• First, Happy New Year.

    Next, I just confirmed by accident that themes not 2.0 compatible produce a white screen. Even trying wp-login, install, and upgrade. Basically I’m locked out. I re-copied the wp-config-sample file and uploaded it again but that didn’t work either.

    Any suggestions? Should I delete the server WP directory contents and upload WP again, using the upgrade scenario?


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  • Why not use a theme that is ?
    Or post the name of the theme(s) here so that others can confirm ?

    Thread Starter billyg


    I can’t get into WP period, white screen!

    Giraffe theme

    I had this exact smae problem last night but wasn’t aware that the theme caused it. I was on the phone with my hoster Y! for a while and even they couldn’t get into my host access panel, their own software so I assumed it was all their end. I woke up, tried again, no luck, tried again a 1/2 hour ago, bam, I’m in. I switched to the Giraffe theme I used to use with 1.5 and went white screen. Now I know that is the culprit but I can’t get into WP to change themes anyway, hence my above statements. Now what? TIA.

    EDIT: of course all my serp hits are producing 404’s but one thing at a time…

    Thread Starter billyg


    Should I delete the server WP directory contents and upload WP again, using the upgrade scenario?

    BillyG: I was in the same pickle. After upgrading to 2.0, I switched from the default theme to the one I used on the production side – Regulus. I only saw a white screen no matter what I tried. Although forced to wipe my install (luckily it had only a few posts), I learned my lesson about backing up first.

    Also, the RSS import is a life-saver. Now I save the site’s RSS pages often.

    I know use a modified version of the Blix theme.


    Thread Starter billyg


    Great, but how did you get back in? Thx for stepping up!

    EDIT: I ran across the RSS export yesterday too, thx

    Visit wp-admin/themes.php and all will go back to normal.

    Thread Starter billyg


    Visit? what does that mean, reload? no, cause I just did and I still get a white screen!

    Thread Starter billyg


    emptied my server WP dir, reloaded, I’m back with data in tack, now I know, WOW! what a P-N-D-A, all for nothing lol

    just got this theme the other day, time to start modin it… after I figure out why all my serps links are 404’s

    EDIT: just found another theme that doesn’t work

    EDIT: deleted culprit theme server dir, selected Default from panel (luckily I had that open in another tab, LOVE FF), good to go, sticking with Default for now, with mods coming of course lol




    That may explain my problem. I am trying to use the Giraffe theme and change from default blue to red. The blue one works fine (using WP 2.0), but no matter what I do I cannot change color.

    For future reference, when you encounter a theme that doesn’t work in 2.0 (which does indeed then produce a white screen where you have no access to any of your admin panels, which is messed up…), you don’t need to wipe your whole WP install.

    Simply delete the directory of the theme that you applied. When you then go to access wp-admin, it will tell you that the current theme is broken and the default theme is being restored.

    I loaded the squible theme (great theme) and my site turned white – however I am still able to go back to the WP-Admin screen and switch back to a theme that works.
    I guess it is more a theme problem than a WP problem since switching back to another theme fixes the problem.
    Is there a chance that a Plugin provided by my ISP (Yahoo) conflicts with a theme plugin causing the “white screen”?



    have the same problem with a custom theme. The solution is NOT to say “take a theme that works”. I would like to read (if someone already found it) about the crucial part in 1.5er themes that cause this problem. It dont want to reinvent all my themes every time there is a version-upgrade. So *please* if someone know where this bug sits, please let me know…meantime i will go searching it myself and keep you updated ?? email is fine: [email protected]



    Hmmm…the problems seemed to be connected to includes: I used

    <?php include 'https://www.myurl.com/wordpress/wp-content/themes/text.txt';?> for loading a static part of the website into the theme-template. When i removed it, it worked again, and no matter where i tried to place it, the error returned.

    So it seems that when you are having problems with themes and wordpress 2.x, check if this theme uses includes. And replace these, if you find any.

    Hey man…
    I had the same problem with a friends site. You couldn’t login without getting a white screen. I tried turning error reporting on… and such and nothing.

    Anyways… their problem was that favatars (sp?) plugin was outdated. Although it worked previously.. for whatever reason it didn’t work with the style/theme.

    This was my 1st time trouble shooting a word press… but I checked out the site… updated the favatar via ftp (file replace) and the site acted like nothing was ever wrong!

    Thanks for this post… it really helped trouble shooting!


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