503 Service Unavailable Error
I got “503 Service Unavailable – The server is temporarily busy, try again later!” error on first try of the plugin when to reach dashboard.I couldn’t have any chance to use the plugin yet, I can not reach the settings screen. It is installed and waiting in active situtation.
No Cache or Regenerate plugins are active; nothing about the image part.
Actually, I did both. I checked the debug.log and the page itself, both had the same erros.
However I’m going to do the tests again and I will paste here. A moment…
Debug.log >>>
[28-Dec-2018 16:10:15 UTC] PHP Warning: include(/home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-content/advanced-cache.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-settings.php on line 84
[28-Dec-2018 16:10:15 UTC] PHP Warning: include(): Failed opening ‘/home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-content/advanced-cache.php’ for inclusion (include_path=’.:/opt/cpanel/ea-php56/root/usr/share/pear’) in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-settings.php on line 84
[28-Dec-2018 16:10:15 UTC] PHP Strict Standards: Declaration of tie_mega_menu_walker::start_el() should be compatible with Walker_Nav_Menu::start_el(&$output, $item, $depth = 0, $args = Array, $id = 0) in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-content/themes/ideias/functions/theme-functions.php on line 1905
[28-Dec-2018 16:10:15 UTC] PHP Notice: O método construtor chamado para WP_Widget em author_widget esta depreciado desde a vers?o 4.3.0! Utilize__construct()
no lugar. in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3959
[28-Dec-2018 16:10:15 UTC] PHP Notice: O método construtor chamado para WP_Widget em author_post_widget esta depreciado desde a vers?o 4.3.0! Utilize__construct()
no lugar. in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3959
[28-Dec-2018 16:10:15 UTC] PHP Notice: O método construtor chamado para WP_Widget em author_custom esta depreciado desde a vers?o 4.3.0! Utilize__construct()
no lugar. in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3959
[28-Dec-2018 16:10:15 UTC] PHP Notice: O método construtor chamado para WP_Widget em tie_facebook_widget esta depreciado desde a vers?o 4.3.0! Utilize__construct()
no lugar. in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3959
[28-Dec-2018 16:10:15 UTC] PHP Notice: O método construtor chamado para WP_Widget em google_widget esta depreciado desde a vers?o 4.3.0! Utilize__construct()
no lugar. in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3959
[28-Dec-2018 16:10:15 UTC] PHP Notice: O método construtor chamado para WP_Widget em youtube_widget esta depreciado desde a vers?o 4.3.0! Utilize__construct()
no lugar. in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3959
[28-Dec-2018 16:10:15 UTC] PHP Notice: O método construtor chamado para WP_Widget em widget_tabs esta depreciado desde a vers?o 4.3.0! Utilize__construct()
no lugar. in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3959
[28-Dec-2018 16:10:15 UTC] PHP Notice: O método construtor chamado para WP_Widget em tie_Latest_Tweets esta depreciado desde a vers?o 4.3.0! Utilize__construct()
no lugar. in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3959
[28-Dec-2018 16:10:15 UTC] PHP Notice: O método construtor chamado para WP_Widget em flickr_photos esta depreciado desde a vers?o 4.3.0! Utilize__construct()
no lugar. in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3959
[28-Dec-2018 16:10:15 UTC] PHP Notice: O método construtor chamado para WP_Widget em ads125_widget esta depreciado desde a vers?o 4.3.0! Utilize__construct()
no lugar. in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3959
[28-Dec-2018 16:10:15 UTC] PHP Notice: O método construtor chamado para WP_Widget em ads120_90_widget esta depreciado desde a vers?o 4.3.0! Utilize__construct()
no lugar. in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3959
[28-Dec-2018 16:10:15 UTC] PHP Notice: O método construtor chamado para WP_Widget em ads120_60_widget esta depreciado desde a vers?o 4.3.0! Utilize__construct()
no lugar. in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3959
[28-Dec-2018 16:10:15 UTC] PHP Notice: O método construtor chamado para WP_Widget em ads120_600_widget esta depreciado desde a vers?o 4.3.0! Utilize__construct()
no lugar. in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3959
[28-Dec-2018 16:10:15 UTC] PHP Notice: O método construtor chamado para WP_Widget em ads120_240_widget esta depreciado desde a vers?o 4.3.0! Utilize__construct()
no lugar. in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3959
[28-Dec-2018 16:10:15 UTC] PHP Notice: O método construtor chamado para WP_Widget em ads160_600_widget esta depreciado desde a vers?o 4.3.0! Utilize__construct()
no lugar. in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3959
[28-Dec-2018 16:10:15 UTC] PHP Notice: O método construtor chamado para WP_Widget em ads300_600_widget esta depreciado desde a vers?o 4.3.0! Utilize__construct()
no lugar. in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3959
[28-Dec-2018 16:10:15 UTC] PHP Notice: O método construtor chamado para WP_Widget em ads250_250_widget esta depreciado desde a vers?o 4.3.0! Utilize__construct()
no lugar. in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3959
