• cpvusa


    I say this with constructive criticism. Changing to 6.6 left me horrified with regard to one aspect:

    Previously, when I would look at my templates or pages after going to edit a theme, I had a nice list that loaded very quickly. Now we have massive bloat where it loads all of the templates as huge thumbnails that takes forever to load, especially if you have a few dozen.

    Yes, you can change (via bulk edit – also not very intuitive to just show a list) to a table format AFTER things start pulling up.

    My suggestion is that you give us a default method to show list, thumbnail, etc. This is a case of what us old timers called “eating your own dog food” (look it up on the internet; famous book about it). Someone would have experienced this before developing it as it is. Not a very good customer experience.

    If I am missing something, then I will eat the dog food.

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