How do you go about creating a custom CSS class in the advanced area. Cna you breakdown how to do that?
]]>– Paragraph blocks have a background and text color setting area in the right hand sidebar. Select the block by clicking on it, and then the right hand sidebar will show the Block settings.
– There’s a block called the “More” block which inserts where the Read More break is in your content. Just put that block where you want the break to be.
– If you need more advanced color controls, for Headers or for individual words in paragraphs, the Classic Block still has those controls. You can add a Classic Block anywhere you like and mix and match between the normal blocks and the Classic Block. You don’t have to go all in with one or the other, they work side by side just fine.
]]>I must comment that I pray WordPress keeps in mind the base. The point is the blogger. Most of us aren’t Silicon Valley savvy…
Most of the people who create the software aren’t in Silicon Valley. ??
Why not have user friendly, easy to find tools for people who just want to write?
The block editor is simpler and designed with writing in mind. It’s much less technical than you will expect it to be. I think you will find it so after making a few posts with it.