• Resolved mschevker



    So last night I posted on my wordpress blog (marla.schevker.com/blog) and this morning I can’t access it at all. I can’t get to my login screen, I can’t get to my blog posts, I can’t get to my pages. I have NO idea what to do.. I tried reading other blogs with the similar errors and all I seem to find is solutions that take place once you’ve reached the admin page, which I cannot do.

    Can someone help me please?

    Thank you a million times over.


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  • heathb1973


    Nope still getting
    500 – Internal server error.
    There is a problem with the resource you are looking for, and it cannot be displayed.

    Well, at least I’m not the only one and it must be godaddy because that is who I use. And, I am having the problem a month after these posts. I’ll wait and see,but it would be nice if I could get to by site and post!

    I just started having this problem yesterday. I’m also on GoDaddy windows hosting. Did any of the above mentioned sites come back? Was it a GoDaddy issue? We have a deadline and need to make some changes, I can’t do anything and I have not changed anything…


    I started getting the 500- internal server error after using the auto update for a couple plugins, or at least that’s when I noticed it. I also use godaddy. I found this info on their site https://help.godaddy.com/article/1655?isc=gdbb687. In my case it did no good to change the file name or reset permissions. Right now I randomly get the error. It seems to only pop up in the admin section of my site, but not on any specific admin page or section.

    For me the problem turned out to be an old version of PHP. My web host has version 4.4.9 installed by default. They also have 5.2.13, but you have to specify for your web apps to use it. I did this by opening up my .htaccess file and adding the following to the top:

    AddType x-mapp-php5 .php

    Save + close and reload… wp-admin works again!

    I had the same problem with one of my sites. It turns out that the theme InFocus has issues with Go Daddy that can be resolved by replacing the following file:


    With this file (zip).

    Read more here.

    I’ll wait and see,but it would be nice if I could get to by site and post


    I started getting 500 after auto update to 3.01 ..
    I ve created a new htccess but it doent change
    I can go to admin menu and change the setting of wordpress but me and others can visit site
    IO don know what I should to do

    maybe auto update isnt the reason , it might be from server to , Im upset ,

    I recgonized the reason
    I changed the theme to default and it works
    but it was ok befor updating to 3.01

    I just have this problem 2 days ago . I don’t know how to fix it . I did the above suggestions from all of you but the problem’s still there . I’m with Yahoo! Webhosting . I’ve 4 blogs with this host, but only one does’nt works . How come???

    My site just went kaaput…Getting a 500 Internal server error message.
    I had just activated a plug-in, after spending a few days changing my theme a few times. I thought the problem may have been that I did not deactivate plug-ins before changing themes, this time. However, I’ve had this blog for about 8 or 9 months I think. I know I’ve changed the themes toomany times probablu…but I’m still tweeking…Yesterday I switched to the Pink Blossom theme, then none of my widgets would display on the side bar. Most importantly, the (Recent Post) tab does not pull up recent posts? It takes you to a 404 error page. GoDaddy is my host.
    I wonder, if I reinstall WordPress, would I loose my old blogs? Maybe that is what I need to do, if I ever get back on?

    Oh, my site address https://www.bloggerneecy.net. Also for the last few weeks I’ve gotten about 10 emails advising me that my password and login had been changed and that I should log in with the new one. Well, I never did because I had not requested a new password. However, I just happened to notice on the user screen that there were about 10 administrator names on the screen. I recognized some of the names from the emails that I had received. Well, I deleted all of them, but I just wonder why this happened?

    I activated the atahualpa353 theme and since then my wp admin has been giving me a 500 internal server error.
    I wonder if it’s because of the php version by my web hosts 1and1.
    Quick replies please.

    enkaynigeria, add this to your .htaccess file AddType x-mapp-php5 .php

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