In my experience, DreamHost has always had much more advanced config stuff available to hosted customers compared to a lot of other Hosts, which typically offer the standardized one size fits all hosting accounts. ?? And of course DreamHost actively does a lot more custom Server security config stuff to actively beef up security for customers and the Hosting Environment, which of course is awesome. ??
Ok so actually here is the issue. I have only had 1 person/DreamHost customer report a problem and at the time i was not able to contact other DreamHost customers using BPS so i had to post this until i could check with other DreamHost peeps to do follow-ups to ensure all was well with them. I was going to tackle that today. But it is looking like actually this is just an isolated issue so far.
The person has the “My Happy Hosting” plan.
These are the issues that were causing problems for only BPS Pro, but i had to post something to “freeze” everything until i had time to do full research.
1. This user’s WordPress installation/version is automatically updated so what happens is if BPS Pro AutoRestore/Quarantine is turned on while the upgrade occurs then all WordPress Core files are AutoRestored and sent to Quarantine by BPS Pro.
2. This user is not getting the BPS Pro upgrade notification within the WP Dashboard so i assume that this is being actively blocked – i did not have to dig further into why this was, but most likely Remote API GET HTTP connections are being actively blocked.
3. The ZipArchive Class appears to be disabled on this user’s Server.
All of things add/increase security for this particular user, but also cause the user problems so what i need to determine is if this is just done on his particular hosting account type or if these are new sitewide policies, etc. And i think that the active approach that DreamHost takes to protect their customers if very admirable so i am definitely not knocking DH in any way shape or form. ??
So give me a day or two to dig deeper into these things and contact other DH customers and most likely i can remove this “freeze” posting that was posted as a CYA post LOL ?? At this point since i have not heard from any other DreamHost customers then it should be able to remove that post today or tomorrow once i can contact them to confirm all is well.