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  • That’s an awfully odd domain name. Real links are always useful.

    Thread Starter honk


    Sorry about that, but I haven’t yet registered the domain. The website is just here on my local harddisc.

    /category is what’s the default if you have something in the post permalink box and nothing in the category permalink box.

    And it seems you can’t just put / in the category box. This is probably to stop conflicts with the post permalinks (makes sense).

    So hmm…

    So, is there any way at all to remove ‘category’ from the permalink structure…?

    It’s really messing up the look of my website ??

    I’m still stuck on this, can anyone advise if it’s even possible ??

    I’m trying to figure that out myself; I’ll let you know if I do…

    I am also very keen to remove the /category/ in permalinks, it doesn’t add anything of value but it does make the URL longer and that’s bad for SEO reasons because they give higher ranking the closer the keyword is to the domain name…

    So nobody got rid of the /category/ thing in permalinks? I am sure someone did… come on, share your secrets! ??

    There is no secret ??
    If you have something like: WP will know to look for in the categories.
    If it would be “eliminated” as you ask: WP would look for a Page with the slug “cooking” and everything would break.

    So that’s the reason why /category/ (or some other word of your choice) cannot be removed, right?

    At least this is how I understand it ??
    But, as it often happens, I might be wrong…

    Seems a shame there’s no way around this still…. it really does make the urls more complicated and less seo friendly than they need to be… plugin anyone???

    You noticed that by visiting your Options -> Permalinks page you could change the word category to anything else, yes?

    The Optional section has a field for “Category Base:”.

    Yeah I got that bit! I guess it’s just the fact that the category base is always there that niggles me.

    (It’s not a biggie by any stretch of the imagination but I would still love to find away to avoid this)

    I also would dearly love to remove “category” from my permalinks. Does anyone know where in the WP code the permalink is generated? I’d be willing to take a stab at hacking a temporary solution.

    “it really does make the urls more complicated and less seo friendly than they need to be”

    it really doesn’t effect SEO much at all to be honest… search engines stopped considering URLs with such weight quite some time ago.

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