[28-Dec-2018 16:10:15 UTC] PHP Notice: O método construtor chamado para WP_Widget em ads300_100_widget esta depreciado desde a vers?o 4.3.0! Utilize__construct()
no lugar. in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3959
[28-Dec-2018 16:10:15 UTC] PHP Notice: O método construtor chamado para WP_Widget em ads300_250_widget esta depreciado desde a vers?o 4.3.0! Utilize__construct()
no lugar. in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3959
[28-Dec-2018 16:10:15 UTC] PHP Notice: O método construtor chamado para WP_Widget em tie_video_widget esta depreciado desde a vers?o 4.3.0! Utilize__construct()
no lugar. in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3959
[28-Dec-2018 16:10:15 UTC] PHP Notice: O método construtor chamado para WP_Widget em posts_list esta depreciado desde a vers?o 4.3.0! Utilize__construct()
no lugar. in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3959
[28-Dec-2018 16:10:15 UTC] PHP Notice: O método construtor chamado para WP_Widget em categort_posts esta depreciado desde a vers?o 4.3.0! Utilize__construct()
no lugar. in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3959
[28-Dec-2018 16:10:15 UTC] PHP Notice: O método construtor chamado para WP_Widget em authors_posts esta depreciado desde a vers?o 4.3.0! Utilize__construct()
no lugar. in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3959
[28-Dec-2018 16:10:15 UTC] PHP Notice: O método construtor chamado para WP_Widget em news_pic esta depreciado desde a vers?o 4.3.0! Utilize__construct()
no lugar. in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3959
[28-Dec-2018 16:10:15 UTC] PHP Notice: O método construtor chamado para WP_Widget em comments_avatar esta depreciado desde a vers?o 4.3.0! Utilize__construct()
no lugar. in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3959
[28-Dec-2018 16:10:15 UTC] PHP Notice: O método construtor chamado para WP_Widget em tie_text_html esta depreciado desde a vers?o 4.3.0! Utilize__construct()
no lugar. in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3959
[28-Dec-2018 16:10:15 UTC] PHP Notice: O método construtor chamado para WP_Widget em tie_social_widget esta depreciado desde a vers?o 4.3.0! Utilize__construct()
no lugar. in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3959
[28-Dec-2018 16:10:15 UTC] PHP Notice: O método construtor chamado para WP_Widget em search esta depreciado desde a vers?o 4.3.0! Utilize__construct()
no lugar. in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3959
[28-Dec-2018 16:10:15 UTC] PHP Notice: O método construtor chamado para WP_Widget em tie_Author_Bio esta depreciado desde a vers?o 4.3.0! Utilize__construct()
no lugar. in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3959
[28-Dec-2018 16:10:15 UTC] PHP Notice: O método construtor chamado para WP_Widget em tie_counter_widget esta depreciado desde a vers?o 4.3.0! Utilize__construct()
no lugar. in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3959
[28-Dec-2018 16:10:15 UTC] PHP Notice: O método construtor chamado para WP_Widget em login_widget esta depreciado desde a vers?o 4.3.0! Utilize__construct()
no lugar. in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3959
[28-Dec-2018 16:10:15 UTC] PHP Notice: O método construtor chamado para WP_Widget em tie_feedburner_widget esta depreciado desde a vers?o 4.3.0! Utilize__construct()
no lugar. in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3959
[28-Dec-2018 16:10:15 UTC] PHP Notice: O método construtor chamado para WP_Widget em review_widget esta depreciado desde a vers?o 4.3.0! Utilize__construct()
no lugar. in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3959
[28-Dec-2018 16:10:15 UTC] PHP Notice: O método construtor chamado para WP_Widget em tie_slider esta depreciado desde a vers?o 4.3.0! Utilize__construct()
no lugar. in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3959
[28-Dec-2018 16:10:15 UTC] PHP Notice: O método construtor chamado para WP_Widget em tie_soundcloud esta depreciado desde a vers?o 4.3.0! Utilize__construct()
no lugar. in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3959
[28-Dec-2018 16:10:15 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined variable: google_ad_code in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-content/plugins/setup-adsense-for-amp/includes/adsense.php on line 34
[28-Dec-2018 16:10:15 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined variable: google_ad_code in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-content/plugins/setup-adsense-for-amp/includes/adsense.php on line 75PLugin Setting’s page >>>
Warning: include(/home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-content/advanced-cache.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-settings.php on line 84
Warning: include(): Failed opening ‘/home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-content/advanced-cache.php’ for inclusion (include_path=’.:/opt/cpanel/ea-php56/root/usr/share/pear’) in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-settings.php on line 84
Strict Standards: Declaration of tie_mega_menu_walker::start_el() should be compatible with Walker_Nav_Menu::start_el(&$output, $item, $depth = 0, $args = Array, $id = 0) in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-content/themes/ideias/functions/theme-functions.php on line 1905
