500 Internal Server Error
Today I didn’t do a thing with my wordpress but all in sudden my blog has gone dead. I thought it was the hosting problem but the rest of my site was functioning well.
Here is my blog url:
https://www.littleoslo.com/cnt/home/And it keeps saying:
500 Internal Server Error
The server has encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.I tried to search online and this forum but I couldnt find out any answer as I didn’t change a thing in the wordpress system such as Permalinks or any setting.
When I click
https://www.littleoslo.com/cnt/home/wpThen I can see my blog content without the theme and also I can access the admin board.
So I just wonder what’d happened and would it be possible that I got hacked? However, I have never told anyone about the password. It seems stupid but I am just in panic and now I dunno what to do.
Please give me a hand if u could, thank you!
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