• Resolved Spiffy Plugins


    I have a plugin that allows a user to modify plugin settings using the customizer. I find that using WP_Customize_Control to update the plugin setting is not working properly when the Twenty Twenty-Two theme is used. The setting can be updated within the customizer, but the customizer live preview does NOT get updated with the new setting. If I save the changes and exit the customizer, I find the setting did update even though the preview didn’t show it.

    Note this only fails with Twenty Twenty-two block theme. If I use an older theme it works properly.

    My plugin is not in the repository, so I looked for some examples with similar problems:

    1. I found that the built-in Additional CSS rules have a similar problem. So I disabled all plugins except Yoast SEO Plugin so that the customizer would be added to the menus. Then I used the Additional CSS tab to add a rule h2 { background: orange;}. This is displayed on the current page fine. Then navigate to the home page by clicking the link in the site title and the custom CSS is lost. After about 30 seconds the custom CSS starts working from this link.

    2. Another example is the Yoast SEO breadcrumbs customization. I find the setting changes do not update in the live preview, similar to my plugin.

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  • Hello there!

    Could you please report this issue to the Twenty Twenty One support forum by creating a new topic at the following link so you can receive more specific support? https://www.ads-software.com/support/theme/twentytwentyone/

    Have a lovely day!

    Thread Starter Spiffy Plugins


    The issue is with the Twenty Twenty Two block theme. I’m not sure if the problem is in the theme or core.

    Thread Starter Spiffy Plugins


    I just ran another test using the Blockbase block theme. It has the same problem, so it is likely a core issue.

    If the customizer is used to modify an option, the modified option value is not passed to the live preview when a block theme is used. This results in incorrect live preview displays.

    An example of the type of setting that will fail the live preview:

    $wp_customize->add_setting( 'my_plugin_options[this_option]', array( 
    			'type' => 'option', 
    			'capability' => 'manage_options',
    $wp_customize->add_control( new WP_Customize_Control( $wp_customize, 'my_plugin_options[this_option]', array(
    			'label'    => __('Enable this option','spiffy-calendar'),
    			'section'  => 'my_plugin_customizer_section',
    			'settings' => 'my_plugin_options[this_option]',
    			'type'     => 'checkbox',

    Hi Spiffy Plugins,

    I’ve tested with WordPress 5.8 and 5.9 (latest RC) with the Gutenberg plugin active (otherwise, I can’t access the Customizer), using the BlockBase theme.

    I’ve added the following CSS rule to the “Additional CSS” panel (.wp-block-post-title{ background-color: hotpink; }). It works as expected and it is updated in real-time in both cases. I can’t repro the issue you mention using WordPress core and a default theme.

    I’d like to share a note about the Customizer with block themes: in general, it won’t be available for these themes, with some exceptions. Check out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rMoeYcYgrrE and https://make.www.ads-software.com/core/2022/01/07/state-of-the-customizer-with-block-themes-in-wordpress-5-9/ for the full details.


    Thread Starter Spiffy Plugins


    Hi André,

    I follow your example exactly – WordPress 5.9RC3, with only Gutenberg plugin active. The hotpink is lost if I click on the text site title in the live preview. But if I click on the site logo the pink is maintained in the refresh.

    I did read about the customizer changes, but a lot of plugins use it to update custom settings and options. So I expect there will be problems when this rolls out.

    Moderator Marius L. J.



    That sounds like a partial refresh, which may retain some customization previews, but if the component you customized is reloaded, the live-preview is lost until you apply them again, this is expected behavior.

    Besides this, the Customizer still functions with the Twenty Twenty Two theme, and live previews do update before you navigate around from my localized testing.

    With WordPress 5.9 near release, and us not being able to replicate any breaking change here, I am going to mark the topic as resolved for now, this is for management-purposes, so we know what topics to look over still, but if you are able to, please consider creating a ticket about this if you feel it could be enhanced, or replicated, in other ways.

    Thread Starter Spiffy Plugins


    I would be happy to investigate this further on my system. If there is anyone who could provide me a hint at where to look for the preview refresh, that would be helpful!

    Thread Starter Spiffy Plugins


    In case anyone is interested, I fixed the problem within my plugin. The new block themes require an additional call to refresh the plugin options before invoking the shortcode.

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