 'full-width'){ echo "</div>\n"; echo "</div>\n"; thesis_hook_before_content_area(); #hook echo "<div id=\"content_area\" class=\"full_width\">\n"; echo "<div class=\"page\">\n"; } ?> <div id="tec-content" class="grid"> <div id='tec-events-calendar-header' class="clearfix"> <h2 class="tec-cal-title"><?php _e('Calendar of Events', $spEvents->pluginDomain) ?></h2> <span class='tec-month-nav'> <span class='tec-prev-month'> <a href='<?php echo sp_get_previous_month_link(); ?>'> ← <?php echo sp_get_previous_month_text(); ?> </a> </span> <?php sp_month_year_dropdowns( "tec-" ); ?> <span class='tec-next-month'> <a href='<?php echo sp_get_next_month_link(); ?>'> <?php echo sp_get_next_month_text(); ?> → </a> </span> </span> <span class='tec-calendar-buttons'> <a class='tec-button-off' href='<?php echo sp_get_listview_link(); ?>'><?php _e('Event List', $spEvents->pluginDomain)?></a> <a class='tec-button-on' href='<?php echo sp_get_gridview_link(); ?>'><?php _e('Calendar', $spEvents->pluginDomain)?></a> </span> </div><!-- tec-events-calendar-header --> <?php sp_calendar_grid(); // See the views/table.php template for customization ?> <a title="<?php esc_attr_e('iCal Import', $spEvents->pluginDomain) ?>" class="ical" href="<?php echo sp_get_ical_link(); ?>"><?php _e('iCal Import', $spEvents->pluginDomain) ?></a> </div> <?php if ($thesis_design->layout['framework'] == 'full-width'){ echo "</div>\n"; echo "</div>\n"; thesis_hook_after_content_area(); #hook echo "<div id=\"footer_area\" class=\"full_width\">\n"; echo "<div class=\"page\">\n"; } thesis_footer_area(); echo "</div>\n"; echo "</div>\n"; thesis_ie_clear(); thesis_javascript::output_scripts(); thesis_hook_after_html(); #hook echo "</body>\n</html>";
Hi all,
I’m having a somewhat of the same problem on our church site.
In FireFox it looks just fine, but in IE it’s all crammed together.url is https://firstprespaducah.org/category/Events
Any ideas?
Do I need to add another div container around something like some of the above posts?Thanks.
Hi all,
I had the same problem and fixed it this way:
1. view source on either the calendar or list view.
2. Find the words “Calendar of Events”
3. See it’s class=”tec-cal-title”
4. Found the only .css file I could find in the plugin, which was the plugins/the-events-calendar/resources/events.css (used ftp client to find and edit)
5. Messed up a couple of times, which was easy to see by refreshing, but put padding-top: 30px; on that class, which made it look good.
6. Looked at the view source for “Event List” (the text on the first button)
7. Saw they were both in the span class=’tec-calendar-buttons’
8. Added the same padding-top: 30px; to that class in the events.css and everything looked good.This is the first time I’ve ever edited anything other than toy programs using php and css. I’m an experienced programmer in other languages and I’ve read a lot about this stuff. If you have a problem with the layout in a particular plugin and that plugin has a .css file, I would recommend making the changes there.
I hope that helped somebody.
It’s taking some serious modification (I guess because of my custom hooks), but so far it’s all working, except one question:
How would you go about getting the sidebar in there?
Hi Guys i’m having trouble with the event calendar plugin and was hoping someone could help.
Here is the main problem – this looks 100% wrong:
View of specific event – not right. Over stretched. I’ve adjusted it down so it’s in the div content but still too big – i want it to be in the main area but not over the side bars.This looks better but I want the image to be centralised
View of event list – looks great but can it be centralised if so how and where are the sidebars etc?https://catsandcriminals.com/
Basic view. Can I get this to look like the event list above – white and clean etc?Any input would be gratefully received.
Huge thanks all!
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