bonjour @edesignfr88;
Sorry to read you’re not happy with AO!
That being said, I feel like some clarification are appropriate;
* autoptimize is not a one-click “fix your google pagespeed insights problems” plugin.
* GPSI, to be clear, does not measure performance, but is a -sometimes flawed- attempt at quantifying the adherence to performance best practices
* the overall score is useless as the interesting info is in the comparison of the detailed recommendations with and without autoptimize
So as I have no clue of what’s happening on your site really (and as it works great on a lot of other sites), there’s nothing much I can review in my plugin or in your setup.
If you’re willing to invest a bit more in your AO setup and in looking into the GPSI reco’s and into real-world-performance tests, I’ll be happy to assist ??
bien à toi & bon weekend!