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  • Plugin Author Yannick Lefebvre


    Could you export your library settings and send them to me? ylefebvre at gmail dot com. I have been doing fixes that caused layout issues for some users, but this has had ripple effects to other users.

    Plugin Author Yannick Lefebvre


    I reviewed my code changes and found one error related tags before and after images. The after one was getting lost. Just published 6.4.6 to fix that.

    Thread Starter Marcin Gminski


    Hi, thank you for such a quick response. I’ll give it a go tomorrow (midnight now where I am) and let you know. Will also happily send you the config if still required.

    Kind regards

    Thread Starter Marcin Gminski


    Hi, apologies for the delay.

    I have updated to version 6.4.7 and everything looks fine now.
    Thank you for your help and support.

    Plugin Author Yannick Lefebvre


    No problem. Glad to hear that things are back to normal.

Viewing 5 replies - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)
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