Notice: O método construtor chamado para WP_Widget em author_widget esta depreciado desde a vers?o 4.3.0! Utilize
no lugar. in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3959Notice: O método construtor chamado para WP_Widget em author_post_widget esta depreciado desde a vers?o 4.3.0! Utilize
no lugar. in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3959Notice: O método construtor chamado para WP_Widget em author_custom esta depreciado desde a vers?o 4.3.0! Utilize
no lugar. in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3959Notice: O método construtor chamado para WP_Widget em tie_facebook_widget esta depreciado desde a vers?o 4.3.0! Utilize
no lugar. in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3959Notice: O método construtor chamado para WP_Widget em google_widget esta depreciado desde a vers?o 4.3.0! Utilize
no lugar. in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3959Notice: O método construtor chamado para WP_Widget em youtube_widget esta depreciado desde a vers?o 4.3.0! Utilize
no lugar. in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3959Notice: O método construtor chamado para WP_Widget em widget_tabs esta depreciado desde a vers?o 4.3.0! Utilize
no lugar. in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3959Notice: O método construtor chamado para WP_Widget em tie_Latest_Tweets esta depreciado desde a vers?o 4.3.0! Utilize
no lugar. in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3959Notice: O método construtor chamado para WP_Widget em flickr_photos esta depreciado desde a vers?o 4.3.0! Utilize
no lugar. in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3959Notice: O método construtor chamado para WP_Widget em ads125_widget esta depreciado desde a vers?o 4.3.0! Utilize
no lugar. in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3959Notice: O método construtor chamado para WP_Widget em ads120_90_widget esta depreciado desde a vers?o 4.3.0! Utilize
no lugar. in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3959Notice: O método construtor chamado para WP_Widget em ads120_60_widget esta depreciado desde a vers?o 4.3.0! Utilize
no lugar. in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3959Notice: O método construtor chamado para WP_Widget em ads120_600_widget esta depreciado desde a vers?o 4.3.0! Utilize
no lugar. in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3959Notice: O método construtor chamado para WP_Widget em ads120_240_widget esta depreciado desde a vers?o 4.3.0! Utilize
no lugar. in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3959Notice: O método construtor chamado para WP_Widget em ads160_600_widget esta depreciado desde a vers?o 4.3.0! Utilize
no lugar. in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3959Notice: O método construtor chamado para WP_Widget em ads300_600_widget esta depreciado desde a vers?o 4.3.0! Utilize
no lugar. in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3959Notice: O método construtor chamado para WP_Widget em ads250_250_widget esta depreciado desde a vers?o 4.3.0! Utilize
no lugar. in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3959Notice: O método construtor chamado para WP_Widget em ads300_100_widget esta depreciado desde a vers?o 4.3.0! Utilize
no lugar. in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3959Notice: O método construtor chamado para WP_Widget em ads300_250_widget esta depreciado desde a vers?o 4.3.0! Utilize
no lugar. in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3959Notice: O método construtor chamado para WP_Widget em tie_video_widget esta depreciado desde a vers?o 4.3.0! Utilize
no lugar. in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3959Notice: O método construtor chamado para WP_Widget em posts_list esta depreciado desde a vers?o 4.3.0! Utilize
no lugar. in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3959Notice: O método construtor chamado para WP_Widget em categort_posts esta depreciado desde a vers?o 4.3.0! Utilize
no lugar. in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3959Notice: O método construtor chamado para WP_Widget em authors_posts esta depreciado desde a vers?o 4.3.0! Utilize
no lugar. in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3959Notice: O método construtor chamado para WP_Widget em news_pic esta depreciado desde a vers?o 4.3.0! Utilize
no lugar. in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3959Notice: O método construtor chamado para WP_Widget em comments_avatar esta depreciado desde a vers?o 4.3.0! Utilize
no lugar. in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3959Notice: O método construtor chamado para WP_Widget em tie_text_html esta depreciado desde a vers?o 4.3.0! Utilize
no lugar. in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3959Notice: O método construtor chamado para WP_Widget em tie_social_widget esta depreciado desde a vers?o 4.3.0! Utilize
no lugar. in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3959Notice: O método construtor chamado para WP_Widget em search esta depreciado desde a vers?o 4.3.0! Utilize
no lugar. in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3959Notice: O método construtor chamado para WP_Widget em tie_Author_Bio esta depreciado desde a vers?o 4.3.0! Utilize
