• Hey Everyone,

    Please bear with me. So recently I’ve had several huge traffic spikes that have literally brought my site (www.theparanoidgamer.com) to its knees, generating a 504 error. I talked to Godaddy and they said with that amount of traffic I’d need to upgrade to something a bit more concrete than a shared hosting network (I’m not convinced).

    Essentially what would happen is that my site would display 400- 500 guests on the site using WP User Online right before it generated a 504 error. I figured that deleted a bunch of plugins might help. Did that. I also went into the MyPHP and cleaned up some of the overhead from the database. That didn’t work. Finally I went ahead and thought I would see if a caching plugin would work.

    Before this I had tried a few caching plugins however they would either not be effective or screw up the theme. I went ahead and tried Hyper Cache, and the good news is it prevents the 504 issue from occurring (based on how many views SU told us we had). The bad news is that both WP User Online and SlimStat don’t provide accurate stats anymore.

    I’m wondering if anyone has found a stat tracking service that can co-exist with hyper cache?

    I find that Google Antalyics doesn’t get the job done.

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