• Hi,

    I am having a simailar problem to the one discussed in the thread: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/36445.

    My question is: has this been looked into? No matter what I try, even creating the database and user in MySQL, I cannot get WordPress to install at all.

    Thing is, WordPress was installed and working fine, but suddenly started throwing database errors. We did post the errors here, but I cannot find the post.

    Some setup info:

    OS: FC2 (kernel: 2.6.10-1.771_FC2)
    MySQL: 3.23.58
    Plesk: 7.1.5
    Wordpress: 1.5.2

    The blog is part of a commercial site and needs to be back up ASAP.

    If anyone can shed lome light on this, PLEASE do.



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  • Hi – I tried to assist the other night in #wordpress

    The user that is set up on the domain does not appear to have the permissions necessary to do anything inside the database. That is why when install is run, the site looks at the user, looks at the script the user is trying to run and then says No.

    The current user there has extremely limited permissions and so it’s not going to happen. I have a Plesk installation guide here:
    but that does not work because of the permissions.

    I would ask your host or the person who has ultimate control over the server to set the permissions right. The hardware and software you have is fine.

    Thread Starter rjwiii



    Yes, I remember you. Thank you very much for your help.

    I e-mailed Serverbeach support and they have told me that the database was created correctly and the database user has full access to the the database. I can even create tables through phpmysqladmin. So, I’m not so sure that permissions is the problem …

    I still need to fix this … FAST.


    The problem is solved. It was found that the errors were caused by a bug in the ioncube PHP optimizer, causing some strings to be seen as hashtables.

    Disable the ioncube library by removing it from /etc/php.ini, or upgrade it.

    Related threads:

    i’m having this same “table doesn’t exist” problem.

    where do i find this php.ini file ? and how specifically do i remove the ioncube PHP optimizer from the file ?


    The article Finding_Server_Info discusses a script that will tell you where php.ini exists on your system.

    This page discusses how to install ioncube so use that to figure out how to disable:

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