• Resolved Josh Carr


    I’ve tried all of the suggestions on your FAQ page. Here’s the deal. I have 5 wordpress installs that I’m moving from one server to another. 4 of them moved fine and 1 of them just keeps giving me a 500 error. I’ve checked the timeouts and changed the php max execution time to 0 – so that wasn’t the issue. There’s no .htaccess file in the folder at all and I’ve set the permissions to 755. So on the server level, it doesn’t seem like I’m missing anything. 4 worked, 1 gives me a 500 error…

    The apache error log keeps complaining about a missing folder, like this:

    File does not exist: /***/***/lms/images, referer: https://***.***.***.***/lms/installer.php

    I thought it could be a plugin, so I filtered the plugins folder. I thought it could be an uploaded file, so I filtered the uploads too. I even filtered the images folder (after getting the error above) and it still fails on the images folder. The log file for the plugin doesn’t see very helpful (at least to me):

    STEP1 START @ 04:32:30
    NOTICE: Do not post to public sites or forums
    VERSION:	0.4.6
    PHP:		5.4.9-4ubuntu2.3
    PHP SAPI:	apache2handler
    ZIPARCHIVE:	true
    SERVER:		Apache/2.2.22 (Ubuntu)
    DOC ROOT:	/var/www/lms
    DOC ROOT 755:	true
    LOG FILE 644:	true
    BUILD NAME:	52759437c3d727469_20131103_lightmanufacturingsystems
        [action_ajax] => 1
        [action_step] => 1
        [cache_path] =>
        [cache_wp] =>
        [dbcharset] => utf8
        [dbclean] => 1
        [dbcollate] => utf8_general_ci
        [dbhost] => localhost
        [dbmake] => 1
        [dbname] => lms
        [dbnbsp] =>
        [dbuser] => lms
        [logging] => 1
        [package_name] => 52759437c3d727469_20131103_lightmanufacturingsystems_package.zip
        [ssl_admin] =>
        [ssl_login] =>
        [zip_manual] =>
    PACKAGE:	52759437c3d727469_20131103_lightmanufacturingsystems_package.zip
    SIZE:		274.59MB
    INFORMATION:	ZipArchive Object
        [status] => 0
        [statusSys] => 0
        [numFiles] => 1609
        [filename] => /var/www/lms/52759437c3d727469_20131103_lightmanufacturingsystems_package.zip
        [comment] =>
    ZIP CLOSE: true

    That’s it. Any advice you could give would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


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  • Cory Lamle


    Hey Josh,

    Did you see the one on 500 errors?
    -> Browse to: https://lifeinthegrid.com/duplicator-faq
    -> Find section: “3. Troubleshoot=> I got an “Internal Server 500″ message what should I do?”

    Hope that helps!

    Thread Starter Josh Carr


    Umm… yes. My first sentence was “I’ve tried all of your suggestions on the FAQ page.”

    Was that not clear enough?

    Thread Starter Josh Carr


    Also, it seems evident to me that you didn’t even read my request. Stopped right at the title, assumed I’m dumb, and gave me a link to your FAQ. Thanks?

    I mean, come on, dude. I’m happy to pay for support. I realize that the forums are a free place where you waste a lot of your time… but tossing out a canned response for someone who’s wasted a lot of their time following your limited suggestions to no avail – that’s pretty lame and certainly not helpful.

    Cory Lamle


    Hey Josh,

    It may be a timeout issue with Apache. Just setting the PHP timeout to zero may not always be the trick. The Apache web server can have a timeout issue as well, and it looks like the process is just stopping…

    Also on a side note:
    I don’t take support tickets for money so you can’t pay me anyways. A simple polite response on your end such as

    “I did check out that FAQ and my host doesn’t have any ideas, anything else would be appreciated”

    might have been a bit more polite, and would have encouraged me to keep working with you. How can I assume you read that exact FAQ?

    Yes you are right we get these types of response all the time and we want to make sure people read the FAQs. To be clear the FAQ states that Server 500 error are difficult to diagnose. Which means from my end there isn’t a whole lot I can do. This is very evident as even the top forum moderators say this.

    Its very interesting 99% of most people are kind regardless of a canned response and every great once in awhile a response like yours comes up with this “give me a solution attitude” and with no respect for all the free time and effort we have put into creating free software for the community. In all honesty your jumping to conclusions and your not encouraging anyone to want to help you…

    Thread Starter Josh Carr


    Understood. I’ve been troubleshooting this issue for 8 hours already this weekend. Taking my frustration out on you was not the right choice. Sorry for that.

    Maybe I was barking up the wrong tree by trying to filter out the problem. It was just weird to me that 4 other wordpress installations worked beautifully and this one didn’t. I assumed it was a permission error or a bad plugin… but I’ve eliminated those two options already.

    The total package size for this instance was 2.5 GB, but even shrinking that down to 200 MB wasn’t doing anything for me. So I’ve now changed the max execution time, the timeout in apache.conf and the keepalive settings.

    Still no dice.

    If you’re willing to help, I’ll stop being a jerk and take any other suggestions you might have.

    Thread Starter Josh Carr


    Figured it out. After messing with the timeout settings the apache error log finally gave me a useful error. It was stalling out on the database import.

    I checked the database and found out that one of the plugins was caching translation files in the database ballooning it to over 1GB. Wow. Killed that immediately, ran the duplicator again and all was well.

    Cory Lamle


    Excellent! I understand the frustration, it happens to us all… Thanks for the update and kind response!


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