no lugar. in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3959Notice: O método construtor chamado para WP_Widget em tie_counter_widget esta depreciado desde a vers?o 4.3.0! Utilize
no lugar. in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3959Notice: O método construtor chamado para WP_Widget em login_widget esta depreciado desde a vers?o 4.3.0! Utilize
no lugar. in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3959Notice: O método construtor chamado para WP_Widget em tie_feedburner_widget esta depreciado desde a vers?o 4.3.0! Utilize
no lugar. in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3959Notice: O método construtor chamado para WP_Widget em review_widget esta depreciado desde a vers?o 4.3.0! Utilize
no lugar. in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3959Notice: O método construtor chamado para WP_Widget em tie_slider esta depreciado desde a vers?o 4.3.0! Utilize
no lugar. in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3959Notice: O método construtor chamado para WP_Widget em tie_soundcloud esta depreciado desde a vers?o 4.3.0! Utilize
no lugar. in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3959Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-settings.php:84) in /home/group/public_html/tipos/wp-admin/includes/misc.php on line 1144
This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by
yes, I see, looks identical. A lot of warnings you have there, btw… Thanks for your time
This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by
Very curious about the plugin and it’s functionality; but sadly not able to try even for once. Litespeed is working fine but the Webp Express ??
@cenkonsoy did you try the new bugfix release (0.9.1, rather than 0.9.0) ?
I’m on my way now!
You are not on Apache server, nor on LiteSpeed. WebP Express only works out of the box on Apache and LiteSpeed.
But you may get it to work. WebP Express will print you rewrite rules for Apache. You could try to configure your server to do similar routing.
Btw: your server is: nginx/1.14.0-
This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by
Cenk ?nsoy.
I see that the admin dashboard of the plugin is working, the test image is proccessed and successful resulted. But Even auto option and GD is active; can not see that the website is serving the “webp” version of the images. What to do for auto mass conversion next?
The website is serving webp now.
There are no mass conversion feature yet. The webp’s will however all be created and served the first time they are needed. So there really isn’t any need for bulk creation, except perhaps shielding the server from having to create many webps simultaneously. Creating the webps on demand has the positive effect than only the images that are actually used will be converted (you know, WordPress creates a*lot*of*thumbnails, most of them never used). Bulk convert is however on the roadmapDear @roselldk
options page is now accessible after updating plugin.
Thanks a lot for good support Marc
Got the same Problem on Settings and Permalink Page 503 Error.
[14-Feb-2019 05:42:00 UTC] PHP Warning: require_once(/var/www/wp-content/plugins/webp-express/lib/classes../../../vendor/autoload.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/webp-express/lib/classes/AlterHtmlInit.php on line 51
[14-Feb-2019 05:42:00 UTC] PHP Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required ‘/var/www/wp-content/plugins/webp-express/lib/classes../../../vendor/autoload.php’ (include_path=’.:/opt/plesk/php/7.3/share/pear’) in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/webp-express/lib/classes/AlterHtmlInit.php on line 51
[14-Feb-2019 05:42:00 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Unknown: Cannot use output buffering in output buffering display handlers in Unknown on line 0Im using:
Wordpress 5.0.3
PHP 7.2.15
Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS?
Produkt: Plesk Onyx 17.8.11 Update Nr. 40Thanks, @jensgoro, for posting the debug log. That made it easy to fix.
I have just published the fix (0.11.2). Hopefully, it works for you now.Thanks but it’s Not fixed because problem is another…..
I deactivate Plugin andngoes to permalink Setttings.. 503 Error.
I think in YouTube Installation Guides is one think what makes These Error.
In Debug Log now no new Errors.
On 503 Error is a new entry in error.log on server:
AH01067: Failed to read FastCGI header
2019-02-14 09:55:20
Error(104)Connection reset by peer: AH01075: Error dispatching request to :
Apache-FehlerIf you disabled WebP Express, it should not be making any trouble, as it cleans up after itself.
However. If the cleaning for some reason failed, there will be lingering rules in your .htaccess files, and they will cause trouble!
Check these files:
[your root]/wp-content/.htaccess
[your root]/.htaccessSearch for “# BEGIN WebP Express” and “# END WebP Express”
If there is anything between these two lines, it means cleanup failed! In that case, remove these lines.If you have moved your plugins folder or uploads folder, WebP Express will put rules in those files too.
This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by
- The topic ‘503 Service Unavailable Error’ is closed to new replies.