Version 2.1 is out. Sorry everyone for so many downloads. 2.1 fixes Apsey’s issues. MOV and FLV files are now covered with a proxy image.
By including a MOV you are actually going to see a quick time logo with text stating click here to view. Once the user clicks the video is actually brought up. This is a very important fix, and I am very glad someone brought it to my attention.
There is also a new flvPlayer to mimic the same thing. It makes sure the movie isnt download everytime anyone hits your site :).
Version 2.1 is located in the same place
download here: Extreme Video 2.1
There were also some problems actually viewing MOVs and FLVS in IE that have been resolved.
Sorry to be so confusing I wish i could have made it more straight forward. Also after you download version 2.1 you now need to edit line 104 not line 101 ??
The first step is to download the flvplayer.swf from my server you can get it from the link above. Once you have downloaded the SWF copy it over to your website anywhere.
Lets say your website is and you copy the player into the root of your website. You should now be able to access the flvPlayer by browseing to
You can put this file in any folder if you rather so it is something like
Once you have the URL to the SWF file that is what you need to update line 104 with for example the line should look like:
You are just telling the plug-in where it can find a local FLV player. I hope this helped. Also these steps are only if you wish to use FLV files directly with this plugin.
I apologize again for the updates, hopefully there wont be any issues with this one! Please keep me updated and I will do my best to correct any problems.
As for WMV files I will look into including them but it wont take very high priority as I dont really see them being used very much anymore, they did kinda die out.
Thanks to everyone for using this plug-in!